Chapter 2958 Next

"I have heard that when Xu Feng was in Heilongjiang, he provoked the Qiu family. Later, when he was a grand elder, he silently came out and protected Xu Feng."

A person next to it, quietly said.

"Ah? You mean, Xu Feng’s death is not what I want to see, but what is Qiu Zhi?"

One can't help but exclaim.

"No, Xu Feng is not dead?"

They all looked at the back of Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng seems to be going to the camp of the Ninth Army. What does he want to do?" Someone opened his mouth and was shocked.

"Let's hurry up with the past, fearing that there will be a good show going on."

Many people in the camp of Black Iron City are behind Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is firm in his footsteps.


"The commander, the commander... the big thing is not good..."

Inside a camp.

A man quickly ran to Qiu Zhi’s camp, and his face became extremely ugly.

Qiu Zhiwen said, "What big things are not good?"

"The commander, Xu Feng, the kid is still alive, he is now rushing towards our camp!"

Said the man.

This is half a month.

The news of Xu Feng’s death has spread.

Outside of Black Iron City.

When I was silent, I was so angry that I wanted to kill Qiu invincible.

If it was not the last, it was stopped by many others.

I am afraid that Qiu Invincible really wants to be killed silently.

No one expected that Xu Feng’s position in the silent voice was so high.


Qiu Zhi is very clear. He definitely does not dare to kill Xu Feng in so many people in the camp of Heitiecheng.

"Hey, if this kid dares to take the lead, then..." Think of it here, Qiu Zhi's eyes are all killing.

"Boy, why are you coming back to die if you survive?"

Qiu Zhi’s mouth is raised.

"I will immediately call all the strongmen of our Ninth Army. As long as Xu Feng hands, immediately kill him!"

Qiu Zhi said: "At that time, even if it is a great elder, it is impossible to blame us."

"After all, this kid wants to kill our members of the Black Iron Army, we have to fight back."


Xu Feng came outside the camp of the Ninth Army.

A few figures rushed out to stop Xu Feng's way.

"Xu Feng, what do you want to do?"

They are jealous in their eyes.

Before the outside of the Flame Valley, Xu Feng’s murder of the Quartet was still vivid.

"I know you, you were outside the Valley of Flames, and participated in the killing of me and Deng Yuan!"

Xu Feng's eyes stared at one of them, and there was a cold killing in his eyes, and the spirit of his body stirred up.

"You...what do you want to do..."

The man’s face was terrified and his voice became trembling.

"kill you!"

Xu Feng’s voice just fell.

"you dare……"

The man’s courage has not been finished yet, and Xu Feng’s powerful force broke out, and he punched him out.

A bang!

The man was directly knocked out and the blood flowed out of his mouth. His eyes were unwilling.

The whole person was completely exhausted.

Kill a fist!

Xu Feng looked at the other people, cold and cold: "All the ninth army people have given me a good listen!"

"You are getting out now, I can't kill you, otherwise, anyone in the ninth army, I will kill!"

"Your ninth army, the unprovoked siege of Deng Yuan and their ten people, led to the squad of all their squads!"

"Today, I want you to pay for blood debt! Who dares to stop, I will let anyone die here!"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all killings. The golden light of his body is full of horror.


The camps of the entire Black Iron City are all in vain.

Xu Feng, this is to be alone, against the ninth army!

"Let's leave? Or die!"

Xu Feng stared at the black iron army in front.

The black iron army, the eyes are all fearful.

They are afraid to step back.

Just because, once they retreat, Qiu Zhi will kill them as well.

However, if they do not retreat, they will die here.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng broke out, and the whole person seemed to be a **** of war.

The moment he rushed out, the opposite black iron army could only resist desperately.

After several consecutive punches, several black iron soldiers were killed by Xu Feng and fell to the ground.

Xu Feng continued to move forward toward the camp of the Ninth Army, and his spirits stirred up.

"Xu Feng, don't look for a dead end, dare to challenge the Ninth Army, you will die very badly!"

Not far away, there are several members of the Black Iron Army, who said to Xu Feng with a warning.


Xu Feng did not have any extra words. His body was extremely fast, and his golden light became even more terrifying.

"Is it only I found out that Xu Feng’s cultivation and strength seem to have improved too much!"

Some people feel the breath of Xu Feng.

"The ninth army is afraid that it will be unlucky!"

"What ninth army is unlucky? The ninth army in the past years, taking advantage of the status of the Qiu family, where is not arrogant, it should have been retribution!"


One punch was the death of the ninth army.


Just at this time.

The core members of the Ninth Army have all rushed out.

Qiu Zhi took dozens of people and surrounded Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, you dare to kill people in the ninth army, and still kill people in the camp of Heilongjiang. Do you know that this is a death sin?"

Qiu Zhi’s voice is cold.

Xu Feng’s eyes were cold and fierce, saying: “Qiu Zhi, Deng Yuan’s ten people in their team are innocent people.”

"They have no enmity with you, just knowing with Xu Feng, the relationship is better, who is responsible for their death?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Many people are helpless on their faces.

They all think that Xu Feng is too naive.

Black Iron City, where is the fairness?

Qiu Zhiwen said, disdainful: "Xu Feng, you said that I killed them, where is your Zheng?"

When Qiu Zhi spoke, the look was smug.

Xu Feng looked at Qiu Zhi’s proud expression and said: “Since you want Zheng Zheng, isn’t it simple?”

The powerful spirit of Xu Feng suddenly broke out. His speed was extremely fast. He rushed to the front of a black iron army.

Grasping the other's neck is like an eagle catching a chicken.

Member of the Ninth Army.

It is the double peak of the creation of the realm.

"Tell me? Who killed Deng Yuan?"

"I... I don't know..."


After his words were finished, on the palm of Xu Feng, the powerful force broke out and pinched his neck.


Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and members of the Ninth Army were all terrified.

The golden light broke out and Xu Feng’s speed was too fast.

It is also a member of the ninth army who is a three-dimensional cultivator. He is like a singer, and he is holding his neck.

"Who killed Deng Yuan?"



This time, Xu Feng had not waited for him to speak, and the moment of the palm of his hand, his head was stunned and completely suffocated.


The cold killing of Xu Feng’s body seems to be a god-killing.

(End of this chapter)

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