Chapter 2823 Thunder

"Hey, this kid doesn't know how to be good, let him go to the Thousand Fires and let him find his way out."

Both of them let go and did not continue to block Xu Feng.

Xu Feng came to the Thunder Sea.

He just came below.

The violent thunder and lightning came in, and his body radiated golden light, and the momentum was terrible.

"Oh... good boy, do you dare to come to Thousand Fires to find death? Those thunder and lightning can bombard you as a crush."

Not far from the cultivation station, a middle-aged man, he opened his mouth and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He is a five-fold cultivation of the virtual world, and can not resist the strong attack of lightning, resulting in damage to the meridians.

Xu Feng frowned slightly and said: "Can I bear it, what should I do with you?"

"Turn off your ass, no more nonsense!"

Xu Feng’s voice is rude.

Many people opened their eyes, and when they looked at Xu Feng, they all sneered.

"Where is this kid coming from Shantouqing, he won't be tired of it? Dare to provoke Zhou Lunhua."

"I really don't know who is not afraid. At such a young age, it is a self-seeking dead road."

"You said Zhou Lunhua, how would you kill him?"

They are all talking about it.

Only Xu Feng stood there, his face was very calm.

The kitten said: "Brother, how come you go, there will be people who don’t open their eyes, do you think you are weak?"

"Gig me!"

Xu Feng couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. He seemed to go wherever he wanted to find him.

These people think that Xu Feng is too young, and some people think that Xu Fengxiu is too weak.

Yes, they don't want to think about it.

Is Xu Feng really a self-seeking person?

"I don't know the dead boy, dare to provoke me Zhou Lunhua, I will let you try it later, it is better to die than to die."

Zhou Lunhua stood up from above the cultivation platform, and the five-fold atmosphere of the virtual world emerged.

His face is full of killing, and the 30 spiritual veins above his head have emerged in an instant, for fear that others will not know that his spiritual pulse is thirty.

Immediately afterwards, his hands became sharp.

The body is like a cannonball, and it is sent toward Xu Feng. The sharp blade is facing the chest on both sides of Xu Feng.


Thunder and lightning are inside and behind the Thousand Fires Thunder Sea, surrounded by silver and white lightning.

Someone has finally found an unusual place.

"Oh, no, you haven't found out that the thunder and lightning bombarded the youth. Doesn't he seem to react?"

Someone’s words are ringing.

Suddenly, everyone else was blind, staring at Xu Feng.

They nodded their eyes in dignity.

"No, this son's strength is not simple, ordinary lightning, can't help him."

"Zhou Lunhua is afraid to kick the iron plate."

Someone couldn’t help but say.


Seeing the other side's sharp blade attack, Xu Feng slowly spit out two words, and the sound spread.

The golden fist burst out of light, and the dragon stepped on top of his fist.

A boxing bombardment came out, and all the eruptions were horrible.


Zhou Lunhua’s arrogant look on his face stopped, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The sharp blade that he attacked, the broken of the cockroach.

His two arms were all shattered.

A powerful force completely destroys his meridians.

He fell in the flame and let the thunder bombard him on him.

His eyes are filled with remorse.

"If the strength is not strong, don't learn from others. If you eat the evil, you will know that you regret it. Don't you think it's too late?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Many people around him are taking a breath.

If Zhou Lunhua is the first to take the shot, it is very likely that they will die.

"Who is this person, why is it so powerful?"

"He won't be a genius from Black Iron City?"

Just as they have speculated about Xu Feng’s identity.

Not far from a cold-looking man, his eyebrows are very rare, cold and cold: "He is the young man of Bi Taomen, this person is called Xu Feng, strength and talent are not bad, before in the secret of the stars In the middle, I killed several Falcons to help me."

"And he also killed Luo Wanyin and killed Sun Haocheng!"

As the man’s words rang, everyone sucked in a cold breath.

They did not expect that Xu Feng’s strength was so terrible.

Luo Wanyin and Sun Haocheng are the eight geniuses of Falcon.

Their strength is terrible.

In particular, Sun Haocheng can completely compare the seven powerful players in the virtual world.

Xu Feng's eyes swept across the crowd, saying: "I don't know, who has opinions on me entering the Thousand Fires, please stand up!"

The sound spreads strongly.

Everyone did not dare to look at Xu Feng’s eyes, for fear that Xu Feng would find his own troubles.

"A bunch of cockroaches!"

The kitten has two claws and points to everyone.

They want to teach the kittens and think about the strength of Xu Feng, and they hold back their inner anger.

Compared with life, what are the two sentences?

"No opinion, then I will continue to go in."

After Xu Feng finished, he turned and walked toward the Thunder Sea.

The lightning and flames outside are not attractive to him at all.

Before the Thousand Fires Rays overseas, two Qingshui Zongwu who intercepted Xu Feng, they were all stunned.

If Xu Feng’s shot was taken, they could not die any more.

Both of them swallowed their mouths.

A little scared after a while.


Yan Yan!

It was the second day of the Falcon gang, and he was now repaired to achieve the seven realm of emptiness.

He came to Thousand Fires this time to refine the Holy Spirit. His "second-order sacred spirit: Thunder and Thunder" needs to use strong lightning to continue to enhance the realm of cultivation.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes swept across the scene with arrogance.

The first day of the Falcon gang is about to become a black iron guard.

However, as the second day of his falcon gang, he believes that he is not worse than the other side, he will also become a black iron guard.


Above the cultivation platform, the silver-white lightning around it continued to sway toward his right hand and madly.

His entire arm was squeaky, as if the thunder and lightning were criss-crossing.

"As long as my thunder and sorrows are getting better and better, I will be able to get a good grasp of the black iron guards."

Yan Yan himself is very clear.

The assessment of Hei Tiewei is the responsibility of Hei Tiecheng. They are all geniuses from the Black Iron City and fight each other.

Only by constantly improving his strength can he have the opportunity to go to the wider Heilongjiang.

"Yan Yan, did you really want to kill someone before?"

A voice rang out not far from Yan Yan.

It is a young man with such a look.

He is also one of the eight geniuses of the Falcons, but he is ranked fifth, and the gap between him and Yan Yan is very large.

"You mean Xu Feng, killing Xu Feng of Luo Wanyin?"

Yan Yan looked at each other disdainfully and asked arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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