The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2554: Lost so thoroughly

Chapter 2554 is so completely defeated

In a blink of an eye.

Half a month's time passed away.

Xu Feng took a deep breath.

He looked into the hand and completely turned into a powder of soul crystal.

The faces are all smiling.

"There are eleven lines of texture."

Xu Feng felt above his own sacred soul. With these days, he continued to refine his soul, and finally reached the eleven stripes road.

In this way, it means that his soul power goes further.

The power of his holy soul is also stronger.

He stretched out and walked down the bed.

Push open the door.


The kitten jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder.

Xu Feng licked the kitten's head and looked at the sky, a blue sky.

He hugged the kitten and walked outside the yard.


Yanwu Square.

Tan Zijie stood not far away, his eyes were cold and the mouth was slightly raised.

He saw a figure and was approaching his side.

However, this person is Xu Feng.

He took a step forward and walked toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng, naturally, also saw Tan Zijie coming over.

Although the Cold War allowed Tan Zijie to give up this battle of life and death.

However, the more Ting Zijie feels inside, the more depressed he feels.

Why, in order to stand up and maintain a waste of the Emperor?

He thought very clearly that if he angered Xu Feng now, even if he killed Xu Feng, it would not be his responsibility.

At that time, even if it is a clean war, it is impossible to blame him.


It seems as if it is quiet all the time.

Many people look at the two figures of Tan Zijie and Xu Feng, and they feel that something will happen.

Tan Zijie came to the opposite side of Xu Feng, his face with a mocking smile, said: "Xu Feng, I can't think of your luck is really good, even the island owners personally come forward, let me not kill you."

"It seems that the battle between life and death between us really has to be cancelled."

Tan Zijie’s ridiculous voice is so great that many people around him have heard it.

Suddenly, many people at the scene were whispering.

Lu Xuantian stood not far away.

He stood with his hands on his face and couldn't see any worry on his face.

"Lu Xuantian, don't you worry about Xu Feng? He seems to have a good relationship with you."

Next to Lu Xuantian, another young man asked.

Lu Xuantian smiled.

"When you meet, you will naturally know, what should I worry about?"

Xu Feng slightly frowned.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess, it must be that Lian Yun wants to help him, let the low-cost war come forward to find Tan Zijie.

However, this matter, the low-cost war has not come to find himself.

I want to come, and the fight is also about to find the right time to announce this.

"Do you really want to fight with my life and death?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were calm, so he stared at the opposite Tan Zijie, asking for a word.

Tan Zijie laughed and said: "Xu Feng, it is not my initiative to fight with you, but you volunteered."

"You don't want to fight now, don't you think this is a coward's behavior?"

"On that day, I gave it to others, and I will give it to you now. You are a coward."

Among the voices of Tan Zijie, they are all stimulating.

Everyone can hear it.

Tan Zijie is stimulating Xu Feng, he wants Xu Feng and his life and death.

"If I am Xu Feng, of course, I will not count."

"So simple tricks, I know how to use them."

"Do you say that Xu Fenghui and Tan Zijie are fighting?"

"According to the meaning of Tan Zijie, the island owner may not want Xu Feng to be killed by Tan Zijie."

Seeing that Tan Zijie used Xu Feng to use the radical method.

The people on the scene are all talking about it.

Xu Feng was very calm. He stared at Tan Zijie calmly. He said: "Since you want the battle of life and death, I will certainly fulfill you."

"We don't have to wait until half a month later. It's better to do it now."

Xu Feng’s voice is very firm.

Suddenly, it caused an uproar.

We must know that many people know that Tan Zijie had broken through to the two spiritual repairs in the past few days.

"What, I didn't get it wrong?"

Tan Zijie’s eyes widened. He looked at the opposite Xu Feng and asked: “Are you sure you want to fight with me today?”

Xu Feng is as calm as water, saying: "You won't dare?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Opposite to the face of Tan Zijie's smiling face, he swept his eyes across the crowd and said: "Trouble everyone to give me a testimony, this is Xu Feng himself to find death, if I kill him, I can not blame me."

After Tan Zijie’s words were finished, the two-pronged cultivation of the body’s spiritual environment broke out, and six spirits emerged from the top of his head.

The killing in his eyes emerged, and the spiritual power continued to surge in his meridians.

In an instant, he stepped out and rushed out toward the center of Yanwu Square.

"Xu Feng, come and die."

The voice of Tan Zijie seems to be thundering and oppressing Xu Feng.

"You want to kill me, you are really not qualified."

Xu Feng’s voice was calm and could not be heard, even if it was a little bit of fear.

"court death."

Tan Zijie screamed and moved his footsteps as if it were a gust of wind. His speed was extremely fast.

His palms have already been directed toward Xu Feng’s chest and slamming.

The speed is really fast.

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, and the reaction is also very fast.

He punched out with a punch.

Two figures, even knocked out at the same time.

Many people are full of mistakes. They think Xu Feng, I am afraid that even Tan Zijie’s move can’t resist.

Now, Xu Feng not only resisted the attack of Tan Zijie.

Moreover, Xu Feng and Tan Zijie seem to be evenly matched.

"how is this possible?"

Tan Zijie has wide eyes and looks at Xu Feng.

His expression is an incredible look. He simply couldn't understand how Xu Feng resisted his attack.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Xu Feng did not want to talk nonsense with Tan Zijie.

In the moment when the six spirits of the head were shot, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Everyone is wrong and stunned.

They simply don't know how Xu Feng broke through the half-step spirit.

The most important thing is, when you are half-step through the spirit, you can condense six threads.


It’s just a matter of counting.

Xu Feng’s fist change became a savage image, and Tan Zijie, who was opposite, flew out directly.

Xu Feng didn't have any pauses. It was like a swallowing fist that continued to be displayed, and his power was extremely powerful.


Tan Zijie spurted out a blood, his eyes were splitting, and said: "Xu Feng, I admit defeat... don't kill me..."

"Now, do you admit defeat? You don't really want to fight with my life and death?"

Xu Feng heard the words, and his mouth was raised.

In an instant, it was a fist down.

This punch will smear the blood of Tan Zijie’s mouth directly, and the body will fall heavily on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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