The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3015: Bundle lock

Chapter 3015 Bundle Locks

"What a damn!"

In the eyes of Qiu Jun, they are all angry.

"Continue to continue this way, we look forward to the Dange Pavilion, simply shut down the door!" Qiu Yu voice is angry.

"There is no way to do it!"

Liu Kang's slow road.

"Master Liu Kang, at this time, the fire eyebrows, you don't sell off!"

Qiu Yu urged.

"If someone takes Orange's medicinal remedy on the spot, do you think someone will buy their orange medicinal herbs?"

Liu Kang’s eyes are deep in the eyes.

"good idea!"

Qiu Yi patted the brain.

"However, how can we achieve this?" Qiu Yan continued to ask Liu Kang.

"We are looking for someone to sell the medicinal herbs at Orange Heart Court. Can you do it?"

Liu Kang immediately took out some white powder and said: "These white powders are colorless and tasteless."

"It only takes a little bit of powder to touch the orange medicine on the orange heart. The person taking it will die in three steps."

Liu Kang’s words made many people shudder.

They can't imagine that if they took these poisons, they would not die.

"The next thing will be handed over to me!"

Qiu Yan stood up and took the white powder and carefully placed it in the storage ring.

He walked outside the Wangdan Pavilion.



Outside the Orange Heart Pavilion.

Xu Feng’s cultivation has already broken through to the virtual world.

After taking Zi Ling's broken pulse Dan, he broke through to eight weights very smoothly.

Wan Ping is next to Xu Feng, just like a small follower.

Many people in the Orange Heart Pavilion know that Xu Feng is very powerful. He also knows that Xu Feng is a very powerful alchemy teacher.

Therefore, they are not surprised that Wan Ping is next to Xu Feng.

Many people who came to buy medicinal herbs were full of mistakes.

Xu Feng looked at the people who bought Samsung Qing Dan.

His eyes paused on a man not far away, his eyes were a condensation.

I saw him a step, suddenly rushed to the man's side, grabbing the other's arm.

"This Samsung Qing Dan, if you take it, you will die!" Xu Feng's words rang, the whole scene was in vain.

Even Wu Xin is stunned.

He doesn't understand what Xu Feng means.

Doesn't this tell everyone that there is a problem with Samsung Qing Dan in the sale of Orange Heart Court?

"What do you mean?"

The person who bought Samsung's wounded Dan was so surprised.

"This Samsung Qing Dan was touched by people. It seems that some people think that our Orange Heart Court business is too good, I want you to be a ghost!" Xu Feng slowly said.

Wu Xin heard the words and immediately issued an order.

"Everyone listens to my orders and stands by!"

Wu Xin still does not understand.

If a few people on the scene, taking Samsung Qing Dan, died, they have any integrity in the Orange Heart Court.

not far away.

Among the crowd, a short-skinned man, his eyes are all condensed, quietly like leaving.

However, a figure was not far in front of him, saying: "What are you so eager to leave?"

"Just now, you have successively watched a few Samsung Qingdan in our Orange Heart Pavilion?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The opposite little man, his face is full of anger.

"Hey, are you still wanting to buy strong oranges?"

The man stared at Xu Feng.

However, Wu Xin took people and surrounded the men.

Xu Feng handed the medicinal medicine to Wu Xin just now, saying: "Let him tell the truth, if he doesn't say it, he will waste such a Samsung cleansing Dan and let him swallow it!"

Xu Feng went aside.

Not far away.

Qiu’s angry face, said: “This waste is not enough to make a mistake!”

Liu Kang’s face is also somewhat ugly.

Once the short-skinned man tells the truth, the business in the future of Wang Dange is probably plummeting.

"Go to the convener immediately. If Orange Heart Pavilion does not give a way to live, then destroy the Orange Heart Court!"

"I don't think Xu Feng, who has been looking for Qiu Cheng, is in front of him, how can he let him live alive!"

Under the command of Qiu, several people around him left and went to call other helpers.

Wu Xin took the medicinal medicine in his hand. He walked toward the short and thin man. He said, "What is there on this medicinal herb? Do you still say it?"

"Do not……"

The spiritual flow of the short-skinned man, who wanted to escape, was punched by Wu Xin, and he was squatting in his chest.

He fell to the ground, and Wu Xin took the Samsung in his hand and wounded it into his mouth.

"I said... I said..."

The short-skinned man's face is full of shackles.

"There are poisons on these medicinal herbs, it is... yes..." The short-skinned man's eyes fell not far away.

Many people have seen that Qiu Yan and Liu Kang and others are all moving toward the Orange Heart Pavilion.

"It is Qiu Jun who told me to come to Orange Heart Court. As long as I am poisoned, I can get 100,000 Ling Jing!"

The short-skinned man said.


Everyone on the scene was in a state of utter disappointment. They did not expect that Wang Dange was so mean and shameless.

"Who will go to Wang Dange to buy medicinal herbs in the future, it is the bastard!"

"Wang Dange, this group of miscellaneous, actually wants to poison us."

"How do they compete with Orange Heart Court? That is their business. They don't even give us a way to live."

Each of the warriors is filled with indignation.

"Wu Xin, you Orange Heart Court is really a good means, this is to kill us Wang Dange!"

"Our remedy has not been so hot for you, you haven't let go, are you looking for someone to frame our Wang Dan Pavilion?"

The voice of Qiu Jun is cold.

He simply came to a wicked person to complain.

Some people are hesitating too.

Is it really the hands and feet of Orange Heart Court?

"Qiu Wei, such a despicable and shameless thing, only you can look forward to it!"

Wu Xin said angrily.

If Xu Feng did not find it in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Qiu Yan’s eyes fell on Xu Feng.

He slowly said: "You, do you know, we are looking for the killing order of the 16th, the flames of the flames."

"Who can kill Xu Feng, you can get five thousand Chinese spirits, the young man is him!"

As the words of Qiu Yu rang, many people in the whole scene changed their faces.

They looked at Xu Feng's eyes as if they were looking at the toon.

Xu Feng eyes closed.

He said slowly: "If you want to use my life, in exchange for five thousand Chinese spirits, then you have to see if you have this ability!"

After Xu Feng finished, he said to Wu Xin: "The time of delaying half an hour, I arranged the array in the Orange Heart Court!"

With Xu Feng whispered.

Wu Xin ordered the people around him to order: "Hey, who dares to scatter in the orange heart, who is the death period."

The strong momentum of Wu Xin broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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