The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2817: Wang Bihai came forward

Chapter 2817, Wang Bihai came out

"In this case, then I will kill you all!"

In Xu Feng’s eyes, the killings suddenly came out.

The golden glow of the body floats.

The strong momentum is constantly fluctuating, and his eyebrows are overbearing.

"Are you together, or one by one?"

Xu Feng's tone is extremely arrogant.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Among the guards, a man rushed toward Xu Feng.


A punch hit out.

The man fell to the ground, and his ambiguity was still four. He was still a punch.


Everyone sucked a cold breath again.

Fang Cai, Xu Feng is a three-shot shock to the virtual world.

Today, Xu Feng is a four-shot shock.

It means.

Xu Feng’s strength is really terrifying.

Ding Hao's face became extraoriously ugly. He was a vain martyrdom and he did not make a punch to kill the virtual world.

He looked at Xu Feng's calm face and finally understood. ,

The strength of the other party is so strong, how can it not be calm?

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Ding Wei and said: "As a member of the **** team, you know the law and break the law, but also cover the children of the scorpion and oppress the people of Bei Mocheng. What crime should you sin?"

Xu Feng’s voice, a word, is like a thunder.

A few members of the escorts around Ding Yi, they are ashamed of their looks.

They followed Ding.

Ding Wei is the vice captain. How dare they not obey the instructions of the other party?

When they followed Wang Bihai, this was not the case.

They all know.

Ding Wei is a Ding family. Bi Tao has eight elders as the backing, and one does not dare to provoke.

"Father, what are you doing, hurry and kill him!"

Ding Wei pointed to Xu Feng, he did not understand, why his cousin is so powerful, still not shot?

He can't see it.

Ding Hao’s eyes are taboo.

Ding Wei heard that he almost didn't jump up. He glanced at Ding Wei and immediately looked at Xu Feng.

"This brother, there is something to discuss, I am the vice captain of the escort, I am called Ding Wei."

"If you are from Bitaomen, you must know the eight elders butene, he is my grandfather."

"I care who you are, you **** it!"

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation. When he stepped out, his hands turned into golden fists and he fell down.

Ding Wei did not expect that Xu Feng shot so decisively.

His current physical strength, the fists that came to attack Xu Feng, greeted him.

When the fist hits the moment, the unstoppable momentum erupts, forming a fierce wave.


In the moment when Ding's arm resisted, the sound of broken bones spread.


Ding Wei made a miserable snoring, and blood spurted out of his mouth. His face was pale and the whole person fell to the ground.

Xu Feng stepped on Ding's face and said, "Don't threaten me with butene. He is in my eyes, but it is an old waste."

"At Bitaomen, he didn't even qualify for shoes."

In Xu Feng’s voice, all that is spreading is self-confidence.

Today's Bitao Gate.

If Xu Feng had a silver-haired red ghost to support him, even the former elders would not dare to provoke Xu Feng.

Not to mention the eight elders butene.


In Ding's eyes, they were unwilling, so they were killed by Xu Feng.

Seeing Xu Feng simply and violently killing Ding Wei.


Surrounded by big waves.

The vice captain of the **** was killed by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on Ding Wei.

Ding Wei was so scared that his legs were shaking. When he wanted to walk, he found that his feet were difficult to move, let alone walk.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me..."

He watched Xu Feng step by step, his voice was trembling, and a smell of urine suddenly spread.

"Brother, stinky!"

The kitten licked his nose and his eyes were disgusting.

Xu Feng stared at the mental retardation like Ding Wei and said: "I really don't know, your grandfather raised your mental retardation like this. Is it really because you can pass on the family?"

Xu Feng really does not understand.

Even if you come to the mainland of Lingshen, why are there so many deaf children?

It makes sense.

These people have resources and conditions that others do not have. If they work hard enough, they will certainly achieve certain achievements.

But, like Ding Wei’s embarrassment, I only know that I’m bullying, playing is a waste of life, isn’t it ridiculous?

"Killing you is a shame to me!"

Xu Feng stared at Ding Wei.

He wants to kill Ding, but he can look at the other side's appearance. He can't produce a trace of killing.

The other party is really too wasteful.

He warned Ding Wei: "You will dare to find trouble with both of them, and I will let you die."

Xu Feng finished, turned and walked toward the end of the street.


Ding Wei, the whole person, went straight to the sky, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Really scared to death.


Outside the restaurant.

Xu Feng's face became incomparably ugly.

He did not expect that he had spared a dog's life.

Today, Ding’s family is carrying a group of people to surround the restaurant.

Xu Feng looked at the middle-aged man opposite, the breath of the other side, is the six peaks of the virtual world.

His eyes narrowed slightly and the other was Ding Wei’s father.

"Father, that's him... He killed my guard, killed Ding's eldest brother, and humiliated his son in public, humiliating our family!"

Ding Wei seems to have another backing. He pointed to the appearance of Xu Feng and said to the man around him.

"Hello, you are so bold, you are so arrogant in Beimocheng, don't know who you are?"

Ding Tao is not his own son.

He felt that Xu Feng was able to kill the five-fold Ding Wei, who was still in the virtual world, and dared to stay in Bei Mocheng. I am afraid it is dependent.

"Who am I, I don't need to report it to you." Xu Feng browed and said: "Take your son, and they will disappear from my eyes."

"You Ding's family is so arrogant in Bei Mocheng, and you are advised to converge a little later, otherwise you will be guilty of misfortunes."

Xu Feng’s voice made Ding Tao’s face angry.

His father is the eight elders of Bi Taomen. How can they attract disasters within the sphere of power of Bitaomen?

The young man opposite is so young, but dares to threaten him like this.

"Hello is really a big tone. I have been the owner of Ding for so many years, and I have never threatened me like this."

"I have to see, what qualification do you have to threaten me?"

Ding Tao’s face is full of sorrow.

The other people in the Ding family around him, all of them are glaring.

Only Xu Feng's face is calm.

"Because it is calm, I have to look at it. How do you calm down later?"

The momentum of Ding Tao broke out.


A burst of footsteps came.

Not far away, the **** came towards the restaurant.

Wang Bihai was very far away and saw Xu Feng’s figure.

His face smiled and came forward, saying: "Xu brother, you come to Beimo City, don't say anything to me, I also do my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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