The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2671: Successful cultivation

Chapter 2671 is successful in cultivation

The people around me are helpless and shake their heads.

The strength of Xu Feng.

Do not say Zuo Sihua, even if it is left cold, it is taboo.

They really don't understand, where the courage of Zuo Sihua came from, dare to start with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stepped on the face of Zuo Sihua, his eyes were calm, so he looked at Zuo Sihua on the ground.

He slowly said: "Zuo Sihua, don't you know, don't you say that you, your uncle's left cold Zen, may not be able to kill me, I really don't know, where do you come from the courage to do it to me?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Zuo Sihua’s eyes narrowed and his face was unbelievable.

"Xu Feng, you can't lie to me, my uncle is the strongest of the nine peaks in the spiritual world. Will he kill you?"

"Hey, you have the ability to kill me. At that time, he will naturally avenge me." Zuo Sihua's face is full of embarrassment.

Xu Feng heard the words, shook his head helplessly.

He looked at the people around him and said, "Let's come over and tell him, can his uncle kill me?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and several people’s faces were fearful.

A young man came toward Xu Feng.

He is a disciple from the island of Soul, and his heart is full of panic.


The disciple from the Soul Island said: "Zuo Sihua, you don't even know the rumors, Xu Feng killed the three elders Ji Zeteng of the Shadowless Island, it proves that his strength is terrible, and your uncle may not be able to kill him."

When the young man spoke, Zuo Sihua’s eyes were unwilling.

He bit his lip.

"Xu Feng, don't lie to me, do you think I will be fooled?"

Zuo Sihua’s roaring roar.

In fact, his heart has already believed.

That is the left cold Zen can not kill Xu Feng.

However, he just does not want to believe.

When he thought about it, when he first saw Xu Feng, how weak the other side was, he almost died on the verge of death.

Yes, now is not a year, Xu Feng grew to such a point, how he is not shocked.

He didn't believe it at all.

Zuo Sihua feels that he is the biggest genius of Baiyang Island.

He is impossible to compare with Xu Feng.

"It seems that before you die, you still don't want to believe the truth."

Xu Feng looked at the crazy Zuo Sihua.

He slowly said: "When I first went to Baiyang Island, I did not think about going to provoke you."

"But, you feel that Lian Yun likes me, so I want to kill me three times and five times."

"And my Xu Feng has not died, but it is becoming more and more powerful. Of course you are extremely angry."

"You really thought I was not your opponent."

Xu Feng said slowly.

"Now tell you, Zuo Sihua, you are wrong."

"Not that I am not your opponent, but that you are in my eyes, really wasteful, I am too lazy to take care of you."

"As for the pure rhyme, I never thought about it. If you want her to be my woman, you are simply worried."

The voice of Xu Feng spread.

He looked at Zuo Sihua and said: "Next, I will let you go to see your uncle, maybe he will tell you the answer."

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all killing.


He suddenly grabbed Zuo Sihua, and a fist punched in the chest of Zuo Sihua, causing Zuo Sihua's meridians to break.

Zuo Sihua made a miserable snoring, and he was not reconciled among his eyes.

Xu Feng pinched the neck of Zuo Sihua.

"Next, I will take you to see your uncle."

Xu Feng carries the neck of Zuo Sihua.

Go straight to the place where the law is.

"Left cold Zen, your nephew, I am afraid that I can't live, then I will give you his body."

Xu Feng snorted at the law.

Left cold Zen full of anger, said: "Xu Feng, you dare to think, I want you to die without a place to die."

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled: "Zuo Lengchan, we have long been a dead end. Do you think this threatens me, is it useful?"

"Go to see your uncle, haha!"

Xu Feng once again punched in the chest of Zuo Sihua.

Causes the meridians of Zuo Sihua's body to break.

His face was not reconciled, and the whole person fell to the ground like this.

However, Xu Feng still keeps a breath of Zuo Sihua.


The moment when the array is fluctuating.

Zuo Sihua’s body slammed out toward the left cold Zen.

Zuo Lengchan thought that Xu Feng attacked himself.

"Xu Feng, I want you to die!"

His palms gathered together and swung out toward Zuo Sihua's body.


When the left cold zen looked at the clear moment, his palm could not be accepted.


Zuo Sihua spurted out a blood, and his eyes were all hateful.

Zuo Lengchan looked at Zuo Sihua, he was a cock.

"Ah... Xu Feng, I am cold, don't kill you, don't swear!"

Left cold Zen's eyes are red.

Zuo Sihua is his nephew, but he is treated as a biological son.

Although Zuo Sihua's character is very arrogant, there are many shortcomings.

In the view of Zuo Leng Chan.

As long as Zuo Sihua's talent is good, everything is enough.

In the future, as long as Zuo Sihua can become stronger, he will be able to control the entire Baiyang Island.

Seeing Zuo Sihua’s death in front of himself, his inner anger can be imagined.

In particular, Zuo Sihua is the best young man in the left family.

"Left cold Zen, but he killed it by yourself, you don't have to find me trouble."

Xu Feng smiled at the law.

Zuo Leng chan gnawed his teeth.

"Uncle...reporting...the enemy..."

Zuo Sihua's mouth is open, blood is sprayed out, and the weak words are spit out.


The coldness of the left cold Zen face, directly punched on the wall next to it.


Xu Feng did not pay attention to Zuo Lengchan and Qu Kun.

He looked at the scroll in his arms.

Sweeping through the surrounding figures, said: "I am too lazy to kill you, honestly stay here."

After Xu Feng finished, walked to the side of the partial hall and walked straight.

He did not expect that there would be a formation in the temple.

For him, such a formation is not the same.

After he broke the formation.

Appeared in a relatively hidden practice room.

"Let's see what the reel is, and what to say."

Xu Feng took out the reel obtained before.

When he opened the reel, his face was shocked.

"The second-order product of the Holy Spirit, the book of the Styx?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are shocked.

"Ha ha ha, no wonder the face of Zuo Leng Zen is so ugly, it turns out that this is the catalogue of the Styx, hahaha..."

Xu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"As long as I succeed in cultivating this second-order Holy Spirit, I will be able to compete with Zuo Leng Chan."

"The Holy Spirit of the Styx catalogue can also withstand the strange attack of Qu Kun." Xu Feng wants to practice the holy spirit of boxing.

However, the Styx catalogue is also good.

It is imperative not to cultivate any holy spiritual skills, but to quickly upgrade their own strength.

Xu Feng did not hesitate, sitting cross-legged and began to understand the yellowed scroll.

Xu Feng’s eyes are shocking.

He felt that he was on a strange river.

(End of this chapter)

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