The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2934: Identity token

Chapter 2934 Identity Token

Xu Feng’s heart was moved.

I have to say that it is really good for him to be silent.

His eyes flashed, and he always remembered the feelings of others.

The silent cultivation of today is the peak of the creation.

In the future, if Xu Feng’s strength is improved.

His soul power is further enhanced.

If he can get a fourth-order alchemy furnace.

He can refine the fourth-order remedy.

From the inheritance memory of creation.

There are medicinal herbs that can make the military, from the peak of the creation of the environment to the destiny of heaven.

Just, such a remedy.

Even if there is a spiritual material, Xu Feng can't refine it now.

His soul power is too bad.

“Thank you for the elders!”

Xu Feng was silent and respectful.

When I laughed silently, "You don't have to be so polite. This time you are the first black-iron guards, but you have to give up glory."

"The old man, as the elder of the Black Iron City, is very embarrassed to you, not to mention your talent."

"I hope that if you can learn in the future, you may take care of the Black Iron City."

"As the saying goes, drinking water is a source."

The silent words, exactly the same as Xu Feng’s predecessor in the eighth floor of the nine-day road.

Xu Feng heard that they are respectful.

When the old man is silent.

I will be dedicated to the Black Iron City for my whole life.

What does he have to respect?

Nothing is too much when I am silent.

From Xu Feng and Yan Yan, and Zheng Xiaopeng get along.

You can see it.

Xu Feng is a person who is empathetic and righteous, and even more intelligent.

You only need to break the point, he is already clear.

"The elders are assured, I have some opinions on some people in Hei Tiecheng, but I have no opinion on Hei Tiecheng."

Xu Feng laughed silently when he was facing.

"Ha ha ha..."

When he laughed silently, his old eyes looked forward with an expectation. "The little guy, the old man is really looking forward to it. After you come out from the flame battlefield, I hope you can give the old man a surprise."

"Black Iron City, I need someone to clean up."

Xu Feng’s heart is cold and killing.

If he comes out from the flamefield.

The first thing to destroy is the Qiu’s invincible Qiu.

Second, it is Wu Siyue.

"Okay, don't say much, you have to set off."

When I looked at the lonely sea silently, the old face was smiling.

"Master, the disciple went to the flamefield, and hoped that Master would take good care of himself." Wen Guhai’s silent feelings were very deep.

His face is admired.


When I waved my hand silently, the depths of my old eyes were all sad.

I also know.

Only the flames of the battlefield can make them strong.


Wen Guhai took Xu Feng.


There are also many people in the Black Iron City, going to the flame battlefield.

"Xu brothers, you don't know, the flame battlefield, only one month apart, will open once."

"And, the opening time is only one day. Therefore, many people who want to go to the flame battlefield can only go this day."

Wen Guhai took Xu Feng and rushed to the entrance of the flame battlefield.

With Wen Guhai carrying Xu Feng, he reached the entrance to the flame battlefield.

There stood an old man there.

He is the second elder of Black Iron City.

He looked at Wen Guhai and Xu Feng.

"Yin, I remember correctly, you come out from the flamefield, but in two months, are you going in?"

The two elders are very nice.

He also appreciates the hard work and hard work of Wen Guhai.

"Two elders, I haven't played much in Heicheng. I heard the inner area. We are so badly suppressed, I want to do my best."

Wen Guhai said humbly.


The two elders are in the flame battlefield all the year round. He does not know what happened in Hei Tiecheng, and naturally does not know Xu Feng.

"The second elder, he is called Xu Feng, is the first place in the black iron guard assessment. My master asked me to take him to the outside area of ​​the flame battlefield."

Wen Guhai said to the two elders.

“The virtual world is four?”

The two elders are the strongest people who have created the nine-fold situation. He can see Xu Feng’s cultivation as a natural look.

"If the old man remembers correctly, the flames have been on the battlefield for decades, and there are no martial arts under the seven-fold situation."

The two elders frowned slightly.

Since Xu Feng's talent is very good.

He didn't understand, when did he have to arrange for him to go to the flame battlefield?

It is too dangerous!

Wen Guhai smiled.

He knows that the two elders regard Xu Feng as an ordinary virtual dilemma.

"Two elders, you can rest assured that the Xu brothers are not ordinary ambiguous circumstances, when he is outside the flames of the battlefield, I believe that will give other three eighth-order forces, deep memory."

When I heard about the lonely sea, my face was calm.

The two elders looked at Xu Feng and said, "Little guy, how many spirits do you gather?"

It is worthy of the second elder of Black Iron City.

He found that the second elder had just breathed a sigh of relief on him.

It is possible to discover the abnormality of his veins.

"Reporting the second elders, the disciples have gathered fifty-three spirits!"

Xu Feng slowly said.


"Who is this kid, it is too powerful!"

"The sinful situation has condensed fifty-three spiritual veins, is it still?"

"The most hateful thing is that his last two words, nothing!"

"It’s really a limit!"

Some people next to them, who want to go to the flamefield, they all stare at Xu Feng, and they don’t believe one by one.

"This kid can really brag, imaginary four-fold condensed fifty-three spirits, is he dreaming?"

A man who has a peak in the world, he does not believe it.

The most important thing is that he has a glimpse of the forefront of his creation.


The two elders were a little wrong, and they immediately smiled.

"Ha ha ha..."

He laughed happily.

"Come here... Come over, I will create an identity token for you, representing your points in the flamefield."

"If your token disappears, it means you are going to die in the flames." The two elders said.

I saw that the two elders took out a dark token, and the words carved on it were all flames. Below is the word black iron.

There is a bit of other scent.

The two elders smiled and said: "The little guy, this token is made in the flamefield, a unique spiritual material."

Many people next to me have envious hatred on their faces.

The district is imaginary and has four advantages, and it can receive the preferential treatment of the two elders.

"Drip a drop of blood!"

The two elders handed the token to Xu Feng and laughed.

Xu Feng frowned.

If he leaves his breath, no one wants to kill him, he can sense the existence of his token.

"The little guys don't have to worry, this token is just a cumulative score, and it senses your life and death, unable to lock your breath."

"Of course, if there are people in Black Iron City, there will be induction between the tokens."

The two elders seem to guess Xu Feng’s thoughts and explain.

(End of this chapter)

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