The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2582: Rainy night

Chapter 2582, Rainy Night

Time is slowly passing.

Xu Feng refining the red yuan Yang Dan, can be described as a matter of course.

Both An Hang and Yue Fuzhen are full of stunned faces.

They looked at Xu Feng's method of refining Chi Yuanyang Dan, which is too skillful.

at the very beginning.

Xu Feng still has a little sense of strangeness.

With continuous refining.

Xu Feng’s technique made both An Hang and Yue Fuzhen both surprised.

They think that Xu Feng seems to be the existence of refining medicinal herbs for decades. It is simply that everything is so skilled.


With Xuan Ming Wang Ding making a squeaky voice.

The scent of the intense medicinal herbs emanating from the alchemy furnace.

Xu Feng hands slammed on the alchemy furnace.

In an instant.

The lid of Xuan Ming Wang Ding suddenly opened, and the scent of medicine filled the entire courtyard and immediately spread out to the outside.

Even if it was Anhang, it was a big surprise. Looking at the four red dragons that were refining from Xu Feng, he felt that this kind of immortality was not simple.

An Hang could not help but ask: "Xu Feng brothers, do not know this red yuan Yang Dan, what is the role?"

Xu Feng heard the words, his face was smiling.

He said: "This Chi Yuanyang Dan can make a three-person person in the spiritual level, and upgrade a level of cultivation."


After listening to An Hang, they were all stunned.

He has been refining medicinal herbs for so many years, and he is very clear that it is the most precious thing that can allow the military to upgrade the medicinal herbs.

An Hang said: "Xu Feng brothers, you are a very good thing."

“I don’t want to discuss one thing with you?”

An Hang opened the road to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng put four of the red yuan Yang Dan together, he did not know what Anhang wants to discuss with himself.

"An president, we are also old acquaintances, what do you have, please say." Xu Feng began.

An Hang said: "Xu Feng brothers, your red yuan Yang Dan, in addition to the deep sea red Zhushen this kind of spiritual material, it is difficult to find, other spiritual materials, are not very precious, but can refine this Dan medicine is simply a profit."

"You see how this is done. In the future, this red yuan will be refining by me and then sold in the nine wild areas."

"Of course, our needs are not Lingjing, but soul crystal." An Hang said to Xu Feng.

"At the time, it must be a steady stream of soul crystals, and the soul crystals obtained, you are divided into 80%, our soul division will be divided into two, what do you think?"

An Hang knows that Xu Feng is a refiner, and he also needs Soul Crystal to enhance the power of the soul.

Xu Feng heard the words, but the heart is full of smiles.

He looked at the An Hang Road: "President Ann, you can carry me to refine the red yuan Yang Dan, and I will swallow all the soul crystals."

"But I can come up in front of me. Do you think that Xu Feng is the kind of person who doesn't talk about feelings?"

"That way, you can refine the red yuan Yang Dan, and get the soul crystal between us."

Xu Feng is actually very clear about himself.

The character of An Hang is very kind, and it is a full-scale alchemy madman.

He is not a sultry person, and naturally he cannot be guilty of implied.

Two percent of the soul crystal, the most important thing is to get a little hard work.

After all, the value of deep sea red ginseng is very high.

"Thank you Xu Feng brothers!"

An Hang respects Xu Feng.

Xu Feng then said something to An Hang, and it was until the evening that he came out of the Soul Guild.

Xu Feng did not know that he had just come out of the Soul Guild.

Huo Qing received the news.

An ambush about him is already on Baiyang Island, waiting for him.


"What happened? I haven’t seen such a situation for a long time. I feel that my heart is restless?"

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed, his brows were wrinkled, his face was strange.

He hasn't had such a restlessness for a long time, but he is a person who believes in his intuition.

"Kit, have you found any abnormalities around?" Xu Feng asked the kitten.

The kitten stared at the surroundings with agile eyes. "My brother, it seems that there is nothing. It is getting dark today, and there are fewer natural people."

"Maybe I think too much."

Xu Feng frowned, and he walked toward the house of Baiyang Island.


I don't know what happened.

In the sky, suddenly lightning and thunder, silver-white lightning, became extremely strong.


The heavy rain seemed to fall from the sky, and the downpour of heavy rain continued to fall. The ground was full of deep water.

For people like Xu Feng, even in the sea, there is no problem, let alone rain.

The downpour caused the people on the street to become less.

"Brother, someone!"

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder, his eyes staring at the end of the street ahead.

I saw it.

There was a middle-aged man wearing a brawl, his body was very thin, and he had a long sword in his hand.

He walked step by step on the ground, and the water on the ground was a slap in the air.

The breath on his body became more intense on this rainy night, as if it were a sharp sword.

Xu Feng stared at the middle-aged man opposite.

The other party turned out to be the repair of the four peaks of the spiritual world.

Xu Feng stood there, he did not want to escape, but looked at each other calmly.

"Who is you, I am innocent and innocent."

The voice of Xu Feng was in the midst of heavy rain, and it spread smoothly to the ears of the fighting man standing opposite.

He grabbed the long sword in his hand. He looked at Xu Feng's eyes and smiled. He said, "Are you not coming to Baiyang Island for a long time?"

Xu Feng did not understand why the other party asked.

He said: "I don't know what you mean, I did come to Baiyang Island, and it didn't take long."

The fighting man said: "In this case, it is no wonder that you don't know who I am!"

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

The sword in the brawling man's hand slowly lifted up.

"I am the first martial artist of Baiyang Island. People like to call me Huarong!"

Hua Rong grabbed the long sword, and his spiritual power began to stir. His expression was cold and cold.

When the long sword was raised, it formed a fierce sword.

The moment when the sword is condensed, it seems to be mixed with the surrounding rain.

Make the sword of Huarong become more mysterious and more powerful.

"I thought you were famous? It seems that it is just like this. I really haven't heard your name."

Xu Feng stood in the heavy rain, his voice was powerful, and his face was a killing.

"I think, you will regret this time to kill me for Ling Jing, after all, it is not me who is dead, but you."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng began to flow, and in the double angry sea, the violent spiritual power seemed to be a hurricane.

The ninth day of killing the field, from the body of Xu Feng, condensed into a blood red light.

It seems that the rain has turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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