The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2914: The sixth floor of the nine-ninth road

Chapter 2918, the sixth floor of the nine-day road

"kill me?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all smiling, saying: “Let’s see if he has the qualification.”

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the opposite of the ancient Yao green was mocking.

"Kid, you really don't know how to be tall, I just remind you."

Gu Yaolv felt that Xu Feng did not know how to be good.

He is very aware of the character of the four elders of Black Iron City, Wu Siyue.

The other party can become a four elders, and his strength is naturally strong.

However, he is the only grandson who loves him.

If so, know that his grandson was killed by Xu Feng.

I am afraid it will be mad.

At that time, Xu Feng will die.

Throughout the Black Iron City, there are really not many people who can come forward to stop Wu Siyue.

In particular, Wu Siyue is the strongest person in the eight-fold cultivation of the creation.

As the eight elders of Black Iron City.

Wu Siyue naturally cannot be a loner, he has many disciples of the strong, and the Black Iron Army has others.

Xu Feng looked at Gu Yao Green and said: "Thank you for your reminder, but I don't need such extra reminders."

"The assessment of the nine-ninth road is made by Heicheng. There is no explicit prohibition or murder."

"Not to mention, Wu pre-speaks to put me to death, do you think that I will not kill him, he will let me go?"

Xu Feng stared at Gu Yao Green and continued: "You are alive from the flames of the battlefield. Do you understand such a simple truth?"

Gu Yao green eyes blinked.

I have to say that even if he is in the flamefield, he has experienced countless life and death.

However, he still does not have the courage of Xu Feng.

If he was allowed to kill Wu Pre, he would not ask himself.

So at the moment, he has some admiration for the opposite youth.

However, thinking of this nine-nine-nine-day road, he and the other party are in a competitive relationship, and his face is somewhat ugly.

He has seen many young talents in the flamefield.

He is very clear.

In the flame battlefield, those who rank above the list of people are shocking.

The list of people is a fierce battlefield, dedicated to the powerful inside, to make an authoritative ranking.

Black Iron City’s one hundred black iron guards can rank no more than a quarter on the list.

It is conceivable that the list of people on the flamefield is terrible.

"Since you have no fear, I am very curious. Who are you and me, who can get the first place in the nine-day road?"

Until this time.

Gu Yaolu finally regarded Xu Feng as his opponent.

He felt that Xu Feng was qualified to be his opponent.

"Watch it!"

Xu Feng’s face is full of war.

For the declaration of the ancient Yao green, there is no fear in his eyes, and some are facing difficulties.

Seeing Xu Feng standing on the road of nine and nine days, such a decisive, so determined, many people with admiration.

After being able to kill the only grandson of the four elders of the Black Iron City, I was able to talk and laugh on the nine-day road. How can I not be surprised?

In the eyes of Qiu Zhi, they are all killing. The corner of his mouth is slightly raised. He said: "The kid, when Wu Siyue arrives, I hope you can still, so talk and laugh."

As the commander of the Black Iron Army, Qiu Zhi is very aware of the strength and temper of the four elders of Black Iron City.

That activation is a very short-cut guy.

Today, Xu Feng kills his only grandson, he must be angry.


"You said Xu Feng and Gu Yao Green, who can get the first place?"

Staring at Xu Feng towards the fourth step of the fourth step, continue to move forward.

However, Gu Yao Green has appeared on the fifth floor.

They all feel that Xu Feng wants to challenge the ancient Yao green a lot of difficulty.

"Compared to the two who can get the first place, I am more curious about the courage of where Xu Feng came from, facing the four elders of Heicheng."

When someone stared at Xu Feng, they were worried in their eyes.

It is really the four elders of Black Iron City, and the impact is too great.

"Maybe he has other cards to say."

Someone said.

"Oh, no, this young man seems to know Chen Youran, vice president of the Soul Guild."

Some of the soul guilds also came to watch the results of the nine-nine-day road climb, with amazement on his face.

"No, he knows Chen Youran?"

Some other people are surprised by the face.


The huge mansion of Heilongjiang, as if it were within a hundred miles, is the site of the Black Iron City.

There are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, as well as the huge Yanwu Square.

Everywhere is the patrol of the Black Iron Army.

One is guarding the courtyard of Senran.

A gray-haired old man, his beard on both sides was dry, his eyes were sunken, and the hair on both sides of his forehead was completely bald.

There was a crazy killing in his eyes, and he stared at the black iron army that reported the opposite.

"You mean, my grandson, on the nine-day road, others killed?"

He is the four elders of Black Iron City, Wu Siyue.

It is Wu’s grandfather.

His voice was very cold, and his words were awkward.

"The four elders are indeed like this. The other party is still very arrogant. Now it is still on the nine-day road."

Liu Dong fears that Wu Si will not be angry, with a provocative statement.

"Kill my grandson, no matter who he is, I will pay for it!"

The spiritual power of Wu Siyue was shocked.

I haven't waited for Liu Dong to react.

As if it were a raging wind, he rushed out of the yard.

Liu Dong stared at the back of Wu Siyue and sneered: "Xu Feng, Xu Feng, this time you will die."

Liu Dong didn't know why. He looked at Xu Feng and wanted to kill each other.

Perhaps Xu Feng’s talent is too scary.

So much so, his heart is awkward.


"The fifth step of the fifth step!"

As Gu Yaolv appeared on the fifth step of the fifth step, his eyes were unwilling.

Just because, Xu Feng behind, has already stepped on the fifth floor, the ninth step.

In other words.

He has no advantage for Xu Feng.


The entire nine-nine-nine-day road is awe-inspiring.

Shi Yan’s eyes are full of joy and worry.

After all, Xu Feng killed Wu Pre, which is a complete offense to Wu Siyue.

The eyes of Gu Yaolu are shocked inside.

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on Gu Yao Green’s body and said: “Gu Yao Yao Green, then, you can watch me start performing.”

"The sixth floor of the nine-ninth road is just my beginning. My goal is the ninth floor."

The voice of Xu Feng spread out, and the people on the scene were all wrong.

They really don't understand.

In the end, where Xu Feng came from, he said such words.

However, Xu Feng's footsteps are moving.

In the eyes of Gu Yao green surprised.

Xu Feng is on the sixth floor of the nine-day road.

When his body stood firmly on the sixth floor, the whole scene became silent.

(End of this chapter)

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