The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2968: High-profile battle

Chapter 2968 Fighting

Xu Feng looked at the old man, he said: "Xiao Feng, a younger generation, meets the predecessors!"

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

"It's very good. I don't think your foundation is so solid. It also has the tenth-day gravity field, which is very suitable for my inheritance!"

In the eyes of the old man, all the flashing lights are fine.

His understanding of the gravity of the righteousness reached the top of the third-order existence.

His strength is even stronger.

"I have been waiting for so many years, and I have finally met you with such a good seedling, and my inheritance will be handed over to you!"

On the old man, a gravitational gravity of the horror broke out, and his eyes sparkled with light.

"I thought that in the past, I was also the existence of the heavens and the earth. Now my gravity is all passed down to you!"

"How much you can feel, what kind of realm you can reach in the future depends on your own creation."

The gravity of the old man's gravity is constantly condensed, and the eyebrows of Xu Feng are constantly emerging.

Xu Feng only felt that the whole person's mind emerged as the existence of continuous gravity.

Time is one minute and one second.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of respect.

It turns out that this old man is a very powerful existence, and his gravity is cultivated to the top of the third-order existence.

You must know that being able to cultivate gravity to the top of the third level means that the strength of the old man is terrible.

When he is alive, it is very likely to reach the peak of the destiny, even the strongest player.

In Xu Feng’s mind, what comes out is the understanding of gravity and the Holy Spirit.

"Gravity nine waves!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all shining, and he feels there are many second-order holy spirits and third-order holy spirits.

Among them, this gravity nine-wave is the third-order best holy spirit, which is one of the most powerful spiritual skills in the inheritance of the old.

Moreover, this gravity nine-wave wave is cultivated, almost one weight is stronger than one weight, and it is even more terrifying.

"Little guy, quickly realize the existence of gravity, the old man is trying to help you understand the first-order gravity."

In the depths of the eyes of the old man, all the flashing lights are the light of appreciation.

Xu Feng converges on the mind and constantly feels the gravity of the righteousness.

Time has passed in the past.


In a secret room.

Inside Chen Wuji’s eyes, all with cold light, his face sly, said: "Xu Feng, everything is what you are persecuting me. If you don't kill you, I can't swear by you!"

Inside Chen Wuji’s hand, a purple-red medicinal herb emerged, all of which radiated a horrible momentum.

"I hope that I will not use this medicine in the end!"

He is very clear that the medicinal herbs in his hands are a kind of remedy forcibly improving and repairing, and have great side effects.

He will not use it when it is not necessary.

The breath of Chen Wuji’s body has become even more powerful.

Just because his cultivation has broken through to the five realms of creation.

"For so many years, I have been too lazy to break through to the five realms of creation, but I did not expect that because of a kid, I chose to break through to the five realities of creation."

Chen Wuji’s heart is full of sighs.

He stood up from the secret room and his body flowed and walked outside the outside.

He quickly came to the Notre Dame of the Nine-Dongdong House, and looked at the nine-seat Dongfu. He said: "It’s almost a month, this guy won’t come to the appointment?”

He asked Xu Feng about the person next to him.

It was learned that Xu Feng was actively selected by Dongfu, and his heart was unwilling, with all the shackles and killings.

He did not think that Xu Feng was recognized by the nine cave houses. Can he not get it?

"Xu Feng, I will make you die very badly!"

Chen Wuji clenched his fists.

Above the fist, all that broke out were flashing lights.


Time goes by.

In the fifth cave house.

Xu Feng sits cross-legged, his body around, the void constantly floating, his body seems to float.

In the eyes of the old man not far away, it is a gratifying color, and the heart said: "A good little guy will definitely be a strong man in the future."

He did not expect it, in a short time.

Xu Feng is able to unite the gravity field of the 10th Heavenly Perfection into gravity.

Xu Feng's eyes wide open, his eyes are deep in the eyes, he walked to the old man's body.

"Predecessors, thank you!"

Xu Feng is very clear that the old man has thoroughly taught his third-order top-level gravity.

As long as he constantly feels, he will be able to integrate gravity and morality.

The old man did not pull out the seedlings to encourage him.

Instead, choose the way to inherit.

"You don't have to thank me. If there is a fate, maybe we can meet in the future, maybe we can!"

The old man’s words made Xu Feng a mistake.

"Predecessors, are you still alive?"

The old man was a little angry and said: "What do you mean, of course I am still alive, my body is alive and well."

"If you don't have an accident, if you can break through to the destiny, you may have the chance to see me."

Xu Feng’s eyes are all surprises. Some of them are: “Predecessors, I thought that the people in these caves are dead?”

The old man heard the words and nodded.

"Most of them are really dead, but some people are alive."

"Predecessors, gravity nine waves are superimposed, if you can cultivate to the nine waves, how powerful will it be?"

Xu Feng asked with curiosity.

The old man said: "Do you know if you cultivate yourself? You now realize that gravity is just right, you can cultivate."

"it is good!"

Xu Feng began to cultivate gravity nine waves.


In a blink of an eye.

Time passed away.

Chen Wuji appeared on the square of the Nine-Dongdong House. His eyes were full of anger.

"Xu Feng, you are a tortoise turtle, you have the ability to come out and fight with me, not to fight, what kind of man are you?"

Chen Wuji's face was full of anger, and he stared at the fifth cave house, and the voice contained all the spiritual power.

The sound seemed to be a wave of sound, and it spread out incessantly.

"Chen Wuji began to challenge Xu Feng!"

"I don't know if Xu Feng dare to come out to fight? If he doesn't come out to fight, it looks like Chen Wuji also can't take him."

"This is also true. If it is my words, I will not fight Chen Wuji. Chen Wuji is the four peaks of the creation."

Looking at the fifth cave house, there was no movement.

Many people have talked about it.

They are speculating that Xu Feng dare not fight Chen Wuji.

"Kid, there seems to be someone looking for trouble outside!"

In the fifth cave house, the old man said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stood up and said: "A weak chicken, really do not want to fight with him!"

The old man appreciated Xu Feng and said: "If you don't want to fight with him, then you can kill it."

Countless people have begun to expect Xu Feng to come out and fight Chen Wuji.

(End of this chapter)

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