The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2856: What is the meaning of Yanque Anzhihong?

Chapter 2856, Yan Zhi, An Zhihong, Zhizhi?

"What is the origin of this kid, dare to help the boss, and he just can kill the virtual world."

"But, he does not understand, the virtual world and the creation of the realm, it is a huge gap, the difference is different."

"The most important thing is that Yan Yan is taking the remedy forcibly improving the cultivation. It is not the opponent of the lord. Why should he fight the lord?"

Several people looked at Xu Feng, and they were all unknown.

They don't know, in the end, where Xu Feng comes from, the courage to fight the road.

Such a big gap is simply a dead end.

The sinister dilemma has become a peak in the two battles, and they have never heard of such a situation.

Don't say that Xu Feng can defeat the roller, even if it can withstand the roller, it is enough to become a legend.

"Hey, you are so stupid, this young man is obviously a girl, and he is following him to find death."

An old man's face full of confidence, he looked at Xu Feng's eyes, are disdainful.

In his opinion, even Xu Feng and Yan Yan's talent is very good.

The two are still cowards, and they are not worth mentioning.

It’s like Yan Yan. If he doesn’t come to the Falcons, he will practice for three or five years and want to kill the roller. It’s easy.

At this time, if you want to be a hero, you will be sent to death. It makes no sense.

However, Xu Feng’s so-called He Yanyan seems to have such a good brother, but it is a blessing in life.

However, I don’t know, what is the significance of two people dying here?

"If it were me, I should dissuade Yan Yan, don't come to the Falcon to help die."

The old man patted his chest and said.

Not far from Xu Feng, I heard the old man’s high talk.

He turned his head and looked at the old man. He said, "Old waste, you know why, you have to be half-bone in the soil, is it just a matter of ignorance?"

Xu Feng’s voice is very bright.

The old man heard the words, his face was angry.

Xu Feng did not wait for the old man to open his mouth and said first: "There is no brave heart, no enterprising heart, what are you doing alive?"

"Is it the so-called "Yan Ke An Zhi Hong Zhi Zhi Zhi?"

The depths of Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with hegemonic momentum.

He and Yan Yan have the same goal.

That is, they want to be super strong and want to stand on the peak of the spiritual **** continent.

Instead, every bit of achievement is smug, thinking that you can transcend the sky.

"Hey, if you don't know how to come and provoke the helper, you are just looking for a dead end."

"The strength of the lord is so strong. If you want to live, if you want to live, hurry down and give the gang a confession. Maybe he can spare you."

The old man's face is full of flattering look.

In the eyes of Lu Ling, with a cold and murderous intention.

"Kid, let me see, where do you come from, the courage to fight me?"

Lu Hao is also very curious, in the end where Xu Feng comes from the courage.

If you dare to succumb to the situation, you will challenge yourself to create a new peak.

"I will fulfill you."

The pulse of Xu Feng's body emerged. His current cultivation is a double ambiguity, and the number of spiritual veins reaches forty-nine.

Immediately afterwards, the realm of his imaginary body was completely erupted.

He stared at the opposite road and said: "Now, do you think that where do I have the courage to fight you?"


The entire Falcon gang, completely silent.

"Forty-nine spirits?"

The hearts of countless people are all rushing.

They really can't imagine that the ambiguous situation is double-educated and condenses forty-nine threads.

Many warriors in the realm of creation are only forty spirits.

How did Xu Feng do it?

Lu Ling’s eyes are all condensed, and his heart is full of horror. He said: “What a horrible youth, what is this origin?”

He suddenly thought of it if he could kill Xu Feng.

Perhaps you know why there are so many reasons for the number of Xu Feng’s spirituality.

If he can rebuild in the realm of creation, he will condense fifty threads, and even more, his strength is really ups and downs.

The old man who just ridiculed Xu Feng, he only felt his cheeks, hot pain.

Xu Feng has forty-nine spiritual veins. He is only guilty of ambiguity. Why didn’t he dare to come to challenge the road?

We must know that the road to the creation of a country is only a peak of the forty-six.

"Hey, boy, do you think that you can condense a few threads, can you beat me? It’s a whimsical!"

In the eyes of Lu Ling, there is a disdainful color, and the spiritual power of the body continues to flow.

His footsteps moved, his body became a boulder, his hands became sharp edges, and he came to attack by Xu Fengqi.

"Dragon is in the wild."

The dragon king boxing was displayed, and Xu Feng’s imaginary body was a perfect realm. The power that broke out was terrible.

The moment when the boxing went out, it seemed as if the waves were rolling.

Moreover, this is the first time Xu Feng has gone all out.

In the face of the road to the peak of the creation of the environment, Xu Feng does not want to have any mistakes, and does not want to keep hands.


With the collision of the fist and the sharp blade, the air wave rolled in all directions.

Luke’s eyes are all condensed.

"The power of horror!"

He felt the arm tremble, and the whole person rushed out and rushed out.

He has just fought with Yan Yan for so long, and the spiritual consumption is also very serious.

Now I will start with Xu Feng.

If Xu Feng is an ordinary virtual dilemma, he certainly has a big advantage.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng’s strength is terrible, and he is at a disadvantage.

"Come back!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate, the second type of Canglong Wang Quan, the sly squatting out, the dragons are condensing.


After several rounds of bombardment, the road continued to retreat, and his meridians were torn apart.

The blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face became pale and his eyes were unwilling.

"It seems that you have a peak in the creation of the realm, but that's all." Xu Feng stared at the roller, said with a sneer.

In the eyes of Lu Ling, they are all crazy colors, and he suddenly rushed toward Xu Feng.

"I want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Seeing the road rushing over, Xu Feng punched the road to the road, and squatted out.


At the moment when Lulu flew out, the bones on his body seemed to be crushed.

Just as he was lying on the ground, the ground was split.

The breath on him suddenly changed.

The majestic power broke out, and his eyes were full of surprises. "Hahaha... Thank you, help me to get through the meridians, let me break through to the creation of the environment."

Lu Hao reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His face was full of surprises.

He has been seeking breakthroughs in these years.

Unexpectedly, the real breakthrough is so simple.

(End of this chapter)

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