The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2860: Xu Feng is back!

Chapter 2860 Xu Feng is back!

After each.

Xu Feng took the kitten and walked on the road alone.

His eyes are firm inside.

He looked at the distant sky.

The stars are flashing.

He said slowly: "Hey, Lingyue, are you okay?"

The kitten heard the words, and he also blinked.

"Brother, don't you say, I miss the Southern continent."

Inside the kitten's voice, it is all emotion.

He followed Xu Feng and left the southern continent.

Unconsciously, it has been more than a year and two years.

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, his eyes were firm and he said with emotion: “When I am stable in the Lingshen mainland, I will go to the southern continent and bring them all.”

Xu Feng is very clear that in the southern continent, there are countless ties between him.

Oriental Lingyue, Yu Ruoqi, Ming Yuer, Li Tingting and other women are his confidantes.

He left the southern continent, and the women, but still in the southern continent, waited for him with an eye.

His heart was full of emotional fluctuations, and immediately he smiled and said: "Kit, you said Xiaoyan, how is it now?"

If Xu Feng remembers the mistake, Xiao Xiao is three years old.

Today is the day of his birth.

The kitten heard the words, he smiled and said: "Brother, I think Xiaoyan is very abnormal, he is afraid now is very powerful."

"I think he may be in the spirit of the mainland, practice everywhere, run around, no one can control him."

When the kitten’s words rang, Xu Feng glanced at the kitten and said, “This is not what you teach.”

I remember when Xiao Xiao was born, the kitten was almost every day, and he was stuck with Xu Wei.

Later, Xiao Yan gradually grew up.

Xiao Yan and the kitten are very happy to play.

The kitten is a big brother who claims to be a small sister.

He told Xiao Yan.

"Despite your trouble, everything has a big brother to help you!"


Xu Feng took a deep breath.

"Let's go, let's go back to Bi Tao.


Southern continent.

It was a little boy. He was long and handsome, his eyes were stunned, and his expression was smug.

His height is not very high, but he is able to move freely.

The most important thing is that his cultivation is a spiritual sect.

In just three years, he was promoted to the cultivation of Lingzong.

Xiao Yan’s face is tender, but his eyes are all smiling.

"Several of you are really bad, I have been fighting with you for so long, you still can't touch me."

Yes, this three-year-old boy is Xu Wei.

It is the son of Xu Feng and Yu Ruojun.

"Ah... you are the young master of the Wanshen Emperor, we don't know Taishan, please don't kill us!"

"We know it is wrong... Please spare us a life!"

A few middle-aged men across the street, all of them were full of horror, and they all yelled at Xu.

The entire southern continent is now the site of the Wanxiang Shenzong.

Xu Wei feels that it is very boring to be close to the holy city of Zhongzhou.

Almost everyone where he went, he was able to know him. ,

Therefore, he alone, wading through the mountains and wading, came to Tianhua domain, it is also a place to see and see, his father grew up.

I know.

In Tianhua domain, almost everyone saw him, as if they saw the savior, all of them were respectful.

Xu licked his lips. He looked at the people who had fallen down from the opposite side and said, "Oh, you are really bored. I just want to learn from you. Do you use this?"

"It's really annoying!"

Xu Wei touched his little head.

Several people have said: "There are few masters, your talents and reputation, have spread throughout the southern continent, who dares to find you trouble?"

"Besides, your strength is so powerful, how can we learn from you?"

It turned out a year ago.

In the dark temple, there is a remnant of the remnant of Emperor Huang, who wants to avenge Xu Feng and wants to kill Xu Wei.

I know, Xu Wei actually killed the existence of the Emperor Peak.

However, there were many people who saw that battle.

Ever since, Xu Wei has become the most famous genius in the southern continent.

Many people say that blue is better than blue.

Xu Wei’s talent is even more terrifying than his father Xu Feng.

"Oh... I just broke through the spiritual cult, I don't have to fight with you."

Xu Wei’s killing of Emperor Huang’s peak was the credit of his holy soul.


Xu Wei finished, above the top of the head, the golden dragon suddenly broke out.

If Xu Feng is here, I am afraid that I will be surprised to say nothing.

Xu Wei’s Taikoo Dragon Soul, now the soul of the soul, has reached the realm of forty.

If you are in the spirit of the mainland, Xu Wei is a second-order soul master, and is still a middle-level soul teacher.

Xu Feng went to the Lingshen continent and constantly absorbed the refining soul crystal. He only upgraded to the thirty-two stripe road.

Xu Wei, who does not know what Soul Crystal is, can be promoted to forty holy soul lines, which is a terrible soul teacher talent.

A few middle-aged men were scared and scattered, one by one.

"Oh, sometimes people are too famous and not interesting."

Xu Yan sighed and was about to leave.

"Young Master, your mother's time is up!"

Just as Xu Wei was ready to leave, an old figure appeared next to Xu Wei.

He is a shadowless thief who used to be with Xu Feng.

Today, his mission is to protect Xu Wei's safety.

"Hey, no shadow grandpa, my mother will not let me be free? I also want the spirit of the mainland!"

Xu Wei was reluctant, but he still left with a shadowless thief.

The shadowless **** heard the four words of the spiritual **** continent, and his heart is expecting.

In the end, what is Xu Feng’s growth?


Xu Feng came to the outside of Bi Tao.

He and the kitten walked toward Bi Tao.

Nowadays, Xu Feng’s killing of the Falcons in the Thunder Sea has been spread throughout the Black Iron City.

It can be said that Xu Feng is really famous.

Seeing that Xu Feng came back to Bi Tao, several guards were awe-inspiring.

"Xu Feng is back!"

Someone screamed at the door of Bi Tao, and all of them were full of excitement.

Many young people look at Xu Feng's figure, they are all in awe.

Xu Feng's talent makes them, and they can't live without it.

One can kill the falcon to help the deputy lord, they have only awe.

The entire Bi Tao door is completely boiling.

Xu Feng is very calm.

He returned to Bitao Gate this time, the purpose is to bid farewell to Cao Zhen and others.

After killing Yang Zhao, he will go to Heilongjiang.

His appointment with Chen Youran, time is coming soon.

He must go to Heilongjiang to be able to save Chen Youran's daughter.

Since he promised Chen Youran, he certainly would not say anything.

Cao Zhen came to Xu Feng's yard with a smile and amazement. He was full of excitement and said: "Xu brothers, you are really shocking. You can kill the Falcons and help the deputy. It is too much relief."

Xu Feng’s heart is secret.

I don't know, if Bi Taomen knows that he will kill even the road, will it be even more pleasant?

(Strong return, recommend a good book "The Strongest Emperor"

(End of this chapter)

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