The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3383: Heavenly life

Chapter 3383 Chapter of Heavenly Life

"Sun Yuan, I can't think of you being so cunning, and even transferred the main force to the forest!"

Zhou Xiaocang’s old eyes sparkled with killing.

Sun Yuan is the master of Tianxinmen.

Dare to destroy the Zhou family.

This is definitely an endless scene for Zhou Wei.

Sun Yuan’s killings emerged.

"Zhou, you are half-baked in the ground, and you are still showing up. It seems that your Zhou family is really a successor."

Sun Yuan’s face was mocked with sarcasm.

Zhou Yan is full of face.

As Sun Yuan said, their Zhou family is really a successor.

The family of Zhou Jia has become the shackles of Sun Yuan.

What a shameful thing this is.

"Hey, even the old bones of the old man can also be with you, do you think it is very shameful?"

Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Qian and others behind him and said: "Zhou Jiaer Lang, you have heard no."

"We are the three big families of Ming Xuan, but they are being shackled like this. You must take this as a warning."

"Today, Zhou Jiaer Lang, let me fight!"

Zhou Xiaocang’s old voice is full of sound.

Zhou Qian was full of anger.

As the captain of the Zhoujia Guard.

Zhou Jia was said to be no one.

This is a shame for him.


A violent drink.

The people of the Zhoujia Guards also followed suit.





The loud noise sounded, Zhou Wei took the lead and rushed out, saying: "Kill!"

There are no extra words, and Zhou Hao’s eyes are filled with killings.

Going to the opposite side of the Tianxinmen, killing away.

Sun Yuan is also a violent drink.


The crazy Tianxinmen were also killed by the Zhoujia Guard.

The scene was completely caught in a melee.

Other forces have also been involved in the battle.

The ground is full of mourning, and the bodies are constantly piled up.

Zhou Qian and Sun Yuan fought.

"My ancestors, Sun Yuan said that I have no one in Zhou family. I will fight him today and let him see if Zhou Jia is a successor?"

Zhou Qian was so cold-faced that he attacked Sun Yuan madly, biting his teeth, and his heart was filled with anger.


Xu Feng took the kitten and walked toward the valley.


Just a few steps as they walked into the valley.

Two figures, suddenly came out.

Stop the road of Xu Feng and the kitten.

Both of them are the second round of life.

"Where is the unknown boy who is here, is this the place where you can come? Hurry and roll away!"

A man shouted at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the valley with his eyes, and looked like a sneak eye.

Curiously said: "Hey... two big brothers, there is nothing in the valley, what are you doing here, don't let me in?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

A man's eyes condensed and said: "You kid so much nonsense, looking for death?"

The man suddenly attacked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's eyes are filled with light.

The Taikoo Dragon Soul instantly filled out.

A horrible pressure broke out.

The pressure of the two-legged Taikoo Dragon Soul pervades.

The strong momentum is terrible.

Seventy-one holy lines of the soul.

"Fairy Butterfly Fantasy!"

The moment of the second-order supernatural soul is displayed.

Behind Xu Feng, it seems to be a huge butterfly, which is filled out.

In an instant, the opposite man, both eyes are a condensation.

A stream of blood spouted out.

Both eyes are full of horror.

"Soul Master!"

The man knows very well that there are few soul masters in the spirit of the mainland.

Almost all soul masters are members of the Soulist Guild.

Moreover, the soul teacher's attack is very different.

Attack the soul directly.

The ordinary warrior is simply unable to resist.

The butterfly was filled and swooped toward the opposite man.


The man spurted out another blood and his face became pale.

The moment fell to the ground and the soul was shattered.

At such a close distance, he had no time to react.

Another man saw it and wanted to escape to the valley.

However, the power of the Holy Spirit on Xu Feng broke out.

"The bliss bead!"

The power of the fourth-order Horcrux broke out.

The blood-red Buddha light is filled with violent pressure.

In an instant, the bliss beads went out.


The man made a scream, and the blissful beads flew out of his head. He fell to the ground and his eyes were round.

Xu Feng quickly recovered the bliss beads, his face became a little pale, it is the use of the fourth-order Horcrux, the consumption of the power of the Holy Spirit is too large.

Even Xu Feng can't support it.

"who are you?"

The man who fell to the ground and died, his face was full of panic.

Xu Feng turned out to be a second-order soul master, but also condensed seventy-one holy soul lines.

"Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng took a palm and ended the life of the man on the ground.

Extract the bloodthirsty species from the body of the two.

Both of them are eighth-order bloodthirsty demons.

After refining, you can also consolidate it a little.

Xu Feng took the kitten and walked toward the valley.

Another few figures greeted me.

Xu Feng did not do it, but used the Taikoo Dragon Soul to meet the enemy.

Xu Feng feels that his soul teacher is too slow to improve.

I am afraid that to a large extent, it is used too little.

Otherwise, his idea of ​​practicing the stars will be of great help to the promotion of the holy soul.

The second-order supernatural soul teacher, together with Xu Feng's blissful bead, and the Seventh House dark arrow, can easily kill the duality of the killing circle and the triple weapon.

"A good illusion, I didn't expect Tianxinmen to have a warrior who knows how to do it. It is amazing!"

"Unfortunately, there are too many flaws in this magical array!"

Xu Feng shook his head.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

I saw him carrying a kitten, and it was easy to go to the illusion.

Enter the magic array.

Xu Feng saw the blood pool in the center and the **** lotus flower in full bloom.

There was a strong smile on his face.

"Sure enough, it is a blood lotus seed. It seems that Sun Yuan is preparing to wait for the blood lotus, thoroughly condensing the blood lotus seeds, and then choose to swallow!"

Xu Feng looked at the blood lotus seeds that were about to mature. The corners of his mouth rose and said: "Sun Yuan, you are destined to make a wedding dress for me."

Xu Feng did not hesitate, the whole person went to the blood pool.

"Kit, you give me protection, I want to practice!"

Immediately, the pure spiritual power flows.

The Huai Ding will blood lotus, even with blood lotus seeds, are swallowed into it.

Chenghua Ding can purify the blood of blood and transform into pure spiritual power.

Xu Feng runs "melting the fire" and begins to use the body's heaven and earth to make the spiritual flow in the meridians.

The blood lotus gradually began to melt, and the pure spiritual power seemed to be a wave of air flowing through the body.

The violent momentum filled out, and the blood lotus melted a little bit and turned into spiritual power.

The repair of Xu Feng’s body began to ascend, as if it was the lake that broke the levee, and the madness soared.

"Heavenly life is six mid-term!"

"Heavenly life is six heavy late!"

"Heavenly life is six peaks!"


Xu Feng’s cultivation is constantly improving.

The spiritual veins in the body began to increase from two hundred and seven.

(End of this chapter)

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