The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2868: Strong buy and sell

Chapter 2868 Strong Buying and Selling

Xu Feng put away his fist.

"I surrender!"

Zhao Guan’s difficult mouth spit out three words.


The people around are awe-inspiring.

Someone stared at Xu Feng and said: "I can see that before this kid, I was playing pigs and eating tigers."

"Fortunately, I am smart, I have not fought with him. Otherwise, it is me who suffers."

"Zhao Guan, this old thing, for so many years, has finally suffered a loss."

Some people, seeing Zhao Guan suffer.

They also feel a little cool.

Especially in the past years, Zhao Guan has gained a lot of benefits around this ring.

Zhao Guan will hand the three middle-aged Ling Jing to Xu Feng.

Zhao Guan is very clear.

Young talents like Xu Feng must not be provoked.

Once you are enemies with each other, you are either scribbling the roots, or you are escaping and hiding for a lifetime.

He is sure that he can defeat his own people.

Even in the black iron guard, there are not many people.

In other words.

The young people in front of you will become black iron guards sooner or later.

It is highly probable that he will have a place in the entire Black Iron City in the future.

Losing three Chinese spirits today, it is a lesson.

Xu Feng took over three Zhongpin Lingjing and nodded. "Yes, thank you for your gift."

When Zhao Guan turned around, he almost did not fall.

I secretly conceal myself, my heart said: "I really lifted my own stones and licked my own feet. If I continue to be patient, naturally there are other people who are looking for Xu Feng’s troubles. Then I can see the strength of Xu Feng."

His heart was a little annoyed, and he felt that he was still stunned by Xu Feng.

Zhao Guan walked under the ring.

Xu Feng continued to stand on the ring and saw no one to challenge himself.

Even if there are some people who are ignorant and ignorant, they will not dare to challenge Xu Feng.

After all, there are not many resources in the hands.

It is hard to find things that are comparable to the second-order best of the Holy Spirit, and it is also a valuable existence.

"No fun!"

Xu Feng shook his head helplessly, the kitten on his shoulder groaned, and he walked under the ring.

Zheng Xiaopeng’s face is a strong smile. He did not expect Xu Feng’s strength to be so powerful. He became a black iron guard, and it was almost a matter of stability.

"It seems that my luck is not bad. It is good to know such a peerless genius."


Just when Xu Feng had to step down.

Not far from a young man, he was wearing a gorgeous dress, and the whole person seemed to be golden.

He walked up, his feet were all in the sky, and the whole person seemed to be incomparably proud and his eyes were facing the sky.

When the young man appeared, many people's faces changed slightly.

Sure enough, the old man, really brought this comet.

Wang Laotou's face was pale, his internal organs, and now he still tears the pain from time to time.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes in his eyes, and his heart was awkward. He said: "Just, this time I want you to die without a place to die."

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the other party's swearing.

He took a step and walked down the ring.

"Kid, my young master is talking to you, is it a blind man?"

At the side of the youth, the two guards, both eyes are killing, staring at Xu Feng with anger, screaming.

Xu Feng looked up and glanced at the two guards who spoke, saying: "Since it is a dog, don't be too arrogant. Otherwise, if the dog does not know how to die, isn't it sad?"

"Kid, do you know who the person standing in front of you is, how dare you be so arrogant?"

The guard pointed at Xu Feng, and his eyes were full of anger. His words were arrogant.

Xu Feng slowly said: "I don't know!"

"If I don't know, I will tell you, when you don't get scared."

A guard pointed at Qiu Hai and said: "He is the sixth son of our Qiu family. It is the sixth grandson of the invincible of the Seven Elders of Heilongjiang. His current cultivation is to achieve the emptiness of the nine."

"Now, are you scared?"

The guard is finished.

Qiu Hai’s face is full of pride.

Although he is lascivious and savvy.

However, his talent and strength are unquestionable.

At such an age, he can break through to the nine-fold cultivation of the virtual world.

In the words of his grandfather.

In the future, his strength and achievements will inevitably be above Qiu invincible.

"Why should I be afraid?"

Xu Feng looked at the two guards and asked.

Qiu Hai’s face became extraordinarily ugly, and every time he came here, the platform was full of rewards.

He really did not expect that some people dare to be so arrogant, even his Qiuhai is not in the eye.

"Kid, you are dead!"

Two guards looked at Xu Feng.

The meaning of the eyes, as if to say, no one can save you in the sky.

Qiuhai walked a few steps. He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes. "Is it just you, forcing the old man to eat the waste Dan?"

Qiu Hai’s words rang.

Wang Laotou’s face was full of anger, saying: “Six sons, you must abolish him. You see how arrogant he is.”

"Yes, it's me, what about it?"

Xu Feng did not have the slightest fear, his face was too calm.

He looked directly at Qiu Hai.

"Do you know that he is the grandfather of my woman?"

Qiu Hai asked.

Xu Feng said: "I didn't kill him. It is already a great gift."

Having said that, he said slowly: "In addition, I want to teach him, don't say that he is your woman's grandfather, even if he is your grandfather, I will not back."


Xu Feng’s words rang, and the people around the ring were taking a breath.

This young man is too arrogant.

Qiu Hai’s grandfather is the seven elders of Hei Iron City, and the strong man of the high-level creation is invincible.

"very good!"

Qiu Hai’s face is full of anger, and some people dare to talk to themselves.

He said coldly to Xu Feng: "I have heard that your strength is very strong. I want to fight with you now."

"Of course, the bet is the Yu Ling Tong Dan in your hand. I don't know if you dare to bet with me?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "I am not interested."

Qiu Hai heard that, above his face, he was killing.

He is in the Black Iron City, and few people dare not give face.

"You don't want to continue fighting?"

Qiu Hai’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Xu Feng said: "Yes, I have already walked down from the ring, which means that I don't want to continue fighting."

Xu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to Qiu Hai.

He has received a lot of spiritual materials, and the so-called harvest is quite rich. Why should he continue to be here and entangled?

"Do I have to fight with you?"

Qiu Hai’s eyes are like swords, and his body’s strong breath is looming, and his face is cold.

Xu Feng laughed and said: "When I don't want to fight, you are not qualified to fight me."

(End of this chapter)

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