The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3052: I don’t know the treasure

Chapter 3052 has an eye for ignorance

Jin Mudao people and others, when they rushed out.

Xu Feng just entered the channel.

"Golden Wood Road, what are you running?"

Xu Feng looked at the Jinmudao, his eyes slightly concealed, and he suddenly understood, especially behind the Jinmudao people, there are still a few breaths to catch up.

Obviously, the people of the Golden Wood Road are very likely to cause the anger of the treasures that they have acquired.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xu Feng Xiaoyou, you can help me with them for a while, I will come to help you later!"

Jin Mudao thought that Xu Feng was a fool.

He did not know that Xu Feng was willing to help him resist the war, but he did not listen to his words. He felt that he would be very kind and give the treasures he had obtained.

Instead, he wants to conquer the battle.

"Oh, Jinmudao, why are you leaving so soon? Do you forget that you promised me, will you assign me treasures?"

Said, Xu Feng's golden light flowing, entangled with the Jinmudao people.

He reached out and his hands were golden floating.

Grab the Jinmudao's arm.

Jin Mudao people have a pair of eyes.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Jin Mudao did not expect that Xu Feng dared to entangle himself.

Immediately, he lifted his palm and slammed it toward Xu Feng’s chest. He wanted to fly Xu Feng.

I know that the power above Xu Feng’s fist is so powerful that he is holding his arm in an instant.

"Oh, don't hurry to go!"

When Xu Feng entangled the Jin Mudao people, Tang Jie and others have come here to surround the Jin Mudao people.

"Hey, Jinmudao, everyone is the person who came to look for treasures. What do you mean by the nine engulfs?"

Tang Jie stared at the Jinmu Taoist, the awkward way.

Jin Mudao people heard that his eyes were full of killing, said: "Tang Jie, you want me to give you Jiuyun Ling liquid can also, as long as you kill this kid, I will give you Jiuyunling liquid!"

"But also, if we kill this kid, Zhuang Fengyu will give us 10,000 Chinese spirits and Zhuang Fengyu's human feelings."

The original face of the Kim Tao people was finally exposed.

Xu Feng stood there, his face was extremely calm.

"Tang Jie, you don't forget, the Jinmudao people did not intend to give you Jiuyun Ling liquid before, if I am not here to delay him, you are afraid that even the **** of Jiuyun Ling liquid can not be seen. ”

Xu Feng stared at Tang Jie, although Tang Jie had repeatedly challenged him five times.

Yes, he is still preparing to give Tang Jie a chance.

Who knows Tang Jie’s cold road: "Kids, we will kill you first, and when the Jinmudao people can’t run!"

"Yes, I have long seen this kid not pleasing to the eye!"

Lai Ming also said immediately.

Jin Mudao's old and old eyes are cold, meaning to ridicule Xu Feng.

"Kid, this is what you are delaying me!"

However, Xu Feng does not have any fear.

He stood there like this.

Lianchang Dong and Yi Lanchu both frowned, Yi Lanchu said: "Tang Jie, Jin Mudao people obviously want to swallow Jiuyun Ling liquid, we are now boring to kill Xu Feng, why not kill Jinmu first Taoist!"

Jin Mudao people are full of resentment in their eyes. He stares at Yi Lanchu, and they are crazy killings.

"Yes, this golden trojan is a gangster, and he is forgotten, we must not go to him!"

Lianchangdong quickly said.

Tang Jie’s mouth raised and said: “Jin Mudao, now give me Jiuyun Lingye, I will cooperate with you!”

"At the time, the three of us, not only kill this kid, but also kill both of them!"

Tang Jie’s voice is a chilly killing. In his opinion, if one person is more, he will get less than a little nine spirits.

In this way, Tang Jie can not kill the remaining three, when he gets more Jiu Ling Ling liquid.

"Haha... Since you think so, of course, no problem!" Jin Mudao people are disdainful in the depths of their eyes.

As long as he killed Yi Lanchu and others, he was completely sure to kill Tang Jie and Lai Ming.

"This is Jiuyun Lingye, I will give you one-third, how!"

Jin Mudao people are very refreshing at the moment, he threw one-third of Jiuyun Ling liquid to Tang Jie.

Tang Jie felt the pure spiritual power contained in Jiuyun Ling Liquid, and his face was full of smiles.

"In this case, I am not welcome, I am going to kill this kid!" Tang Jie said coldly.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Tang Jie and said: "You really are looking for a dead end. I will give you a chance to live. Why don't you cherish it?"

Xu Feng did not expect that Tang Jie would not only cherish the opportunity, but also wanted to kill him in the opposite direction.

"I have long wanted to kill you, I really don't understand, you are just a sham-necked sacred peak. How can your life be worth 10,000 yuan?"

Tang Jie did not understand why Zhuang Fengyu had 10,000 Chinese spirits, just to kill Xu Feng?


Xu Feng felt that Tang Jie had attacked and punched out with a fist.

"court death!"

Tang Jie did not expect that Xu Feng dared to fight with himself. It was a model of self-discovery and not self-reliant.


As the two men collided with each other, Tang Jie’s entire arm trembled and his blood was rolling.

His face was full of horror, said: "How is it possible, you are nothing but a virtual world!"

"What is impossible? It is really too wasteful for you!" Xu Feng's spiritual flow.

As the gravity is filled with morality, Tang Jie’s body has become heavy.

"Gravity is righteous?"

Tang Jie’s eyes are splitting, and his heart is jealous and angry.


Successive attacks, and Tang Jie collided.

"Lim Ming, Jin Mudao, are you standing watching a movie?"

Tang Jie did not expect that Lai Ming and Jin Mudao still did not do it.

"Ha ha ha, we thought you alone, can kill this kid!" Jin Mudao people laughed.

Immediately, the addition of Lai Ming and Jin Mudao made Xu Feng passive.

Yi Lanchu and Lianchangdong face slightly changed.

They look at each other and don't know what to do?

"Hands, Jin Mudao people who kill Xu Feng, will come to kill us!" Yi Lan began to bite his teeth.

"it is good!"

Lianchang Dong and Yi Lanchu attacked the Jinmudao at the same time.


Jinmudao people whispered, said: "Tang Jie, Lai Ming, I am responsible for holding them both, you two quickly killed Xu Feng!"

The momentum of Tang Jie and Lai Ming became stronger.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “Just let both of you come and experience the power of experiencing my battle type!”

Said, Xu Feng's side, suddenly emerged four embarrassing.

It is the previous four shackles.


A few people like Jin Mudao are stunned.

“Can these 傀儡 be accepted?”

Their hearts are wrong.

However, the four war-type battles, toward Tang Jie and Lai Ming, shocked out.

The four battles controlled by Xu Feng are more powerful than before.

(End of this chapter)

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