Chapter 2965 Burning Buddha

Xu Feng walked toward the flame cave house.

He can feel that the desire of the flame cave to convey him is stronger.

He also hopes to get something in the flame cave house.

With Xu Feng, I felt a burst of hot air.

He disappeared above the square.

His eyes looked around and his eyes sparkled with surprise.

only because.

At this moment, he seems to be in a sea of ​​fire, full of burning flames.

It is a flame cave.

If you switch to other warriors here, I am afraid it will be very uncomfortable and very likely to be unbearable.

Xu Feng did not change his face. His face was filled with calm look. He stared at the surroundings and wanted to find something.

"Haha, can't think of our fate, so big?"

Just at this time.

A familiar voice sounded.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, only because of the owner of the voice, he is too familiar.


Xu Feng’s faces are all surprised.

Looking at the time of Yan Yan Zun.

“Do you feel any surprise?”

Yan Yan Zun faint smile.

Xu Feng couldn't help but nod and said: "Predecessors, isn't the Flame Valley there, isn't your Dongfu?"

Yan Yan Zun smiled and said: "Accurately speaking, both sides are my Dongfu."

"Just, the cave house you found before is just a remnant of the soul. Therefore, what you get should be the practice of naive boxing, and the improvement of cultivation, right?"

The words of Yan Yan’s sages sounded.

Xu Feng quickly nodded.

Yan Yan said: "I just thought that if you choose other Dongfu, you can't say that your points are not enough. I have to help you, let me see you, just because I am here, you are the most. needs."

Xu Feng heard that his face is strange. He doesn't understand Yan Yan's sacred person. What is the inheritance of this flame cave house?

Yan Yan Zun said to Xu Feng: "If I don't feel wrong, there should be more than three kinds of heaven and earth in your body. Only these three heavens and the earth are not too high, right. What?"

"And, your heaven and earth are so angry that you should get it on a lower continent, not a spiritual continent."

The words of Yan Yan’s sages sounded.

As if he is Xu Feng, it is really clear.

Xu Feng’s heart is admirable.

Unexpectedly, I was just a simple operation of the heavens and the earth, and I was so clearly felt by the Yan Yan Zun.

"Well, the seniors analyzed well!"

Xu Feng slowly said: "I have four kinds of heaven and earth fire!"

Yan Yan Zun said: "Can you release your heaven and earth, release it, I observe and observe?"

Yan Yan said that the heavens and the earth are very precious.

Xu Feng may not be willing.

Of course, Xu Feng does not want to, but it does not matter.


Xu Feng did not hesitate any more. He could see that the opposite Yan Yan Zhan was not malicious to himself.

Moreover, the Yan Yan Supreme is obviously only the image of the residual soul left behind, and it is impossible to survive.


With the infinite flames, the fire of the smoldering, and the fall of the heart, the last violet of the violets floated out of Xu Feng's body, and the Yan Yan Zun is really stunned.


He couldn't help but swallow his mouth and said, "Who is this kid? You can get four kinds of heaven and earth fires in the lower continent. What a surprise."

Yan Yan's sages themselves are very clear that the lower mainland wants to breed the world's strange fires, it is difficult to go to heaven.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng came from the lower mainland, but one person has four kinds of heaven and earth.

Yan Yan Zhan has never seen a young man like Xu Feng, and he seems to be somewhat ruined at the moment.

Immediately, I will converge on my heart and open my mouth. "Your violet is quiet. It should be said that it should be the category of the Chinese and the world, but it is a pity. It is still in its infancy. If you want to grow up, it is hard to go to heaven."

Yan Yan Zun is staring at Xu Feng's Violet secluded, and his eyes are with regret.

Xu Feng also nodded in agreement, and he had a long time to get the violets.

After so many years, the violets are still in their infancy.

However, although the violet secluded is only a stage of infancy, the power of the explosion is terrifying.

It is not weaker than the fire in the hands of Xu Feng. These adulthoods are full of fires.

"Predecessors, is it really a way?"

Xu Feng looked at Yan Yan Zun.

He feels that the violets are quiet, and if they can grow into a Chinese-style world, he will have more killers in the spiritual gods.

Yan Yanzun was slightly indulged for a moment. He looked at Xu Feng and said, "Do you really want to know?"

The eyes of Yan Yan’s eyes are dignified.

"Please also give instructions to seniors!"

Xu Feng said.

Yan Yan Zun said: "The depths of the flame battlefield, there is a kind of heaven and earth treasure, it is rare!"

"This kind of heavenly treasure, called the purple fire spirit, contains a strong firepower, can enhance the heaven and earth."

"It's just that the depths of the flame battlefield are dangerous. There are not only high-level flames, but also the devils who have survived. With your current strength, you will enter into it, and there will be no death."

Yan Yan Zun's slow way.

“Predecessors, is there a specific location?”

Xu Feng continued to ask.

Yan Yan Zun shook his head and said: "The depth of the battlefield is also very wide. I don't have a specific location. I will see your chance together."

"So, I don't think you need to take risks."

Xu Feng did not say much, but secretly nodded and made up his mind, must go to the depths of the flame battlefield.

Yan Yan Zun took a deep breath, he converges and looks at Xu Feng, saying: "If you spend 10,000 points, come to my Dongfu, then my inheritance will belong to you."

"You have four kinds of heaven and earth fires. I believe that if you cultivate the laws that I have passed to you, it will be of great help to your cultivation."

I saw the palm of the Yan Yan Zun's palm lifted up.

"I pass you a practice law, the name is Yan Yan angry."

Said, inside the eyes of Yan Yan Zun.

The bursts of light rushed toward Xu Feng’s mind.

Xu Feng’s face is full of joy and surprise.

With this "smoke anger", he does not need to worry about the cultivation of the law for the time being.

The "chaos of the chaos" he had cultivated before was terrible, but unfortunately the next part was to find it, it was hard to climb the sky.

Even the mysterious woman did not know the trail.

With Xu Feng's constant feelings, "炙炎怒怒诀".

Yan Yan Zun is not in a hurry.

Until Xu Feng would integrate the "smoke anger and anger", he looked at Xu Feng and said: "In the depths of the flame battlefield, I was inadvertently acquired a holy spiritual skill, and the power was extremely powerful."

"Unfortunately, I don't have a world of fire, otherwise I can show the power of this holy spirit."

"Now, just pass it to you!"

"Burning the Buddha!"

As the words of Yan Yan's sages rang, Xu Feng's eyes were all shining.

(End of this chapter)

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