The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3389: No wind man

Chapter 3389 No Winds

Ling Qingying’s eyes glanced at the floating son.

Immediately, the gaze is diverted.

I didn’t care what it meant to be a son.

Many people are taking a breath of cold breath.

There are not many people who dare to ignore such a son.

However, in the depths of the eyes of the son of the son, the light is more intense.

The more Ling Ling’s rebellion, the more he likes it.

The floating son likes such a woman.

He feels more conducive to conquering each other.

"Beauty, I am a floating son... dare to ask beautiful women?"

There is no discouragement in the floating son, but it goes further toward Ling Qing.

Ling Qingying eyes with anger, said: "You have no long eyes? Didn't you see that I am not interested in you?"

Ling Qing screamed and screamed with his eyes open.

Pointing at the floating son, said: "Do you look at you, do you think you are romantic?"

"Do you really think that the women who are with you, are they willing to take the sedan for you?"

"Don't take yourself too seriously. In the eyes of others, maybe it's really the pride of the sky."

"But, in my eyes, you are a fart! And I still think you stink!"

Ling Qingying's eyebrows are angry.

What she hates most is the existence of a floating son.

I really thought that I was a hooligan. I don’t know that my brain is full of male thieves.

The face of the floating son is still smiling.

In the depths of the eyes, there is a hint of killing.

However, for the floating son.

His purpose is very simple, that is to get Ling Qingyi.

As for other things, he didn't care.

Laughing: "I don't think the girl is a fierce person. My love for you is more intense!"

"Girl look, this bunch of glazed agate in my hand, don't you know that the girl likes it?"

I saw a bunch of emerald green agate necklaces in the hands of the floating son.

There is a faint glow around the necklace, but it makes people feel very comfortable.

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly speechless. It seems that this floating son, in order to please the woman, is really hard work.

This glazed agate necklace is not a precious thing, but it takes a lot of effort to make it happen.

"Not interested in!"

Ling Qingyi glanced at the glazed agate necklace and shook his head directly, categorically rejecting it.

The floating son immediately said: "I don't know what gifts the girl likes, I have everything here!"

"I like your life, will you give it to me?"

Ling Qing's eyes are like a sword.

Staring at the opposite side of the son, the eyes with killing.

The floating son looked at Ling Qing’s eyes.

He has no doubt that Ling Qingyu will really kill him.

Immediately smiled: "This girl is really joking, you have no use for my life, right?"

Ling Qing’s cold and cold road: "It’s useless to take your life, but you can’t be pleasing to the eye, can you always?”

However, I haven't waited for the son to talk.

Next to Xu Feng looked up and looked at the floating son.

"Are you a fart boy?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many people almost did not laugh out.

The floating son was said by Xu Feng to be a fart son, but also powerful.

"Kid, are you looking for death?"

On the floating son, the powerful momentum broke out.

Staring at Xu Feng with his eyes.

He has patience with Ling Qing, and does not mean he has patience with men.

"Give you a face, you still have to take a shot?"

Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested.

Looking at Cang Jingnian and others, said: "Lessons teach him, don't kill it!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the son of the son was full of iron.

Cang Jingnian and Dong Wei and others have been rushing toward the floating son.

The son of the floating son is full of anger, staring at Xu Feng, said: "Boy, if you are a man, do you have a real knife and a gun?"

Who knows that Xu Feng’s mouth is rising: “Why are you bringing so many women around you, are you counting in your heart? Also say that I am a man?”

Xu Feng said in an instant that the mind of the son of the son of the son of the wind.

The reason why he brought so many women around.

This matter has always been a pain in his heart.

Why, Xu Feng actually saw it at a glance.

Many people are curious.

"Oh, this brother, you are talking about why the floating son has so many women around?"

"Don't talk to you half, it makes us all very unhappy? Come on!"

"Yes, we are really curious!"

The floating son looked at Xu Feng and his eyes were pleading.

"Don't say!"

Xu Feng slowly said: "Some people, the more convenient a certain, the more they like to show off!"

"Just like this floating son, his body has some problems. He said that to deal with so many women, even if they are dealing with a woman, they may not be able to withstand it, but they pretend to be very powerful!"

"Look at the women who helped him with the sedan chair. They all have scars on their bodies."

"This floating son will bring the woman to the side, can only see, can not be like that, naturally long-lasting, psychological metamorphosis."

As Xu Feng’s words rang, the people on the scene became pointing.

Many people whisper.

The eyes of the sons are stunned, and the eyes are full of cockroaches.

Xu Feng has no good feelings for this floating son.

Because, the women who followed him.

All of them were scars, and they also took poison.

This floating son, completely psychologically abnormal.

"you wanna die!"

The pain of the floating son was told by Xu Feng in public.

Thoroughly angry and angry, how can he stand in the Ming Xuan collar in the future.

The breath of the body broke out and rushed out toward Xu Feng.

I know, Cang Jingnian and Dong Wei, etc., at the same time.

The floating son is full of face, and his eyes are full of anger.

"Hey, boy, you are waiting for me, don't fall in my hands! Otherwise, it's your death!"

The spiritual flow of the floating son, from the encirclement of Cang Jingnian and others, got out.

Going back to the place where the sedan chair is, his eyes are killing and looking at the women in the sedan chair.

"What is the use of this group of wastes?"

The floating son pulled out the sword.

In an instant, the women made a scream.

In this way, he was killed by the floating son.

In his opinion, Xu Feng saw the clues of his body.

It is to blame these women for showing scars.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of killing.

This floating son is very strong, but his heart is hot, it is a strong enemy.

at this time!

A gust of wind whizzed past.

Sharp laughter makes many people, eardrums hurt.

"Oh... it’s really helping me, I can’t think of the mysterious secrets, open at this time!"

"This time, the old man must use the mysterious secrets to unite the soul and break through the soul!"

The sound is loud.


In the middle of the air.

I saw an old man with a pointed monkey, and his skin was wrinkled.

The breath of the body is extremely deep.

Many people are all eyes closed and horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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