The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3021: Leaving Stone City (eight more)

Chapter 3021 leaves the stone city (eight more)

Xu Feng came out of the room.

He came to the courtyard of Orange Heart Court and found that Wu Xin and others were discussing each other and seemed very excited.

He went up and asked: "Wu elder, what do you discuss, it seems very unusual."

"Master Xu, you are finally closed!"

Wu Xin and others looked at Xu Feng.

"Master Xu, you don't know, these days, there is a very strange thing in the city of Stone Rock. Every night there is a horrible sigh of wind blowing, and someone will disappear inexplicably."

Wu Xin said.

Xu Feng heard that his face was strange.

“Is there such a strange thing?”

Xu Feng asked some people who did not believe.

Wu Xin nodded cautiously and said: "Master Xu, I saw the yin wind last night, and I am still very scared inside."

"The wind blew, and I felt that the blood of the whole person seemed to be completely solidified."

Looking at Wu Xin's face, Xu Feng's eyes are deep, with some doubts.

Yan Yuting stood not far away.

She stepped forward and said: "This kind of yin wind, I guess there may be someone practicing evil."

Xu Feng heard the words, the brows were screwed up, and the heart said: "Is it someone who cultivates magic?"

Xu Feng was the dragon arrogant who had seen the magical powers with his own eyes. It was really a terrible existence.

Plus, the legend of the flame battlefield.

It is said that the flame battlefield is an ancient battlefield left by the Terran masters and the battle of the Mozu.

In this case, there may be someone in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield. It is not impossible to obtain the inheritance of the Mozu.

Xu Feng secretly guessed inside.

He did not say it.

After all, there is no such thing as the flames in the battlefield.

Even if he says it, everyone may not believe it!

Xu Feng looked at Wu Xin and others. He said: "Wu elders, I used to let you get together. If you get together, I will meet you next time. I can give you the spirits. I will refine you." Medicine to help you break through the sevenfold situation."

Wu Xin heard that his eyes are all condensed.

Why did Xu Feng suddenly say this?

"Master Xu, are you leaving?"

Wu Xin can hear that Xu Feng is the account of this.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "I don't have much meaning to stay in Orange Heart Court. What's more, Qiu Cheng is looking outside and wants to put me to death. I have to leave the Orange Heart Court to become stronger. ”

Xu Feng's tone is very calm.

Wu Xin said: "Master Xu, but if you leave now, it is really dangerous."

"Yu Cheng must arrange for people to monitor the movement of Orange Heart Court. When he finds out that you are leaving, it will inevitably chase you."

Wu Xin is somewhat worried.

After a short period of time, he felt that Xu Feng’s people were very good.

"The inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, the area is so vast and innocent, even if he really wants to chase me, then I have to find my whereabouts." Xu Feng tone, are confident.

"On the contrary, staying at Orange Heart Court, I will only become more dangerous."

Xu Feng is very clear, staying in the Orange Heart Court, his strength can not be improved, can only be killed by Qiu Cheng.

Wan Ping’s eyes are also a bit sad, and he is now the third-order elite alchemy teacher.

He wished Xu Feng to stay in the Orange Heart Court. In time, he became a fourth-order alchemy teacher. It is possible.

Xu Feng looked at Wu Xin and said: "Tonight, I will leave the Orange Heart Court. We will all have a period."

Not far from the smoke Yu Ting came up.

"You want to leave?"

The sound of Yan Yuting sounded, many people are a glimpse.

Yan Yuting stayed, it really is for Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Well, stay here, hide behind you, others think I am eating soft rice."

Xu Feng’s words are ridiculous.

Yan Yuting said: "Do you want me to help you solve Qiu Cheng?"

"No need to!"

Xu Feng simply said two words.

However, Qiu Cheng still does not know, he lived for a long time because of Xu Feng's words.

Yan Yuting turned and left, she went back to her room without leaving the Orange Heart Pavilion.

At midnight.

Xu Feng came out of the room and used the bundle of dragons to lock the sky. He wanted to leave quietly from the Orange Heart Pavilion. It was not too difficult.

When he first walked to the courtyard of the Orange Heart Court, a fragrance floated and a shadow appeared in his not far.

It is Yan Yuting!

Xu Feng looked at Yan Yuting somewhat strangely.

Yan Yuting said: "I found silver silk grass where there are many intermediate flames."

"Since you help me solve the body's toxins and pain, but also make you hurt, I am also rewarding you, I will take you to that place."

"Don't worry, even if there is any treasure in that place, I won't compete with you."

Yan Yuting's voice is very calm, even her heart is very contradictory.

In her life, she has never been to a man.

Xu Feng heard the words and said: "I don't worry about you stealing treasures, but I am very clear. You tell me the position of the silver grass, I will treat you, you don't owe me anything, and you don't need to repay."

I heard Xu Feng once again stressed that the two do not owe each other.

Yan Yuting’s face is full of anger, saying: “You are a big man, what do you want to do with your mother-in-law, hurry!”

Yan Yuting yelled at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng reluctantly sighed, and he still went outside the Orange Heart Pavilion with Yan Yuting.

Wu Xin and others all observe this silently, and their eyes are envious.

"Looks like Yan Yuting is chasing Master Xu?" Wu Xin said to himself.

Several people next to me nodded.


Midnight at Stone City.

Due to recent rumors of the yin wind.

The night of the entire stone city is simply unparalleled.

Xu Feng and Yan Yuting walked on the street, their eyes gazing around.

Xu Feng’s eyes lifted slightly and he could feel it.

In the streets of the stone city, it seems to contain a haze.

"Is it really a demon?"

Xu Feng’s heart is dark and doubtful.


However, at this time, a burst of smog really blows, emitting a dark glow.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, and the heart said: “It’s really magical. I can’t think of the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield. It’s really magical.”

"Get out!"

Yan Yuting is not the third existence of the flame list. The moment she stepped out, the momentum of her body broke out.

The long sword in her hand, a sword smashed out, tearing the void into two halves.

The swordsmanship of the yin and the long sword collided together.

Strong waves of wind and waves rushed toward the surroundings.

The yin wind immediately disappeared toward other places.

Obviously, the yin wind is very jealous of the strength of Yan Yuting.

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and he is worried. He is very aware of the horror of the Mozu.

(Eight to send, many are still desperately writing, the promised ten will definitely do it, plus as long as they meet the requirements, they will do it, thank you for your support! Seeking rewards, seeking recommendations, seeking collections, all kinds of begging!)

(End of this chapter)

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