The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2699: Awkward respect

Chapter 2699, tribute to you

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng also expressed his gratitude to the other party.

Middle-aged masculine face.

His heart is full of anger, his heart said: "Hey, I will take you to the Souls Guild, and let you take a humiliation."


The middle-aged man made a gesture of asking for Xu Feng.

"It's really interesting. It's so funny that such a young youth feels that he can give the president a confession."

"Let's go to the Souls Guild to see, I think there must be a good show to be staged."

"You said, if the soul guild people think that this young man is playing them, what will they do?"

"The soul master is a group of very strange people who offend their words, but they don't have good fruit to eat."


Seeing Xu Feng and the middle-aged man going to the Souls Guild, many people followed them one after another.

They are going to see what happens. What will happen?

As the crowd came outside the Souls Guild.

Xu Feng looked at the huge yard in front.

His heart is full of surprises.

This is the style that the Souls Guild should have.

The Soul Guild in Baiyang Island is really too rubbish.

"Kid, here is the Soul Guild. You said that you can give advice to the president, and you should hurry."

The middle-aged man pointed to the former Soul Guild.

I saw that there was the doubt of the president of the Soul Masters Association.

“When refining the second product, the four medicines of the medicinal herbs are gathered, why, when adding the yellow flowers, the refining of the medicinal herbs will crack.”

"Of course, it seems that such refining does not affect the quality of the drug, but the refining of the drug has a fine crack."

Xu Feng heard that his face was smiling.

"How can you not understand such a simple question?"

Xu Feng did not hide it, and said directly.

The people around them are looking at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said to the person in charge of this matter: "Take me to see your president, I can help him."

Xu Feng’s words rang and the whole scene was full of shock.

Many members of the Soul Association have looked at Xu Feng.

Their looks have become weird.

If this problem is solved so well, it is not likely to be a reward for the soul of the soul.

"Where is the little boy coming from, where did you come from, and where are you going to go? Isn't this where you can be noisy?"

The man looked at Xu Feng and waved his hand impatiently.

How could he not understand?

Xu Feng must be in order to get close to the hustle and bustle.

Of course he will not let Xu Feng succeed.

Xu Feng heard the words and pointed at the other party. He said: "If you don't inform the president, I am sure that you will not have a foothold in the soul guild."

Xu Feng’s words rang and the people around him laughed.

"Hey, it seems that someone is threatening you!"

Someone looked at the shape and smiled.

The shape of the body is the second-order Chinese alchemy teacher, and the status of the Soulist Guild is very high.

Moreover, his relationship with 胥蘅 is very good.

How could it be in the Soulist Guild, where there is no place to stand?

Is this not a joke?

"Hey elders, such a child who doesn't know how to be tall and thick, directly let him go far and far away, and why don't he have to talk nonsense with him?"

Just at this time.

Not far away stood a young man, his skin was white, his eyes were big, his face was proud.

Many people look at young men and are envious of their faces.

To know.

Bai Chen is a disciple of Yan, and he is highly valued.

the most important is.

Bai Chen’s current age is already the first-class elite alchemy teacher, and the talent is very powerful.

Moreover, Bai Chen is a first-order nine-soul soul master, and his soul power is also a very powerful existence.

Such a person with strong strength and alchemy ability is naturally admired by everyone.

Xu Feng swept across the opposite white morning, and he slowly said: "What are you counting, are you getting your fingers here?"

Bai Chen was furious.

Standing tall and proud: "I am the disciple of the president. Do you think that you are having trouble here, does it have anything to do with me?"

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly laughed.

“It turns out that your master is so wasteful and specializes in collecting waste.”

"If I am yours, how far is it to hurry and hide, don't leave your Master here."

Xu Feng's tone is extremely arrogant.

His words are overbearing.

The white morning is full of faces, he is so big, and he has never been so humiliated.

He stared at Xu Feng's eyes and was killing.

"Cough and cough..."

Just at this time.

Inside the Soul Masters Association, a burst of cough came.

I saw an old man with a gray hair, his clothes were a bit uneven, and his expression was devastating.

When he appeared outside the Soulist Guild, many people looked at Xu Feng with a smile.

They want to see how the Xu Feng will be ugly.

"What happened? When the old man just came out of the alchemy, he heard that it was so embarrassing outside?"

He is the president of the Soul Masters Association.

Haven't waited for everyone to talk.

Xu Feng went straight ahead and he looked at each other.

"You are the president of the Souls Guild?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and he was not at all polite.

Many people have replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

It’s daring to talk to you.

"Yes, the old man is, are you?"

Look at Xu Feng, some mistakes.

In Cangming City, he still had a young man for the first time, and dared to talk to himself in such a tone.

"You know, why do you have a crack in the four elephants that you refine?" Xu Feng asked directly to the donkey.

The shock of his face was full of stunned eyes, and he stared at Xu Feng like this.

"Don't you know that?"

He asked directly against Xu Feng.

He thinks that Xu Feng looks too young. Can't you say that the second-order medicinal herbs, even the first-order medicinal herbs, may not be clear?

"Crap, if I don't know, what am I doing here?"

Xu Feng opened his mouth and said: "What you said, give you a solution, you will give the soul of the blood, but really?"

Xu Feng directly sent an inquiry.

He said: "I am not a powerful person. In Cangming City, I can afford to say a word."

"As long as you can solve my confusion, I will of course put the blood of the soul and hands."

"But if you can't solve it, it means you don't respect me, but you have to pay the price."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Give me your four elephants."

Standing in the morning, Bai Chen said: "Master, don't care about him, he must be a liar."

I still took out the four elephants, and handed them to Xu Feng.

He really wants to see how he can make the four elephants have no cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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