The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3373: Tianxinmen

Chapter 3373 Tianxinmen

Zhou Yusheng and others have joy on their faces.

They waited quietly for the result.

As long as the guards are dispatched, Xu Feng and others can't escape.

However, what Zhou Yusheng did not expect was.

"Take Zhou Yusheng!"

A violent bang sounded from the outside.

Zhou Qian took the **** and rushed into the hall.

The people in the main hall are surrounded by the group.

Zhou Yusheng was angry and pointed to Zhou Qian. He said: "Do you want Zhou Qian to violate the Zhou family rules?"

"I am the master of Zhou. Your escort's duty is to protect Zhou Jia. Do you dare to do it to me?"

Zhou Yusheng's roar sounded, his face was angry, pointing to Zhou Qian, his cheeks became awkward.

Then, a figure walked to the hall, Zhou Yusheng's face changed instantly, his face became pale.

Behind Zhou Wei, there are two guards, all of whom are Zhou Yusheng's cronies.

His eyes are incredible and angry, his face is full of grievances, and he knows that his things are exposed.

"Old ancestors, you have to be the master of me, Zhou Qian wants to rebel, I am the master of Zhou!"

Zhou Yusheng took the lead to scream at Zhou Wei.

He wants the wicked to complain first.

However, Zhou Xiao smiled and said: "Zhou Jiazhu, you mean, are you the Zhou family, the whole week, should you be in control?"

"Whoever wants to obey your orders, or who dares to violate your ideas, do you want to kill innocent people?"

Zhou Yu’s voice sounded, and Zhou Yusheng’s heart was shocked. He said: “My ancestors, I don’t understand what you mean? Now Zhou Qian, they want to frame me. It must be that he unites to harm me and wants to take my Homeowner location."

Zhou Yusheng continued to argue.

Zhou Wei smiled and said: "If Zhou Qian wants the position of the family this week, dare to ask this week, who can stop it?"

The entire hall of the council has become silent.

Zhou Qian’s strength is obvious to all.

Control the strongest force of Zhou.

If he wants the position of the owner, as Zhou Wei said.

Who can stop?

Zhou Yusheng looks a panic.

Hurrying to Zhou Guihong, said: "The ancestors, definitely Zhou Guihong, combined Zhou Qian wants to harm me!"

"Zhou Guihong has a long time at Zhoujia's home. It's good, it must be that he harms me!"

Zhou Yusheng’s words rang.

Zhou Hao couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Zhou Yusheng, why is the fact in front of you, can you still be so eloquent?"

"I really didn't think that my own hand-picked family owner wanted to murder me!"

The depths of Zhou’s old eyes are filled with sorrow.

Zhou Yusheng was unwilling to face. ,

He doesn't want to be defeated like this.

"Old ancestor, beg you, forgive me once, I will continue to be the master of the Zhou family, I will certainly be more fair and rigorous in the future..."

Zhou Yusheng immediately went down to Zhou.

Zhou Wei smiled and said: "What do you mean, you did not have justice before, right?"

Zhou Yusheng discovered that he had put himself in, and his face became cloudy.

"Old ancestors, for so many years, I have done my best for Zhou Jiaxuan, beg you, just spare me once... I am fascinated!"

Zhou Yusheng said one after another, the depths of both eyes are all blame, and the heart of Xu Feng and others are all hate to the extreme.

In his view, if Xu Feng and others followed the Zhou family, there would be no such thing.

Zhou Wei said: "Zhou Yusheng, you have not done much in the Zhou family these years!"

"Now I am giving you a chance. Is this really poisoning me?"

Zhou Wei’s voice sounded, and Zhou Yusheng’s eyes were deep in his eyes, and he immediately said: “My ancestors, I am really a ghost, I beg you to spare me!”

“That is, no other people are involved?”

Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Yusheng and asked.

Zhou Yusheng said: "The ancestors are my own idea, no one else is involved."

Zhou Yusheng's tone is affirmative.

However, Xu Feng came forward.

"In this case, this is the true word of my refining. If you take this Dan, you will spit the truth, can you dare to take it?"

Xu Feng asked Zhou Yusheng.

Where is Zhou Yusheng's blood poison?

Xu Feng is very knowledgeable about bloodthirsty teaching.

The whole Wanwan continent, blood poisoning only bloodthirsty people can be made.

Once taking blood poison, it will be controlled by the bloodthirsty person and become the other person's jealousy.

"Mantra Dan?"

Even if Zhou Wei is a glimpse, he has never heard of any true words, let alone after taking it, it will spit out the truth.

Zhou Yusheng heard the words and couldn't help but smile: "Xu Feng, don't you think that you are in our week, and it is not appropriate to intervene in our Zhou family?"

"Old ancestors, I think, our Zhou family, even if there are any grudges, they should let these outsiders leave and solve!"

Zhou Wei was angry and said: "A good outsider? If it is not this outsider, the old man is afraid of when he was killed, don't you know?"

"It seems that you really have no fear, I thought I really don't want to kill you, or are you reluctant to kill you?"

Zhou Wei is very clear that Zhou Yusheng is a sixth-order inferior.

For the Zhou family, it is really precious.

Therefore, Zhou Yusheng knew that he had poisoned Zhou Wei, and he could not be forgiven.

It can also be so arrogant.

"Old ancestors, I don't dare!"

Zhou Yusheng’s heart is hateful.

"Small beast, you are waiting for me, as long as I am not dead, I will definitely want you to die without a place to die."

Zhou Yusheng said: "My ancestors, I just took other people's remedies for no reason, I am a little scared."

"If he wants to kill, I don't have any chance to resist."

I haven't waited for Zhou Wei to talk. Xu Feng said sarcastically: "Relax, old waste like you, I really don't have much interest in killing!"


Zhou Yusheng was full of face.

Xu Feng was so angry in the old waste.

Whoever is inside is not comfortable.

However, this Xu Feng is still an alchemy genius.

"This is the truth, take it, take it, you are!"

Xu Feng will be the true Dan, thrown to the opposite Zhou Yusheng.

Zhou Yusheng looked at the truth, and the old face was angry.

He was a six-stage inferior alchemy teacher, and he had never heard anything about it.

Biting his teeth, Zhou Yusheng swallowed the medicinal herbs.

Immediately, Zhou Yusheng suddenly found out that there were countless pictures in his mind.

"what happened?"

Zhou Yusheng could not control at all.

"Zhou Yusheng, this time you poisoned and murdered the old man, did you have complicity?"

Zhou Yusheng’s mind is a shock.

Finally, he said: "The ancestors, the poison of the Sun Xinmen, the master of the heavens."

"And, he told me that as long as I control Zhou, Tianxinmen will form an alliance with Zhou."

"At that time, I have control of the escort, I will not be controlled by anyone, I can completely control the Zhou family."

(End of this chapter)

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