The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2989: The main delivery is looking for trouble

Chapter 2989, the main delivery to find trouble

"Does that kid really detoxify?"

"No, it looks so young, it's very difficult to know that detoxification."

“A lot of alchemists can heal, can refine alchemy, but want to detoxify, but it is extremely difficult.”

Many people look at the place where the big man is shaped.

With the big man swallowing his own blood.

Many people are staring at the big man.

The big eyes of the big man, but the constant blinking, as he swallowed the blood.

He suddenly found that in his body, the tyrannical poison seems to produce antibodies.

His eyes sparkled with rich light.

He took the blood in succession.

Swallow in the mouth.

"Ha ha ha..."

The big man made a big laugh, and the toxins in his body were so easily lifted.

When he looked at Xu Feng, his face was full of smiles and said: "This little brother, thank you for your help, I am called Zhu Sanming. If you have any difficulties, you can always find me."

Xu Feng said: "I just said it with me, I didn't expect to be able to detoxify!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many people were stunned.

The big man looks at Xu Feng and swallows his mouth. He said, "Good boy, aren't you afraid?"

"If I am really killed by poison, I can easily kill you with your cultivation and strength."

Looking at Xu Feng, the character is very incomparably calm.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “Are you not alive and alive?”

"Ha ha ha..."

Looking at Xu Feng, the big man looks very pleasing to the eye.

Plus his character would have been straight.

It’s just a bit violent.

He patted his chest at the moment and said: "Little brother, you followed me to Zhu Sanming to enter Dongfu. Whoever dares to find you trouble is to go with me Zhu Sanming!"

Zhu Sanming said, the sound is incomparably magnificent.

Yu Zhiqiang looked at Xu Feng and said: "I don't think Xu brothers know how to detoxify. It is not that he is with us. It is also helpful."

Yu Zhiqiang’s words rang, and Chen Jie and others were somewhat uncomfortable.

After all, they don’t want Xu Feng to follow.

To know.

Xu Feng's strength is too weak, and it seems too young, no one thought that Xu Feng still knows how to detoxify.

If you understand poison, you will be very helpful to enter Dongfu. If you see poison?

"Hey, he came across a dog!"

Zhang Yuanbo said coldly.


"Little brother, I don't know what your name is?" Zhu Sanming looked at Xu Feng and asked with gratitude.

Xu Feng replied faintly: "Xu Feng!"

"Hey, Xu brothers, you saved my life, what are your requirements, you can raise them now."

"I don't really like the owe of others!" Zhu Sanming said here, "For example, you want to kill, what treasure you want..."

Not far away, Zhang Yuanbo heard that there were some fears in his eyes.

He was afraid that Xu Feng would let Zhu Sanming kill himself.

However, he really cares.

Xu Feng did not put him in his eyes.

Xu Feng waved his hand at Zhu Sanming and said: "There is no need for the time being, you don't have to worry about it."


Zhu Sanming has some reluctant words: "Xu brothers, you join me in Dongfu!"

"I am a person who is used to being alone. You should go first!" Xu Feng said to Zhu Sanming.

Zhu Sanming’s angry face, said: "Xu brothers, since this is the case, I will take a step first, just the poisonous garbage, I will unload him eight!"

Xu Feng heard the words and said: "I advise you not to do anything better with him. You are not his opponent."

"You yell at me!"

Zhu San is obviously somewhat unhappy.

He thinks that Xu Feng is just a six-point peak in the virtual world. How can he see that he is not an opponent of Xia Yihai.

If Xia Yihai is using a hidden weapon, he will not be poisoned if he is not prepared.

"Believe it or not!"

Xu Feng did not continue to say more.

Zhu Sanming walked toward Dongfu.

Many people, once again, entered Dongfu.

Chen Jie and others all entered Dongfu.

Xu Feng also followed Dongfu.

He came to the entrance of Dongfu, his eyes were all condensed, saying: "It turned out to be a transmission!"

Xu Feng did not expect that this cave is still somewhat magical.

There is actually a transmission matrix.

Obviously, these transmission arrays make it possible for the people who enter them to be transmitted.


When Xu Feng walked to the transmission array, a burst of spiritual power flowed.

He disappeared in the transmission array.

When he stood firm, he looked around and turned out to be a wide passage.

It should be the passage in this cave.


There are a lot of breaths around.

The same people who sent Xu Feng to this place are obviously quite a lot.

"Kid, you roll over!"

Just at this time.

A cold voice sounded.

Not far from a man, his body was thin, his skin was covered with his skin, his eyes narrowed into a gap.

Many people looked at Xu Feng and smiled: "Which is this kid, the six peaks of the virtual world, and dare to come to Dongfu."

"Oh, no, how did this kid spend the sand river?"

"How can he spend the bridge across the bridge when he is imaginary?"

"What's more, the river, every one of the bridges, there are some people who specifically rob the people who crossed the bridge?"

When they looked at Xu Feng, they all had curious colors.

Only Xu Feng was calm, and he stood there as if he had not heard the man’s shouting.

The thin man with a sly face, said: "Boy, I am calling you, are you blind?"

The thin man's sharp roar, his feet on the ground, the hands seem to be claws, tearing toward Xu Feng's chest.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

"It's really a different word, the rhythm of the battle!"

The golden light of Xu Feng broke out, and he shot it out.

The fist and the claws of the thin man collide together.


The thin man's face was stunned, and his eyes were shocked and he felt a strong force attack.

He resisted such a force shock, and his eyes were shocked. He thought Xu Feng was a soft persimmon?

Be aware that there are some residual poisons in his body.

He had seen Xu Feng give Zhu Sanming some detoxification before.

Therefore, watching Xu Feng and himself sent together, he wanted Xu Feng to show him whether it can detoxify.

I know, Xu Feng chose to ignore him.

He wants to suppress Xu Feng.

"Hey! The strength of this kid is not simple!"

Someone looked at Xu Feng standing in the same place, and did not even move.

Can't help but sigh in the heart.

"The six peaks of the virtual world can withstand the attack of the four men in the realm of creation. It is really not easy!"

The people next to him are also attached, with surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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