The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2977: Silently appearing

Silent appearance in Chapter 2977

"I can't die!"

Inside Xu Feng’s hand, a lot of medicinal herbs suddenly appeared.

These medicinal herbs are forcibly upgraded.

Inside his eyes, they are all crazy colors.

The body of the body gives off a golden glow, and his clothes have several cracks.

Wu Siyue felt the improvement of Xu Feng's breath, and his eyes were disdainful.

"Kid, even if you let you break through to the virtual world, how about it?" Wu Siyue hugged his hands, he was waiting for Xu Feng to break through, his face was calm, everything was under his control. .

"You are not, just die in my hands."

Among the eyes of Wu Siyue, the flashing is the killing of Sen Ran, his face is cold.

"Burn the wind!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is stirring, and his fifty-six spirits are all floating.

He showed his second-class supernatural sacred skills, along with the fists, accompanied by the flash of light.

It seems to be a hegemonic fist, and the suppression of it is a violent shock wave.

The whole void is constantly shaking, as if it is bringing the pressure of terror.

The gravity of Xu Feng’s body and the killing of the righteousness broke out at the same time.

He is very clear about himself.

The opposite of Wu Siyue is an eight-fold cultivation of the realm of creation. He is fully committed, perhaps only a glimmer of life.

However, even if it is a little chance to survive and leave, he has to give it a go.

"Experienced two kinds of esoteric forces, but unfortunately your cultivation is too bad, otherwise the old man is really not your opponent."

Wu Siyue looked at the fist that Xu Feng attacked. The spiritual power of his body spurred out, and the dense veins on his head continued to emerge.

He is an eight-fold cultivation of the realm of creation, and his number of spiritual veins has reached the realm of seventy-two.

Be aware that the greater the number of threads, the stronger the strength.

For example, two people are all made up for the eightfold cultivation.

However, the number of the two people's spirits is sixty and one is seventy.

Undoubtedly, the martial arts of the sixty-six spirits will be crushed by the warlords of the seventy spirits.

The turmoil of Wu Siyue’s body and the pressure brought by gravity and mystery made his speed slower.

However, he looked at the attacking fist.

The moment when he raised his arm, it was like a gust of wind that swept through him, and in front of him, gathered into a huge wave.


As he screamed.

The waves rolled out, as if with the momentum that destroyed everything, and the impact made the void empty.

The fists brought by Xu Feng’s fists were left in the air, and the whole person was swept out by the waves.


Xu Feng’s body was regressed, and a towering tree was shattered and collapsed.

Wu Siyue’s mouth is still a disdainful smile. He slowly said: “Why do you need to do unnecessary struggles?”

Wu Siyue’s words are mocking.


Xu Feng spurted out a piece of blood. He stood up with his hands and stood up from the ground. His eyes were bloodshot.

Just staring at Wu Siyue, he said: "If you want me to die, then you have to pay the price!"

"Dry innocent, red lotus hegemony!"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, all the condensed ones are fierce killings.

He displayed this most powerful Holy Spirit.

With his fists, they all turned into a red lotus.

"A good holy spirit, but unfortunately your cultivation and strength are not enough to exert the power of such a holy spirit."

Wu Siyue is still indifferent.

Seeing Xu Feng shocked.

He was again in the palm of his hand, and he shot it out as if he had not applied any holy spirits, and he was still able to crush Xu Feng.


Xu Feng only felt that the internal organs of the body were tumbling violently, bringing with them a shock wave of terror.

Xu Feng fell to the ground again, and the kitten jumped to Xu Feng's side and said: "Brother... brother..."


The kitten's eyes became blood red, and he suddenly screamed with tears, and the horrible momentum of his body was completely pervasive.

The opposite of Wu Siyue's eyes is a condensation, said: "Good guy, this kid's luck is so good, it is incredible to find such a quality monster."

"Kit, don't!"

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and rushed out toward Wu Si.

He knows that the kitten is not an opponent of Wu Siyue.

"Brother... you run!"

The huge body of the kitten rips out toward Wu Si, and his claws are all shining.

"It's a loyal little beast, but unfortunately you are not the opponent of the old man, let you and your master, let's bury it together!"

On the hands of Wu Siyue, two huge whirlpools, madly shocked, brought violent waves.


Xu Feng bit his teeth, he shocked from the ground.


With Wu Siyue's palm, he continued to move toward the kitten's body and bombarded it.

Xu Feng’s eyes are not reconciled.

Inside his body, the eyes of the mysterious woman picked up slightly and the brows were picked up.


The kitten's body was heavily squatting on the ground.

Blood flowed from the corner of the kitten's mouth.

Xu Feng's eyes have become blood red.

"Ah! I am fighting with you!"

On Xu Feng’s body, the bursts of the power of the Holy Spirit have brought out the momentum that destroys everything.

Immediately, on top of his head, a string of beads suddenly emerged, and the beads of the Buddha radiated a demon light.

When Xu Feng released the bliss of the bliss, he felt that his mind was inside, and it seemed to be completely piled up by the blood of the corpse.

His eyes were all surprised.

"You are looking for death, using your current power of the Holy Spirit, using the bliss beads, is to find death!"

The mysterious woman did not expect that Xu Feng was so crazy, dare to use such a perfection, and use the bliss beads.

Although the bliss bead is a fourth-order horoscope, it exudes a very evil atmosphere.

If you are not careful, you will be controlled by the bliss beads.

"A horrible treasure?"

Wu Siyue’s eyes are shocked.


As the bliss bead came to attack him, he wanted to escape, but he felt that the whole person was wrapped in bliss beads.


Wu Siyue’s heart is full of horror, and a blood spurts out, and the whole person seems to be crumbling.

His face was pale and his soul seemed to be sucked.


Wu Siyue made a miserable snoring.

Xu Feng did not expect that the bliss bead can swallow the power of the holy spirit of the warrior.


Just at this time.

Xu Feng’s own power of the Holy Spirit is also consumed.

Qiu invincible suddenly appeared.

The impact of a fist was on the back of Xu Feng, and he couldn’t help himself, and the blood rushed out.


The blissful bead, lost control, headed into Xu Feng’s body and suddenly entered.

(End of this chapter)

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