The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2531: You get out of me

Chapter 2531, you get out of me

"Xu Big Brother is not a waste."

Lian Yun's face is firm, she stares at the opposite Huo Yuan.

However, the mother-in-law has appeared in the side of Lian Yun.

Her old face is calm.

However, if someone dares to bully the rhyme, I am afraid she will be unceremonious.

Even the other is the son of the vice president of the Soul Guild.

"Kid, don't hide behind the woman!"

Huo Yuan said to Xu Feng's evil.

Xu Feng did not care about his face, saying: "Yue, don't forget the purpose of our Soul guild, here is a waste of time with a mad dog."

Xu Feng completely ignored Huo Yuanzhang’s cheek.

He looked at Chen Laotou and said: "Are you a first-order dual soul teacher?"

Chen Laotou’s words are that the old eyes are shocking, and his identity knows very few people.

"how do you know?"

Chen Laotou asked directly to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "You have the taste of alchemy left on you."


Chen Laotou quickly sniffed his nose and found no smell.

His face changed slightly.

"Your character is very good. You go to the island government of Baiyang Island and go directly to the island owner for a clean war. I said that I let you go."

"How about you as the chief soul teacher at Baiyang Island in the future?"

Xu Feng asked Chen Laotou.

"Ah, the chief soul teacher?"

Chen’s head was full of mistakes, he was stunned, and he couldn’t even think about it.

"What? Don't you?"

Xu Feng asked Chen Laotou.

"No, don't you lie to me?"

Chen Laotou's face is full of doubts, although it can be seen that the relationship between Lian Yun and Xu Feng is very good.

However, the low-cost war is not an idiot, the chief soul division, that is a very high status.

"I lied to you to have money to earn?" Xu Feng rolled his eyes and said: "You can go directly, I will help you, and strive to make you a good soul teacher, your alchemy level will rise straight."

"If this is the case, my old man will be grateful to you for your whole life."

Chen Laotou quickly took over and went to the island government of Baiyang Island.

Many people are full of doubts, and some people are envious.

after all.

The relationship between Xu Feng and Lian Yun is there, even if Chen Laotou can't be the chief soul teacher, his status will be very good.


Xu Feng said to Lian Yun.

Huo Yuan stood in the same place, his face full of grievances, staring at Xu Feng, his heart is killing.

"Hey, dare to provoke me, I will make you die very badly, do you dare to go to the Soul Association?"

Huo Yuan was completely ignored by Xu Feng.

Such ignorance is a shameful humiliation for Huo Yuan’s arrogant pride.


Xu Feng and other three came outside the Souls Guild.

He asked inquisitively: "Rhy, where do we go to buy spiritual materials?"

"This side."

Lian Yun took Xu Feng into the Soul Guild, and came to a place on the left, where there were many shelves.

When Xu Feng and Lian Yun arrived, a middle-aged man suddenly greeted him.

His face is smiling.

"Miss Lian, what kind of spiritual materials do you need to buy?"

The middle-aged man saw the inspiration at a glance.

Xu Feng took out a list of medicinal herbs. He handed it to the middle-aged man opposite. He said, "You can give me a copy of the medicinal herbs above, thank you."

The middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng with some mistakes.

Immediately looking at the neat list of medicinal materials written on it, his heart is very strange, his heart said: "Does this young man know how to make alchemy?"

"Miss Lian, you wait a moment."

The middle-aged man took the list and turned to walk towards the shelves of the herbs.

He is constantly looking for herbs.

"Oh, strange, what is this purple mist spark, why have you never heard it?"

All the medicinal materials of the middle-aged men were selected.

One of the medicinal materials is poor.

The middle-aged man took the list and came to Xu Feng's body. He curiously asked: "This son, your list of herbs, is this purple fog spark, I have not found it for a long time."

Xu Feng sat there, and he heard the words and stood up.

"Zizi Spark is indeed a very medicinal material. It is better to take me to find it yourself. How about?"


The middle-aged man was allowed to come down.

He took Xu Feng and walked on the shelf of each medicinal material, but he did not find a purple mist spark.

"You soul guild will not only have these spiritual materials?" Xu Feng asked the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "There are other herbs in the yard. Come with me."

Not much time.

Xu Feng and the middle-aged man came inside. When he passed a yard, his face changed slightly.

While standing still, his eyes narrowed and he said, "Where is this person living in this yard?"

"The son, inside is the courtyard of our president, he seems to have been studying a drug."

Middle-aged man, knowing the relationship between Xu Feng and Lian Yun is not simple.

He is very polite to Xu Feng.


Xu Feng snorted, followed the middle-aged man and walked toward the front.


Just arrived here, Xu Feng pointed to a place not far away.

I saw that there was a red flower there.

"Don't you make a mistake, this medicine is not a purple mist spark, but a red flower."

The middle-aged man asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled faintly and said: "It turns out that you call him red flowers, no wonder... no wonder..."

He suddenly remembered that the smell that came from the yard that he had passed through was the smell of this purple mist spark.

"Gongzi, what do you mean?"

The middle-aged man is full of mistakes.

"Means nothing."

Xu Feng shook his head. He took the purple mist spark and took off a petal. He said, "You look carefully."

Xu Feng thinks that this middle-aged man is also good, but he can mention one or two.

With Xu Feng on the palm of his hand, it seems to be burning flames.

The original red petals gradually turned purple, and there were bursts of fog rising.


The middle-aged man has wide eyes.

"Dare to ask the son to honor his name?"

The middle-aged man was full of faces, he asked Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng!"

"You tell the president that the reason why his refining remedy failed is simple. He is in a dead end."

"The fire flower is called a purple mist spark, and it will conflict with the water and seaweed, and it will not condense, leading to failure."

Xu Feng finished and walked outside.

The middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng's back and was wrong.


"Cousin, I want to see you these days, how can it be so difficult?" Zuo Sihua looked at the pure rhyme.

He said: "Cousin, you come to the Soul Guild, you should tell me in advance, I will bring you here..."


Zuo Sihua’s words have not been finished yet.

Lian Yun stood up and ran out to Xu Feng not far away.

"Xu Big Brother, have you found it?"

The smile of the face of Lian Yun, when I was with Zuo Sihua, was totally zero.

(End of this chapter)

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