The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3056: Re-experience

Chapter 3056 Re-enactment

"Fifty-striped road!"

Xu Feng felt the momentum above the two-legged Tai Long Dragon Soul and the increase of the fifty-striped road. His face was full of smiles.

His heart is also grateful.

These predecessors of the flame battlefield are worthy of respect.

"I try to practice the second-order supernatural soul technique, the fairy butterfly fantasy!" Xu Feng felt that it was not bad.

He simply sat cross-legged and began to practice "Fairy Butterfly Fantasy."

His current soul skills, that is, "five-line heart-shaping" can work, but they are only the first layer of "golden killing".

However, the true power of the Holy Spirit can be the second-order soul skill.

Unfortunately, the soul skills are precious, even if it is Xu Feng, and did not get other soul skills.

The "Fairy Butterfly Fantasy" obtained this time greatly helped Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s Taikoo Dragon Soul gradually emerged.

A horrible illusion, an imposing horror.

Immediately afterwards, the illusion of his head seemed to become a fairy butterfly.

The moment when his palm floats.

The fairy butterfly slowly flies out and turns into a burst of fantasy, which makes people's minds be confused.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of joy, and the heart said: “This holy spiritual skill is illusion, but it is very good!”

If you are fighting against someone, the other party is in a illusion, isn’t it just killing yourself?

Xu Feng originally wanted to continue to cultivate the third-order soul-selling "Lock Soul True Sound Wave", but it still stopped.

His current Taikoo Dragon Soul can't play the power of the third-order soul-selling skills, and he will slowly cultivate later.

Now that he has successfully cultivated the "Fairy Butterfly Fantasy", he began to master this soul skill and prepare for it.


Taking a deep breath, stood up, Xu Feng turned to look at the place where the old man disappeared, or bowed.

Meditate in the heart: "The predecessors can rest assured that if I can fight against the Mozu in the future, I will not be obliged!"

Turned around and Xu Feng walked outside the passage.


After Xu Feng walked out of the passage, he went to the square in front of the left hand side.

His speed is not slow.

As he came to the square, he saw a familiar face.

Tang Jie is still there.

However, Tang Jie at the moment is a bit miserable.

The clothes on the body were broken, and the whole body was covered with scars. The blood ran out of the mouth and was being abused by a young man.

"Hey, I will ask you again, where is Xu Feng, someone told me that several of you have left with him!"

Yes, this person was in the Longyuan Valley, chasing Xu Feng's phlegm.

He is the flame list of eighty-eight, but also realizes the hurricane.

Tang Jie certainly cannot be his opponent.

Tang Jie bit his teeth in a deadly manner. He looked at the phlegm with a smirk and said: "Husband, you are here to abuse me. When you see Xu Feng, it is your death!"

"I don't tell you the whereabouts of Xu Feng, not afraid of killing him, but I am saving you, you don't know how to be grateful!"

Tang Jie’s words made everyone stunned.

One by one is stunned.

They did not understand that in the end, Tang Jie’s confidence came from him, and Xu Feng was able to kill him.

You must know that the sputum is the existence of the Eighty-eighth Flame List, and it is also the understanding of the hurricane.

The strength of the sputum is undoubted, how could it be defeated by a young man, this is really a fantasy.

"Tang Jie is not taking the wrong medicine. He has nothing to do with Xu Feng. Why should he maintain Xu Feng?"

"If I were to him, I would honestly tell the sputum, Xu Feng's whereabouts, so as not to suffer the pain and suffering of the flesh and blood."

"I never thought that Tang Jie was also a tough guy. Looking at his performance at the moment, it made me a little awe-inspiring!"

Some people have Tang Jie who don't know the current affairs, and some people think that Tang Jie is a tough guy, dare to sneak up and ridicule.

Of course, no one is willing to help Tang Jie.

No one wants to take the initiative to offend the members of the Flames list.

"Tang Jie, you really don't see the coffin without tears, do you really think I can't kill you?"

The strong spiritual flow in the phlegm has brought about a hurricane-like wave, and his body seems to be a whirlpool.

However, among the shackles of the sputum, there is a heart-wrenching killing.

"Tang Jie, I will give you a chance. If you say it or not, where is Xu Feng?"

Since the escape of Xu Feng, he has really been sleepy and uneasy. It is really Xu Feng’s talent is too horrible.

He knows better than anyone else. If Xu Feng grows up, he can't help but suppress him. Even if it is Zhuang Fengyu, he may not be able to hold down Xu Feng.

Therefore, he wants to kill Xu Feng as soon as possible.

"Husband, you just provoke Xu Feng, afraid that he will grow up, you will die like me sooner or later, you kill me!"

Tang Jie’s voice was firm, and he completely ignored the threat of resolving, but he was calm and self-sufficient.

"you wanna die!"

The eyes of the phlegm are all embarrassing, and immediately after that, his palm, toward Tang Jie’s head, smashed out.

Many people can't help but close their eyes and know that Tang Jie will die.

"Resolve, don't you just want to find me? Why bother to anger others?"

A calm voice sounded.

A young man, he is still wearing a coarse linen, and his body looks calm.

As if to him, the degeneration of the eighty-eighth flame list on the opposite side does not seem to be worthy of fear.

"Is Xu Feng? It looks so young, it's not easy!" Someone looked at Xu Feng, and his face was admired.

Seeing that Xu Feng is so young, they can't imagine how Xu Feng did it.

It’s incredible that Zhuang Fengyu, who can hurt the flame list, is incredible.

"It's no wonder that Zhuang Fengyu has to spend so much to chase him. This talent is really amazing."

"The future is boundless, and the achievements in the future are really limitless!"

Many people are curious about Xu Feng.

Nowadays, the young man who makes Zhuang Fengyu jealous is so young.

Each one is shocking.


The palm of the sputum suddenly closed up. His eyes swept across the opposite Xu Feng, and the corner of his mouth rose. He said, "Hey, I thought you were going to hide as a tortoise. I didn't expect you to dare to come out!"

The words of phlegm and blood are all arrogant, saying: "Before you fled like a dog of a family, are you coming out to find death?"

The words of phlegm are self-confidence, as if in his eyes, Xu Feng is already a dead person.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes are disdainful.

"It’s ridiculous, garbage like you, I use to hide from you, you are too high to see you?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and many people were shocked.

The existence of the Eighty-eighth Flame List is actually a waste in Xu Feng’s words.

In the end, where Xu Feng came from, the courage to say so.

(End of this chapter)

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