The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2853: 昊天巨裂

Chapter 2853

"In this case, there is nothing to say, let's do it!"

Yan Yan’s faces are all killing.

Before he came, there was a little bit of concern.

After all, Lu Ling has the kindness to him.

Now, looking at the way of the road, he has no ambiguity, and some are determined to kill the roller.

"Yan Yan, I have trained you for so many years, I can train you, I will be able to destroy you."

"You are really too impulsive, with your talent, indeed you can surpass me to kill me in the future, but now you can't."

Among the voices of Lu Ling, they are overbearing.

The heavy momentum of the body created a situation, his body clothes, all blowing in the wind, making a squeaky voice.

the most important is.

The number of his veins on his head reached 46.

Lu Lu is a culmination of a martial art. He can't do anything at all, otherwise he will dominate the Falcon gang.

"I am not your opponent, but it is not your mouth."

Yan Yan stood there, his eyes were cold.

It can be said.

Lu Ling is his enlightenment teacher. He has learned the roads in the past few years.

Today, he really does not dare to have any care about the road.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

The forty-two spiritual veins above his head, constantly flashing, contain intense waves of incomparable air.

On the body, silver-white lightning is also spreading.

Yan Yan understands the field of lightning.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

It turns out that Yan Yan’s lightning field has reached the realm of the eighth heaven.

It seems that when Yan Yan was fighting with him, it was also hidden.

Did not use the lightning field of their eighth heaven.

Of course, if you really want to compare the fields.

Yan Yan and Xu Feng, there is no comparable.

Today's Xu Feng is not only the field of gravity and space, but also reaches the realm of the eighth heaven.

In the field of killing, he also realized the killing of the righteousness.

Although it is only a first-order pre-killing, it is enough to laugh at many warriors.

"Yes, you can break through to the virtual world, and the thunder and lightning field reaches the eighth day. I really want to see, how long can you stay with me?"

Lu Ling’s tone is calm.

As if he was serious, Yan Yan is a child.

He is in the tone of the elders, that is, reprimanding Yan Yan.

Yan Yan’s cold road: “Road, you don’t have to worry about it. You have been in this tone for more than two decades.”

"Whenever I ask who my parents are, you are severely beaten against me. You make me afraid of my own life."

"This kind of hatred, I have to repay you."

When Yan Yan said that at the end, he repaid your three words and the tone was heavy.

"Ha ha ha... Let me see, the son of my own hands, how many strengths do you have?"

Lu Hao laughed, his eyes were overbearing, forty-six spirits on his head, crazy riots.

The moment he stepped out, there was a strong spiritual power on the palm of his hand, and he fell to the face of Yan Yan.

The atmosphere of creation is really strong.

The attack has become even more ferocious.

Yan Yan did not have any hesitation, nor fear, and the face of the war, bravely forward.


The bombardment of the palm of your hand went out.

The two attacks collide together, bringing with them a strong air wave.

Both figures quit at the same time.

Yan Yan retreated two or three feet away.

Lu Hao, just three steps back.

Lu Ling’s heart also appeared to be amazed, and said: “The growth rate of this small beast is really fast.”

"In such a short period of time, we have broken through to the illusory world, and the strength has increased so much that it seems that we cannot stay."

Although Lulu’s face is calm, his heart is full of ups and downs.

Seeing that Yan Yan and Lu Hao were fighting, they were not killed by one stroke.

Many people in the Falcons were shocked.

"I can't think of the strength of Yan Yan, and it is incredible that he can rise to such a level."

A middle-aged man stared at Yan Yan. In just a few months, Yan Yan’s strength improved.

"Do you think that the helper will really kill Yan Yan?" Someone looked at Yan Yan and asked with concern.

"To help the character of the lord, he must be killing Yan Yan, and he can be effective."

The Falcons don’t think that Yan Yan is the opponent of Lu Ling.

"It seems that your improvement is good, no wonder you dare to kill the Falcons."

Lu Yan’s eyes are more horrible, and the spirit of forty-six spirits is more terrifying.

"Unfortunately, you are still too tender."

The sound of the roller is still disdainful.

He rushed toward Yan Yan, and his spiritual power was surging, and the pulse was gathering toward the arm.

It seems to be a sharp blade, facing the chest of Yan Yan, the thorns of the scorpion, horrible.

Many people have replaced a cold sweat with Yan Yan.


Yan Yan did not have any hesitation, and exhibited a first-class Shang Sheng spirit technique. His palm seemed to be a beast.

At the moment when the **** mouth opened, he punched out with his fists.


The sharp blade suddenly smashed down, leaving a sharp blood mark on the arm of Yan Yan.

The blood blew from Yan Yan’s arm, and his face was cold and dignified.

It is a warrior who is the pinnacle of the creation.

Yan Yan’s heart does not dare to have any care.

"The second-order product of the Holy Spirit, Thunder!"

The flow of spiritual power in Yan Yan, the forty-two spiritual veins above his head, all gathered.

The silver-white lightning has turned into countless thunderbolts in an instant, falling towards the road.

Every lightning formation is an explosive attack.

The road is worthy of being a top-level warrior in the creation of the country. His understanding of the battle is also extremely terrifying.

His palms rushed out and resisted every lightning smash of Yan Yan, making the ground full of dents.

"I don't think you will go to the Thousand Fires, and you will really be thundered and cultivated to the realm of getting better."

Lu Ling felt the attack from Yan Yan’s constant attack, and his footsteps continued to quit.


In many people's eyes, they are all in vain.

The road to the peak of the creation of the realm, really being Yan Yan, the battle is regressing, seems to be in crisis.

"I can't think of Yan Yan's strength, and he is so powerful that his thunder is so terrible."

"I feel that helping the Lord, if you don't go all out, it's really dangerous." Someone couldn't help but say.

Xu Feng's eyes were slightly picked up.

He does not believe that there is no such strong second-order Holy Spirit in the general existence of Lu Hao.


Lulu suddenly quits and the blood rushes out from the corner of his mouth. He stares at Yan Yan and says, "Your thunder is full, is it finished?"

Yan Yan was unwilling to face, he did not expect.

He has shown his own thunder and has not seriously injured the road.

"That, it's my turn to show my skills, right?"

Lu Ling clearly wants to fight against Yan Yan’s self-confidence.

Did not use the second-order Holy Spirit, just want to tell Yan Yan.

Even if you are a genius, I can still crush you now.

(End of this chapter)

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