The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2835: God! Is he really a human?

Chapter 2835 God! Is he really a human?

"Yan Yan, what are you doing, don't you hurry up?"

Liu Yuanbai appeared at the time of the Thousand Fires.

His eyes fell on the opposite Yan Yan.

He is the deputy gang of the Falcon gang, and he is still very optimistic about the future growth of Yan Yan.

At this moment, watching Yan Yan and Xu Feng stand together, his face is not good looking.

Yan Yan is too lazy to pay attention to Liu Yuanbai.

He stared at Tan Zhen and said: "Two elders, you know, what is my life experience?"

At the moment when Tan Zhen heard the words, his eyes flickered and stared at Yan Yan. "Yan Yan, don't listen to other people's nonsense. You don't hurry up. After we kill Xu Feng, we go back to the Falcons. I will help you to participate in the selection of Black Iron."

Yan Yan’s face was cold and harsh, saying: “The two elders, it seems that what Zhao said is true.”

"I am not an orphan at all, but you and the helper, killing my father, humiliating my mother, the baby who brought me back, right?"

Yan Yan’s eyes stared at Tan Zhen.

"Yan Yan, what are you talking about, the helper is like a biological son, how can you think this way?"

"If he knows what you think, what kind of sadness he will have, do you want to be ungrateful?"

Tan Zhen’s voices are all shocks, and his face is very excited.

He yelled at Yan Yan.

Yan Yan laughed aloud and said: "Two elders, you don't need such anger to cover up your inner panic and embarrassment."

"When I asked about my life, the rollers and your expressions and attitudes were exactly the same."

"You certainly have kindness to me, but if it weren't for you, my parents and I should be happy."

"You kill my parents, but they use the kindness of my parenting to coerce me. Is it really true that you are not at night?"

Yan Yan’s voice is firm, and his spiritual power is surging. He looks at Xu Feng, not far away, and said: “Xu Xiong, this person is handed over to me to kill himself. The rest of you, you are responsible for dealing with it.”

"it is good!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate any more. He has taken several medicinal herbs in succession to supplement the spiritual power he has consumed.

However, it is unrealistic that the drug needs to be supplemented quickly. His current spiritual power is equivalent to about 70% of the total prosperity.

The only thing he is jealous of is Liu Yuanbai.

This person is a mid-term in the middle of the emptiness, and his strength is beyond doubt. It is even more terrifying than Yang Qian, who he killed before.

Tan Zhen’s eyes are staring at the opposite Yan Yan, saying: “Yu Yan, since now your wings are hard and you want to fly alone, then I have to see if you have such strength.”

"I am going to replace your righteous father and clean up the portal today."

Tan Zhen said that the crown is magnificent, and the ambiguous situation in the late eight-fold period is filled with imposing manners. Among his eyes, the twinkling of the eyes is killing.

"I want to replace my dead parents, revenge and hate!"

Yan Yan screamed and his body exploded.

Surroundings are thunder and lightning.

He took a step and marched toward Tan Zhen, his hands, thunder and spiritual power, and attacked.

Tan Zhen’s strength is not weak. He lifted his hand and resisted Yan’s attack.


Yan Yan’s eyes are red and bloody. They are killing. He is desperate to fight Tan Zhen and fights to kill Tan Zhen.

With a few minutes of fighting, Tan Zhen’s face became extraordinarily ugly.


Tan Zhen did not expect that Yan Yan’s strength would be so strong.

Liu Yuanbai looked at Tan Zhen is not Yan Yan’s opponent.

He said: "You two, hurry to help the two elders."

"Your opponent is me!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body rushed toward Liu Yuanbai and others, and the golden light broke out.

The moves of the Canglong Wang Quan, the display of the scorpion, all formed dramatic wave fluctuations.

On Liu Yuanbai's body, the momentum of the emptiness of the nine-fold mid-term emerged, and his head was still forty-four.

The pulse is constantly surging. He stares at Xu Feng and says: "Boy, you didn't shoot, the old man is still preparing to let you live for a while. Since you take the initiative to find death, you can't blame me."

Liu Yuanbai looked at Xu Feng and Yang Ji fighting, his consumption is extremely huge.

Looking at Xu Feng's pale face, he didn't think.

Xu Feng’s so powerful Holy Spirit skills can also be used for the second time.


The forty-four spirits of Liu Yuanbai’s head, when he was madly gathering, his hands became claws and he suddenly grabbed him toward Xu Feng.

"Long Yue Tiandi."

The forty spirits of Xu Feng’s head danced and his fists went out.


His whole person was shaken out.

After all, Liu Yuanbai is a sinister existence.

Xu Feng has been fighting for so long, and he was able to forcibly take over his move without being injured. It is already a great achievement.

"Kid, you really are not simple, but you consume a lot, you will die." Liu Yuanbai's face is full of embarrassment.

He turned to Xu Feng and continued to display the Holy Spirit, and his claws became more fierce and more powerful.


Xu Feng does not want to show all the veins. His eyes are deep, but there is a sense of killing.

"Don't you admit defeat?"

Liu Yuanbai looked at Xu Feng's retreat, and his face was proud of the constant retreat of Thousand Fires.

He deliberately chose Xu Feng and Yang Ji to lose both sides, only to shoot in the back, just to consume Xu Feng.

Today, his purpose has been successfully achieved.

With a sneer on his face, he said, "Boy, haven't you been very arrogant? You can't do it. Can you still play once again with your killer's holy spirit?"

"Oh, it seems that this young man is going to die in the Thunder Sea."

Someone looked at this scene and said with emotion.

"He is not dead in the Thunder Sea, fearing that it is also difficult to escape the pursuit of Qing Shui."

"Do you think that Qing Shui will let him go?"


"I can't show the talent of the Holy Spirit, but I want to kill you, but it is not necessarily difficult."

Xu Feng constantly pretends to go backwards. His purpose is to let Liu Yuanbai continue to chase him, getting closer and closer to him.

Moreover, he wants Liu Yuanbai to completely relax his vigilance.

"Five lines of heart surgery: the killing of gold!"

It’s just that Liu Yuanbai’s face is smug, and his expression is always well-informed.

Xu Feng's body, a virtual shadow of a dragon emerged.

His two-legged Taikoo Dragon Soul erupted.

In an instant, the Taikoo Dragon Soul is surrounded by thirty stripes.

Xu Feng is a soul master, and his lines reach thirty.

"Soul Master, is he a soul teacher?"

Thousands of people around the sea of ​​Thunder, at this moment are completely stunned, one by one full of horror.

They can't imagine that Xu Feng is such a powerful peerless genius, he is actually a soul teacher.

"Second-order soul master?"

"God, is he really a human?"

Someone couldn't help but sigh.

It’s a rhythm of people’s death than people’s death.

(End of this chapter)

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