The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2974: The death of Zhu Cheng

Chapter 2974, Zhu Cheng's Death


Xu Feng and Zhu Cheng, swaying out to the outside of the Black Iron City camp, slowly left.

"Hey, Xu Feng and Zhu Cheng, where is this going?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and Zhu Cheng, so they left the camp of Hei Tiecheng so much that they felt incredible.

Today, Qiu Shu and others are arguing that they want to kill Xu Feng and then quickly.

Is it not a self-seeking death to leave the camp in Black Iron City?

"I think Zhu Cheng must have left Xu Feng to leave the Heilongjiang camp. This is going back to Heitiecheng."

"After all, in the Black Iron City, sometimes silent care, Qiu invincible and others do not dare to be so blatant."

"This is also true."

They all think that Xu Feng may go back to Heitiecheng.

With Zhu Cheng and Xu Feng swaying away.


Qiu Shu’s eyes sparkled with a murderous murder, saying: “I will inform everyone who is scheduled, and I am ready to do it.”

"Oh, you can't let Xu Feng and Zhu Cheng live to go back to Heilongjiang. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

In the voice of Qiu Shu, there is a cold and killing intention, and his look is absolutely.

He is very clear that he must kill Xu Feng in the flame battlefield.

Xu Feng and Zhu Cheng, when they walked out of the Black Iron City camp.

Their speed is raised to the extreme.

As the two continued to rush out quickly.


The footsteps of the bursts followed Xu Feng and they continued to emerge from the surroundings.

"Zhu elders, it seems that the situation is not good, I can't think of Qiu invincible in order to kill me, but it is really hard to think!"

Xu Feng did not expect.

They fled quickly.

However, the people of Qiujia are obviously arranged in advance.

This means that whenever they leave, they will face the horrific siege.

That is the people in front of me.

Zhu Cheng’s eyes sparkled with a sensation of killing. He stared coldly at a group of people across the street and said, “Well, you are all invincible, and that is something that is beyond the expectations of the great elders.”

Zhu Cheng did not expect that the group of people appearing on the opposite side were the elders of Black Iron City.

Their cultivation is a five-fold creation and a six-fold creation.

These people are very powerful.

Zhu Cheng and Xu Feng, two people, can not be the opposite opponents.

"Zhu Cheng, if you are willing to turn your back, you will work for the seven elders and the four elders. I am sure that you will be free in Heilongjiang."

"When life is alive, why not find yourself happy? Protecting this kid from living will have no benefit to you."

A gray-haired old man, his eyes looking at Zhu Cheng, seems to be a good suggestion.

Zhu Cheng heard the words, haha ​​laughed and said: "You also want me to be like you, give Qiu Jia and Wu Si Yue a dog, are you not humiliating me?"

"Life is alive, even if it is dead!"

The spiritual power of Zhu Cheng suddenly flowed. He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, hurry to escape!"

"Then they all handed it to me, I will deal with them!"

On Zhu Cheng’s body, the momentum of the six peaks of the creation of the environment broke out.

"Zhu Cheng, with you alone, want to stop us, do you think it is possible?"

"It only takes a moment, and Elder Qiu Shu will come here, you will still die."

The more than a dozen people on the opposite side, the spiritual power of each one, are all flowing wildly, and they all contain strong momentum.

"Xu Feng, run!"

The depths of Zhu Cheng’s eyes are all embarrassing.

The spiritual power in his body rushed out and rushed out to more than a dozen people in front.

His attack has become extremely fierce.

Xu Feng bit his teeth.

A man who has made a lot of money has been entangled in Xu Feng. His mouth is slightly raised. He said: "Son, sometimes, you still have to understand the situation."

"You are a peerless genius, you don't grow up, and once you die, it's just a waste."

Inside the man’s voice, there is ridicule.

Inside his hand, the sword spurted out of Xu Fengqi.

Zhu Cheng is crazy and fights with several people.

His eyes were cracked and he said: "Xu Feng, hurry to escape, don't fight with him."

"Once Chu Shu is coming, you really have no chance to escape!"

Immediately, Zhu Cheng’s hand is inside.

A blood red remedy suddenly appeared.

At the moment when the medicinal herb appeared, many people changed their faces.

"Zhu Cheng, you don't want to live!"

They all know this medicinal medicine, which is the medicinal medicine at the cost of burning vitality. It can be improved in a short time.

Xu Feng also saw the medicinal herb, his eyes narrowed and said: "Zhu elders, don't..."

It is a pity that Zhu Cheng swallowed the medicinal herbs into the abdomen. The breath on his body rose sharply, and the whole person became a seven-fold creation.


As he broke through to the seven-fold realm of creation, the moment when he took a shot, a man with six hairs and white hair, the whole person quits and the blood spurts out of his mouth.

"Zhou Hong, you are looking for death!"

Seeing the five men who want to entangle Xu Feng's creation, Zhu Cheng desperately went to Zhou Hong to kill.

Zhou Hong’s face changed greatly, and he wanted to go backwards.


Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised. He seized the opportunity and punched it out with a punch.

It is his strongest spiritual skill, "Dry Heavenly Boxing," and with the powerful power of the fist, Zhou Hong's back is bombarded.


Zhou Hong screamed with screams and slammed on the ground.

The spiritual power of Zhu Cheng continued to stir up. He grabbed Xu Feng’s body and said: “Xu Feng, run fast... Don’t let the big elders live, don’t let me down to your expectations!”

Zhu Cheng used his power to throw Xu Feng directly out.

A few dozen feet away.

Xu Feng’s eyes are crazy killings.

"Zhu Cheng, you **** it!"


Ten individuals have come to Zhucheng.

The medicinal herbs taken by Zhu Cheng are very harmful to the body.

As the strength of the drug gradually disappeared, his strength dropped so badly that he was smothered by more than a dozen people.

Xu Feng clenched his fists and said: "Zhu Elder, you can rest assured, I Xu Feng will not give you revenge on the day, I will not be a man!"

Xu Feng took the kitten, and the dark crow's feathers on his body emerged in an instant, and quickly fled.

Seeing Xu Feng fleeing.

"Hey, this kid really thought, can he escape? It’s ridiculous!"

More than a dozen people looked at the direction of Xu Feng's escape.

Their faces are filled with a smile.

"How can the yin and squatting stay there? How can he let him escape? That is the strongest of the six mid-term peaks!"

They looked at the direction of Xu Feng's escape, and each of them had a well-thought-out smile.

"All of us will slowly rush over and wait for Xu Feng to collect the corpse, and we can successfully complete the task!"

In their words, the meaning is obvious.

Xu Feng is about to become a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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