The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2609: Gas spread

Chapter 2609 Poisoning Spread

Zhou Wei’s face became ugly.

He is actually very clear that he has no grasp of Xu Feng’s grasp.

Especially when the other party shows 18 spirits.

His eyes are cold and killing, saying: "Hey, the Red Moon Cave House is about to open. It is the most stupid decision to lose both of you and me."

"Does both lose?"

Xu Feng slightly frowned, directly yelling, said: "Do you also qualify for losing both of us?"

Zhou Wei did not expect that there are still people who are more crazy than themselves.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and said, "Hey, you want to be a madman, don't take me."

Said, Zhou Wei directly retreated to the side.

His goal is the treasure in the Red Crescent, but not here and Xu Feng.

Even if he really killed Xu Feng, it was a situation of both losses.

He simply can't find any benefits.

Miao Shang and Qin Xiaolei also came to the Red Moon Cave House.

Qin Xiaolei said: "Miao Shang, who are you who seriously injured you?"

Miao Shang's eyes are incredible. He did not expect that the strength of Xu Feng was so horrible.

Even Zhou Wei has shown the color of jealousy.

"Qin brother, the one who just fought with Zhou Wei."

Miao still opened the road.

Qin Xiaolei's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "This person is very strange, do you know him?"

Qin Xiaolei knows that his strength is not much stronger than Zhou Wei.

He is now trying to kill Xu Feng, and the price paid is also great.

Miao Shang shook her head and said: "Qin brother, this person should be Baiyang Island. When I was with Dai Heng, I saw this person and Lian Yun cuddled and looked very close."

Miao Shang’s words rang, Qin Xiaolei naturally understood.

He said: "It is not the time to kill him. We are still waiting for the Red Crescent to open."

Xu Feng’s gaze is also toward Miao Shang.

Immediately he looked at Qin Xiaolei and his mouth rose.

He immediately retracted his mind and paid attention to the Red Crescent.

Such a small episode, let everyone wait, it is not so boring.

Some people are secretly determined to Xu Feng, do not provoke this person.

Xu Feng looked at the trouble that no one came to him. He simply walked to the side and sat down on his knees to start practicing.

Some people look at Xu Feng's talent so enchanting, still so diligent, their hearts are shy and difficult.

Time passes by one minute.

At noon.

On the wall of the original jade, the thick stone door suddenly sounded awkward.

Xu Feng felt the change of Chiyue Dongfu, and his eyes opened his eyes and stopped practicing.

Many people's breathing, with the change of the Red Crescent, constantly changes, their eyes are looking forward to.


With the Shimen of the Red Crescent, it opened.


I don't know who is in the crowd, and who is screaming at the moment, rushing out toward Akiya-dong.

Xu Feng is also in the crowd, he feels the killing from Zhou Wei, Xu Feng eyes also look at Zhou Wei.

"Kid, in the Red Crescent, you better pray not to meet me." Zhou Wei threatened Xu Feng.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "I really want to meet you, I hope you don't be ashamed."

Zhou Yi heard that almost no old blood spouted out.

As everyone from Shimen, all appeared in the huge cave house.

Their eyes are looking around the walls.

The front is a channel.

Everyone is walking towards the side of the passage.

Xu Feng also walked with everyone, everyone's speed is not very fast, they are staring at the movement around.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt that there was a strange smell in the air.

The kitten above the shoulders widened and said: "Brother, this fragrance I feel very strange?"

Xu Feng said: "Attention to calm, this fragrance contains toxins, very unusual toxins."

Xu Feng found that even if he did not know the nature of the toxins, he could only find ways to resist the toxins.

There is a world of fire in his body, and those toxins enter his body, and they are all refining.

However, some warriors are not so lucky.

Especially to repair a lower warrior.


Their blood spit out from their mouths, and the body fell softly on the ground. The face was pale, and all of them were frightened.

Xu Feng is not a saint. These people want to enter the Red Crescent, which comes for treasures.

Now, being directly poisoned by these toxins is also a man-made death, which is a retribution of their own efforts.

The most important thing is that even Xu Feng does not know how to detoxify.


Zhou Wei and Qin Xiaolei and others, all take out the medicinal herbs, they swallowed, apparently blocking the poison.

At the same time, they try to let themselves absorb less air.

After all, speed is very likely to come from the smell of the air.

" me!"

A woman made a miserable cry for help. Her face was pale and her body was twitching when she fell to the ground.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. He looked at the tragic situation in this scene. After all, he still couldn't resist the inner heart.

He walked up to the woman, on top of his palm, while the bursts of spirituality floated.

Everyone saw that in the woman's body, a burst of pink gas was actually extracted by Xu Feng.

The woman who was originally pale, the breath on her body suddenly recovered, and the depths of her eyes were shocked.

"Thank you for this son."

The woman's toxins were lifted and her face was grateful.

"It’s just a matter of raising your hands. You don't have to be polite."

Xu Feng said that he was not salty.

"For the son is a hand, but for me is a life-critical." The woman said stubbornly.


Zhou Wei and Qin Xiaolei and others were all screaming, and their eyes sparkled with fierce killing.

"Kid, isn't it your hands and feet in Dongfu? Why are we poisoned? You are not poisoned."

Zhou Wei’s voice became cold and abnormal.

Everyone heard the words and couldn’t help but look at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was very calm and said: "Toxins come from the front, can't insist on leaving, the toxins will not kill people."

Xu Feng said directly: "As for wanting me to deal with you with poison, to tell the truth, you are really not qualified."

Even when Xu Feng needs to use poison, his opponent must be very strong.

With several people like Zhou Wei and Qin Xiaolei, he really disdains to use poison.

"Boy, are you too arrogant?"

The middle-aged man from Soul Island, he warned Xu Feng.

Xu Feng used the words of Zhou Wei just to give it to a middle-aged man.

"I am even arrogant, how dare you do it to me?"

Xu Feng stood there, and there was a smile between the looks.

(End of this chapter)

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