The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2840: Mountain sea otter

Chapter 2840, Shan Haiyan kills

Qing Shuizong is an elder who is a strong entrepreneur.

To know.

It is extremely difficult for them to make breakthroughs in these powerful institutions.

Especially the elders of the elders are too old.

As a result, they will retreat to repair.

Basically, it will take three or five years to appear.

"The lord, this little thing has alarmed the elders. Isn't it that we are all incompetent?"

The elders looked at Hong Kun and said straight.

Hong Kun shook his head.

"The elders, this thing is not a trivial matter. If this Xu Feng becomes a black iron guard, with his talent, the rise is only a matter of time."

"You should all know why we have been developing in Qingshui for many years."

"It is not because we have Qingsong in the black iron guard, there are six people."

"You don't want to think about it. With this talent from Xu Feng, he became a black iron guard. What a horror?"

"If he becomes the top ten guards in the Black Iron Guardian, when will we be able to suppress him?"

Hong Kun’s words rang, causing everyone to fall into meditation. They felt that Hong Kun’s argument was justified.

"Hong Kun, when you were the master of the election, it was the most correct decision. You analyzed it well."

Just at this time.

Outside the hall of the House of Representatives, a white-haired old man, wearing a gray-white robes, looked a bit scented.

He went to the main hall of the House of Representatives.

Many people are very embarrassed about the old man.

Some of them have joined Qing Shui Zong for decades and used to be a disciple of the elders.

"Qing Shui Zong only has a strong development. I don't want to alarm me as an elder, even if I give this old bone to Qing Shui, what about it?"

Too elders are full of faces.

His purpose is to have a lifetime, and hope that Qing Shui Zong can become an eighth-order force.

"Thank you for being elders and understanding, I am here to replace Qing Shui, thank you to the elders."

Although Hong Kun’s strength is stronger than that of the elders, he is still respectful to the old man.

"The elders, six of you, follow the elders of the elders and go to the sea of ​​clouds and kill Xu Feng."

Hong Kun said to six people, including the elders.

The great elders are the emptiness of the nine peaks.

The remaining five people are all imaginary.

It can be said that such a lineup is the most powerful existence of Qing Shui.

"Okay, obey!"

The elders and others are talking to Hong Kun.

"Then we will set off immediately, so as not to have a long night dream, such a peerless genius, can not be used for me, it must be cut off."

The eyes of the elders at the moment are completely different from the sacred bones that he showed.

He was suppressed by the silver-haired red ghosts. He now knows that Xu Feng is the peerless genius of Bitaomen, and he wants to kill Xu Feng.

He wants to let the silver hair red ghost regret it.

that's it.

In Qingshuizong, seven people marched toward the sea of ​​clouds.


The soul is in the clouds.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of glory.

“The illusion of a virtual world!”

His cultivation is to break through to the peak of the virtual world, and he wants to further promote to the virtual world.

His face was calm and calm, and he didn't have much anxiety. He took out a few remedies.

These medicinal herbs are the second-order Holy Spirit Dan who assists in cultivation.

A realm in a virtual world.

The ordinary warrior, the medicinal herbs in his hand, do not take all the drugs, even if they get one, it is also a treasure.

However, Xu Feng used these medicinal herbs as auxiliary medicines.

If you are known by others, don't you know if you will vomit blood?

"I want to condense the spirit, I must break through the spirit, and I can make a breakthrough if I can make it stronger."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of strong fluctuations, and he is crazy to improve his cultivation.

In the soul of the sea of ​​clouds, a steady stream of spiritual power, gathered toward his meridians.

"Forty-eight spirits!"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all shining.

His spirit has improved.

However, he did not stop and continued to improve.

The number of spiritual veins is increasing, and the strength of Xu Feng is getting stronger.


"Forty-nine spirits!"

As Xu Feng condensed forty-nine spiritual veins, among his meridians, there were sharp fluctuations in the sea of ​​gas.

The momentum on his body has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

"The virtual world is double!"

Xu Feng’s face showed a smile.

The kitten on the seashore of Shenglingyun suddenly came out. He felt Xu Fengxiu as a breakthrough and his eyes flickered.

He felt a strong scent and approached the side of the living cloud. He wanted to remind Xu Feng.

Yan Yan opened his eyes and his face was shocked.

He practiced for so long, and also took the remedy that Xu Feng gave him. His heart was shocked.

In the end, where Xu Feng came from such a precious remedy.

After he took it, the help was really too big.

At this moment, I feel that Xu Feng has broken through to the virtual world.

Yan Yan knows that if he does not break through, the gap with Xu Feng will become bigger and bigger.

He bit his teeth, continued to close his eyes, and began to prepare to break through the bottleneck of the virtual world.


Xu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with a smothering intention. "Is it finally?"

He jumped out of the clouds of life.

"Brother, there is a strong person close to the soul of the sea."

The kitten looked at Yan Yan and was still practicing in closed eyes, and said softly to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng cracked his mouth and smiled: "Since they come to a lot of people, it is not easy to deal with them with the formation method."

"Hey, my brother, I also want to learn to arrange the array, and I can use the array in the future to kill the world."

The kitten is full of pride.

He has been with Xu Feng for so many years, and this little guy’s tactics are not bad.

At least, the entire Black Iron City, most of the formation, the kitten wants to break open, it is very easy.

"The array of methods I want to arrange is the killing of the mountains and seas. This method is a third-order array. You can learn and learn."

"The law of the formation is to pay attention to the people of the world. It is just right for the mountains and rivers to kill."

Xu Feng said to the kitten with a smile.

"Of course, there must be enough spiritual materials in the hand."

During this time, Xu Feng received a lot of spiritual materials.

Otherwise, it is not so easy to arrange Shan Haiyan to kill.

Make bricks without straw!

Without spiritual materials, everything is empty talk.

Poly Lingshi appeared in Xu Feng's hand. He said to the kitten: "Kitten, around the sea of ​​clouds, every corner, you drop ten polyliths, you can come to me and see How do I arrange it."

"Okay, brother!"

The speed of the kitten is very fast. He grabs the polystone, according to Xu Feng’s instructions.

Around the clouds of life, the continuous gathering of the spiritual stones fell.

There are more than ten kinds of spiritual materials in Xu Feng’s hand.

Among them, a blood-red spar, exudes a violent momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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