The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2679: Two island union

Chapter 2679 Two Island Union

He knows that the second-order product will be very good.

I did not expect it.

The drug has not been refining successfully, and the horrible smell of killing has made him feel a little uncomfortable.


The heart of Air China is also shocking.

For Xu Feng refining the killing and sitting on the Dan, the heart is full of countless curiosity.

Xu Feng received the inheritance of creation.

It does not mean that he can become a very good alchemy teacher.

He needs his constant skill and understanding.

Refining the killing and sitting on the Dan.

Xu Feng has been thinking about it for a long time.

He constantly wanted to make a sense of the refinement of this medicinal herb.

His technique at the moment is constantly changing.

The spiritual power of the body also follows the flow.

He controlled the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, so that the medicinal materials inside, one after another, melted.

The violent violent waves blew up, and Xuan Ming Wang Ding sent out a sly voice.

The next side of Anhang looked at all of this, and it was full of horror.

He felt that it was really wonderful for Xu Feng to refine and kill him.


Xu Feng’s method of alchemy is constantly changing.

His smallpox folds are still available.


Xu Feng discovered that he has integrated the inheritance of creation.

He is now more mysterious about the sentiment of the Tianhua Familia.

"Wangmei enjoys the snow."

Xu Feng has no hesitation.

He is currently exhibiting a 19-year-old miniature.

I didn’t even think of it.

The experience and skills of his life's alchemy brought great changes to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s display of the snow at the moment is becoming more advanced and elegant.

Moreover, as he used Wang Mei to enjoy the snow.

The herbs in Xuan Ming Wang Ding are scattered in an instant.

The various herbs in it seem to be in order.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all excited.

"Ha ha ha... I finally understood!"

Xu Feng’s heart is happy.

He understood.

During this time, I have fallen into the path of creation.

However, his talents and strength in refining medicinal herbs are not bad. What he needs is the experience he has given him.

He refining the medicinal herbs, but he has to go out of his own path, and he can surpass the creation and become a more powerful alchemy teacher.

The original intention of inheriting and inheriting from him is also true.


It is entirely possible to make him a more advanced alchemy teacher.

There is no need to use the way of inheritance so much trouble.

He finally understood the painstaking efforts of creation.

Made in the mainland of Lingshen, it is already the top alchemy teacher.

It can be said that he is in the mainland of the Spirit.

Alchemy is already the ultimate.

The descendant he wants is to go beyond himself, not to follow his old path and continue to be the second.

"Predecessors, thank you for your pains!"

At the moment, Xu Feng’s heart is full of mind.

He began to use Wang Mei to enjoy the snow, while at the same time reinventing his own creation in the past, the Tianhua fold Mei 19 style.

Under such circumstances.

Killing and sitting on the refining system is more stable.

The spirits of various herbs inside are constantly blended together.

The eyes of An Hang are all in vain.

He felt the breath of Xu Feng, and it seems that there has been a big change.

However, in the end it was changed there, and he could not say it.

all in all.

This feeling is really mysterious.

He just stared at Xu Feng's method of refining medicinal herbs.

His heart is secretly learning.

An Hang knows the character of Xu Feng.

Since let him come here to watch, he will not care how much he learned.


An Hang has already regarded Xu Feng as the master of alchemy.

Xu Feng’s ability to display alchemy at this moment is indeed more horrible than many fourth-order alchemists.

"Mei wears autumn water."

Xu Feng continued to display the second style of the Tianhua Folding Mei 19, and his look was calm and smile.

He found himself after the epiphany.

He refining the killing and sitting on the Dan, becoming a lot of calm.


For the control of Xuan Ming Wang Ding, it has become more proficient.

Xu Feng’s heart is a secret shock.

If it was not his epiphany today.

He really will fall into a dead end.

He is afraid of alchemy in the future, and at most it will reach the realm of creation.

It is really difficult to break through to a higher level.

With his smallpox, the nineteen styles were displayed.

Killing and sitting on the gradual condensation of the Dan.


Departing from the island.

Fang Shiheng is alone.

Go straight to the island of Soul.

When it is changed to other times, he certainly will not come alone.

He was afraid that Mo Kuan really killed him.


This time, he must come to the island of Soul.

"Hey, this is not the owner of Fangdao. What kind of wind can blow you away from our island?"

Responsible for guarding the elders of the port of Soul Island.

He came to Fang Shiheng's front.

Fang Shiheng has no nonsense, saying: "Take me to see your island owner. I have some things and need to talk to him."

Hear the words of Fang Shiheng.

The elder frowned slightly.

"Fang Island Lord please come with me."

He did not know what Fang Shiheng was looking for.

However, Fang Shiheng’s strength is there.

Since the other party wants to see Mo Kuan, he certainly is not qualified to block.

Not much time.

Fang Shiheng followed the elder and came to the house of Mo Kuan.

I saw it.

In the house of Mo Kuan, there are dozens of beautiful and fascinating women.

These women’s eyes are deep in sadness.

However, they did not dare to have any resistance.

Fang Shiheng laughed and said: "I have heard that the Modao Lord is very old, but it is also very romantic. When I see it today, I really deserve it."

In Fang Shiheng’s tone, there is obviously ridicule.

Mo Kuan did not care.

He grabbed one of the women's chests directly.

He came to Fang Shiheng's front and said: "If the island owner deliberately ran to the Soul Island, just to ridicule my romantic, the purpose of the island owner has been reached, you can go."

Fang Shiheng heard that the sarcasm on his face disappeared.

Instead, it is dignified.

"Mo Island Lord, I am coming today, the main purpose is very simple, you and I will join hands to destroy Baiyang Island."

Fang Shiheng did not conceal, nor did he turn around.

He spoke directly.

Mo Kuan heard that he actually guessed vaguely.

Mo Kuan’s old eyes are deep, with jealousy.

In his mind, he still recalls the picture of Bai Xiaoshu.

The other party’s powerful warrior came to the nine ruins to find Xu Feng.

If, the identity of Xu Feng is really not simple.

When they kill Xu Feng, it is equal to the end of the day.

"Fang Island Lord, I don't know if there is a strongman in a white dress, come to your shadowless island and look for a young man named Xu Feng?"

Mo Kuan asked directly.

Fang Shiheng heard that his face changed slightly.

"It turned out that the middle-aged man also came to the island of Soul?"

Fang Shiheng is shocked inside.

However, he did not have many accidents.

Such a strong person, wanting to leave the island of the soul from the shadowless island, is not difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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