The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2579: The most powerful first place

Chapter 2579, the most powerful first place

"When Xu Feng became so strong, Zhang Tiangang, who was the third peak of the spiritual world, was not his enemy."

The outside disciples of Baiyang Island on the scene, they are all stunned at the moment, one by one full of exaggeration.

They all know that Xu Feng's strength is very good, but he does not know Xu Feng, even so powerful.

"It's incredible. He only took half a step to the peak of the spiritual world. If he broke through to the spiritual realm, who is his opponent?"

"Don't tell a foreign disciple, I think his current strength is enough to become an inner disciple."

"Even if you are a strong inner disciple, you may not be able to do what he wants."

"I can't imagine it. I remember when he came to our Baiyang Island, he was dying."

"This is only a few months, he has grown to such a point, it is a shocking genius."

Some outside disciples looked at Xu Feng's figure, and their looks were awe.

In this world, for the strong.

If it is just general, everyone will be embarrassed.

However, if the strong are forced to the point where they can only look up, they will have awe.

When Lu Xuantian stood on one side, he and Xu Feng lived in a yard, but did not know Xu Feng’s strength. It was already terrible.

“It’s incredible.”

Lu Xuantian’s heart is full of excitement.

In his view, the more powerful Xu Feng's strength, the better he is.

He is not holding the mind of chasing Xu Feng now, but still thinking about becoming a strong.

Xu Feng stood on the ring, and the breeze blew his clothes and made a squeaky voice.

When he looked up, his eyes fell on Pu Chenxiang.

"Get it done."

When Xu Feng spit out the three words, Pu Chenxiang bit his teeth, his face is really hard to see.

He knew that he could not be Xu Feng's opponent.

"Xu Feng, even if I am not your opponent, I will not admit defeat."

Pu Chenxiang made himself look like he was not afraid of death.

The spirit of his body stirred up and rushed toward Xu Fengqi.

"Hey, it’s really a swollen face and a fat man.

Xu Feng, the spiritual flow.

The fist of the elephant, the bombardment of the bombardment.


Pu Chenxiang was really miserable. His arm was directly shaken by a punch, and the whole person flew out into the distance.

The blood was pinched with pieces of the internal organs, and it was apparently severely wounded by Xu Feng.

Zuo Lengchan appeared on the ring. He frowned and said: "Xu Feng, is it too embarrassing to start?"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite left cold Zen, smiled and said: "The deputy island owner, dare to ask if you were deaf or an idiot."

"He humiliated me, thinking about letting me die on this platform. I haven't killed him now."

Xu Feng’s words are powerful and his back is straight.

Zuo Lengchan did not expect that a foreign disciple would dare to talk to himself.

He said with anger: "Kid, you are a foreign disciple, so I talk to my deputy island owner. Don't you think that some of the following crimes have been committed?"

Xu Feng heard the words and spread his hands.

"You are a deputy islander, but I never think that you are above me. You have no kindness to me."

"You have no love for me. Do you think that you are a deputy islander like this, can I still respect you?"

Xu Feng’s words are all powerful, his eyes are flat on the opposite left, and the voice is ridiculous.

Zuo Lengchan clenched his fists and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Just at this time.

Inside the crowd, some people laughed.

"Left deputy island master, you will not be unable to understand your own close disciples defeated so badly, to find your face for your disciples?"

When the sound is heard.

Many people look at the place where the sound comes from.

In the end, who is so bold, even dare to ridicule the left cold Zen, is simply looking for death.

Yue Fuzhen stood there, and he was surrounded by the Soul Guild.

He smiled on his face as if he was greeting Xu Feng on the ring.

"It turned out that Yue Fuzhen of the Soulist Guild, and only she dared to ridicule her left cold Zen."

When many people looked at Yue Fuzhen, their faces were full of ignorance.

Some people have talked about it.

"It seems that the rumor is not false. It is said that the relationship between Xu Feng and the president of the Soul Masters Association is very good."

"Now, Yue Fuzhen actually came to watch such a game, obviously to create momentum for Xu Feng."

"I don't know who this Xu Feng is. When I came to Baiyang Island for a few months, I was related to An Hang."

Many people look at Xu Feng with envy.

Zuo Leng Zen’s eyes are extremely low.

He knows that Xu Feng and Anhang seem to have a lot of relationship, but they don't know that Anhang and Xu Feng are so close to each other.

Who does not know the entire Baiyang Island, Yue Fuzhen is the spokesperson of Anhang on Baiyang Island.

Now Yue Fuzhen stood up and gave Xu Feng a face.

It is equal to the plane's face to Xu Feng.

"Oh, who is my way, it turned out to be the high-ranking president of the Soul-guild guild. Is it difficult for you to be a soul guild and want to intervene in my Baiyang Island?"

Zuo Leng Zen is not a good person. He directly brought a high hat to the Soulist Guild.

Yue Fuzhen smiled dumbly.

"The left deputy island owner, you think too much."

Yue Fuzhen waved his hand and said: "Our soul guild and Xu Feng are friends, he is wronged, and we are just arrogant."

"Of course, if the left deputy island owner wants to suppress Xu Feng, it is not a matter of our Soul Masters Guild."

The words of Yue Fuzhen’s words are not leaking.

The meaning is obvious.

If Zuo Leng Zen continues to entangle Xu Feng, it is equivalent to suppressing a foreign disciple.

In this case, Zuo Lengchan definitely apologizes.

"It’s a joke. My deputy island owner can have such a genius as Xu Feng. Of course I am very happy."

"I just think that he is a bit hot-smelling. After all, everyone is a fellow disciple. You don't have to be so vicious."

Zuo Lengchan said directly.

He smiled and looked at Xu Feng, saying: "Xu Feng, I can't think of you so talented. It is a waste of talent to stay in the outer door. You will be promoted to an inner disciple later."

Xu Feng did not know what medicine was sold in the left cold Zen gourd.

He still smiled at Zuo Leng Chan: "Thank you for the deputy island owner."

"Well, will the assessment continue?"

The eyes of Zuo Lengchan fell on the side of Cao Yu.

Cao Yu smiled and said: "I admit defeat."

Zuo Leng Chan announced directly.

"The first place in the assessment of the outer door is Xu Feng. The assessment of the disciples of Baiyang Island today is over."

After the announcement of Zuo Lengchan, he walked quickly toward the place where Baiyang Island was located.

Xu Feng now won the first place with his wish.

He waited to go back to Baiyang Island to receive deep sea red ginseng.

(End of this chapter)

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