The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2545: Lu Xuantian invitation

Chapter 2545, Lu Xuantian Invitation

"You won't dare not?"

Tan Zijie's eyes wide open, and he slowly said: "If you dare not accept my challenge, then the sentence I gave you just now, you are also a coward."

"And, since you are a coward, you are not qualified to be so close to Miss Yun Yun."

"Since you have said this, if I don't agree with your challenge, don't you seem to have no face?"

Xu Feng looked at Tan Zijie, his voice was very calm.

"I didn't get it wrong, this guy really dared to agree with Tan Zijie's challenge?"

"You really didn't get it wrong. He seems to really want to agree with Tan Zijie."

"This is too ridiculous. He won't feel that he can beat Tan Zijie in a short time?"

"I don't think he should fight against Tan Zijie for a short time, at least for half a year."

"Do you think that Tan Zijie is a pen? Will he promise him half a year and accept the challenge?"

I saw Xu Feng actually say such words.

Many people are talking about it.

Tan Zijie looked at Xu Feng and smiled: "You don't want me to wait a year and a half to fight with me?"

Xu Feng waved his hand and said: "Do not worry, if it is really a year and a half, I am too lazy to promise you to challenge."

"My time only takes a month!"


The scene is awesome.

It took only one month for Yufeng Lingdi to repair, and he accepted the challenge of a peak in the spiritual world.

They all think that Xu Feng is too overconfident to make such a decision.

Even Lu Xuantian is full of fears, but he knows Xu Feng’s character and will never do anything unsure.

Even Tan Zijie is surprised.

He originally thought that Xu Feng would take at least three months.

In that case, he has prepared a lot of words, and he must let Xu Feng shorten the time of the battle.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng said directly for a month, which has greatly exceeded his expectations.

He is even a little surprised inside.

He can see that Xu Feng is definitely not an impulsive person. He said: "Does this guy really have any cards?"

Xu Feng looked at Tan Zijie and said: "However, I promised your challenge, and I have a request."

"I just don't know my request, can you dare to promise??"

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Many people are wrong.

How do they feel that it is Xu Feng, not Tan Zijie, who is winning at the moment?

It seems that everything is reversed. It is Xu Feng, not Tan Zijie, who is at the top of the spiritual world.

" have any requirements, as long as you promise my challenge, you can ask."

Tan Zijie laughed and smiled.

However, the words of Xu Feng followed, but his smile was stiff.

"My fight with you, don't die!"

Xu Feng said the last time when he was not dead.

Everyone has found that Tan Zijie’s smile has obviously become much stiffer.

The original light of his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

His face is cold and killing, saying: "Xu Feng, you have to think clearly, and I am alive and dead?"

Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised, said: "Why, do you want to challenge me? Want to give others a gun, the person behind you, do not like to watch you kill me? Do you not dare? ”

Xu Feng is very clear that he and Tan Zijie are innocent and do not know each other.

Since the other party came to challenge themselves.

It can't be plain without reason, it must be followed by someone.

In this case, if Xu Feng does not show the means of iron, the future troubles will probably continue.

If you want to break your troubles, then you can only kill chickens and monkeys.

"I am afraid of what, I am a spiritual peak, and he is only the peak of the Emperor. Even if he breaks through the half-step spirit, it is not my opponent."

Tan Zijie’s heart is hesitating. He really doesn’t understand where Xu Feng’s ambition is to fight with his own life.

He bit his teeth at the moment and said: "Xu Feng, this is your own death, I didn't want to kill you."

"Since you want to fight with me, after a month, I hope you don't forget your bet."

After Tan Zijie finished, he slipped his sleeves and walked away in the distance.

Xu Feng's face is calm from beginning to end.

Lu Xuantian came to Xu Feng's front and said: "Xu Feng, are you really sure, after a month, I will fight with him?"

Xu Feng smiled.

"Five percent."

Xu Feng is facing Lu Xuan Tiandao: "If you have no place to live, you can go to my yard."

"The first one on the left hand side is my yard. You can choose your own room to live."

Xu Feng pointed to the yard not far behind.

"Ah... you guys are too powerful, do you even have a yard?"

Lu Xuan Tianyi has big eyes.

He knows that to get the yard, at least it is also a spiritual practice.

"Oh... check the yard assigned to the first place."

Xu Feng said to Lu Xuantian.

"Let's go, I have something, I need to go out."

Xu Feng left to the place where everyone lived.

"This kid looks very calm, he won't really break the jar?"

"This is not necessarily the case, and it may be that there is a good idea."

Seeing that Xu Feng is still so calm, many people are shocked.

Xu Feng went to the place of Lian Yun.

He regularly gives Lian Yun to remove toxins.

at dusk.

He came out of the courtyard of Lian Yun and went to his yard.



When Xu Feng came to the yard, he found that Lu Xuantian was sitting in the yard, as if he was waiting for himself.

"Where are you going, how is it so long?" Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng back, his face was weird.

"Well? Is there a fragrance?"

Lu Xuantian’s face was ridiculous and said: “You are not a simple kid. Just a few days after coming to Baiyang Island, I found a sister paper?”

"How is it possible, how much do you think?"

Xu Feng took a shot of Lu Xuantian.

"Ha ha ha..."

Lu Xuantian laughed and quickly closed the door of the yard. "Xu Feng, you and Tan Zijie's life and death battles have been spread today."

"I don't know if you are interested. When I came to Baiyang Island, I found a very magical place."

"I think it's not very simple. I thought about waiting for me to break through to the spiritual world, then find a few reliable people and explore."

"Now, you and Tan Zijie's life and death battle, only a month, I still have some concerns."

Xu Feng heard the words of Lu Xuantian, but there was some warmth in his heart.

"How come a magical law, you are talking about it."

Xu Feng went to the edge of the table and sat down.

Lu Xuantian immediately said to Xu Feng.

It turned out that the island on the west side of Baiyang Island seemed to be a desert island.

Lu Xuantian actually found the island above, and every morning, it seemed to have golden light shining.

(End of this chapter)

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