The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2525: Deputy Island Master Zuo Leng Chan

Chapter 2525 Deputy Island Master Zuo Leng Chan

A house.

Zuo Sihua’s eyes are not reconciled.

His face is angry.

Standing on the opposite side of Zuo Sihua, is a middle-aged man, his body is slightly bloated.

Most importantly, there were some pits on his face that looked rugged.

His eyes are deep.

Zuo Sihua's look is mad, he looked at the middle-aged man and said: "Uncle, don't you really worry?"

The middle-aged man is the deputy island owner of Baiyang Island, left cold Zen.

Above Baiyang Island, there is a very large family, that is, the left family.

However, Zuo Leng Chan is not only the deputy island owner, but also the owner of the left family.

Zuo Lengchan looked up and he looked at Zuo Sihua opposite.

"I know what you think about these years. You want to be the future island owner of Baiyang Island and want to be the heir to the future left family."

"But if you can't solve such a young man, you need to rely on me to come out. I really don't think that you have this ability in the future."

"You should understand how many people on Baiyang Island are staring at the future heirs of Baiyang Island."

"If you really want power, want status, and want to be an identity, then you can only rely on your own strength and rely on your own efforts to fight for it."

"Maybe you really work hard, I can help you."

In the eyes of Zuo Lengchan, all that emerged were calm.

"Uncle, now it seems that Xu Feng, who came to our Baiyang Island, is definitely not simple."

"Do you forget that the strong man was on our Baiyang Island that day, was he looking for Xu Feng?"

Zuo Sihua’s eyes flashed and he said to the left cold Zen.

Zuo Leng Zen slightly brows his brow.

The depths of his eyes are cold and killing, saying: "If you want to get the status of Baiyang Island, go to yourself and work harder."

Zuo Sihua did not expect Zuo Leng Zen to be so unrequited.

His face is angry, saying: "Uncle, are you willing to be a deputy islander for a lifetime?"

In the eyes of Zuo Lengchan, there was a cold killing in the eyes.

His eyes stared at Zuo Sihua.

Makes Zuo Sihua feel hairy.

"If you really can't get stronger, even if I become the island owner in the future, you can't be the island owner."

"Go yourself to work hard to cultivate and tell everyone with practical actions that you are qualified to be an island owner."

After Zuo Lengchan finished speaking, he waved his hand at Zuo Sihua.

Zuo Sihua’s face is full of anger, saying: “Uncle’s peace of mind, my left Sihua will certainly work hard.”

Zuo Sihua walked outside the yard, and his heart was filled with resentment.

He never imagined that he was so wrong.

He arranged for the assessment at the time of the exercise, let people eliminate Xu Feng.

I know, not only did Xu Feng not be eliminated, but Xu Feng won the first place, and his heart is of course very uncomfortable.

No, he came to find Zuo Leng Chan.

He hopes that Zuo Lengchan will come forward to help him and dispose of Xu Feng.

Zuo Lengchan looked at the back of Zuo Sihua’s departure and couldn’t help but shook his head.

"Oh, the ambition is not small, but unfortunately there is no corresponding talent."

Zuo Leng Chan is very clear.

Now, Xu Feng can help Lian Yun eliminate toxins.

Although the Cold War made Xu Feng a foreign disciple.

Maybe he can allow equal battles.

However, once he really secretly arranged the strong, he said to Xu Feng.

I am afraid that he will be discovered by the Cold War.

At that time, Mo said that killing Xu Feng, even if he is left cold and left, may not be able to retreat.

He left the cold and did not oppose Zu Sihua’s ambition.

However, if one's strength cannot withstand his ambitions, the consequences will be severe.

"But it is very interesting. You can repair the half-step spirits easily by the Emperor Fengfeng."

"Easy to escape directly from the peak of the spiritual level."

The eyes of Zuo Leng Zen picked up slightly.


The dark night sky gradually dimmed.

Everyone is anxiously waiting for the final result.

Not much time.

Everyone saw Hua Dechang, with a faint smile on his face.

The few people around me are the elders who were responsible for the assessment.

Hua Dechang came to the front of everyone.

He slowly said: "After our deliberation, the people who participated in the assessment, the top 50 people, can become foreign disciples."

"Of course, we need to talk about the first place importantly. After all, people who get the first place can get rewards."

The sound of Hua Dechang sounded up.

Many people are breathing quickly.

The reward for getting the first place is definitely not bad.

So many people have become very nervous.

"The first place in the assessment is Xu Feng."

When Hua Dechang announced the first place, the scene was full of turmoil, and many people were wrong.

Many people look at the place where Xu Feng is located. They have not thought that the person who won the first place is not a half-step passer.

Instead, Xu Feng is the emperor of the peak.

"The time that Xu Feng passed through the cave was 19 minutes."

"As for the second person, the time from the inside is twenty-one minutes."

Many people are envious of hatred.

A person who is the peak of the Emperor, can get the first place in the assessment.

This shows that it is not easy.

Hua Dechang smiled on his face. He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Congratulations, you are the first to get the assessment."

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng did not have much surprise.

to him.

If it is not in the cave, if someone is in trouble, the speed at which he wears the cave will be faster.

Hua Dechang said: "The first place, you will get a thousand points of contribution, you can become a foreign disciple, and exchange various cultivation resources."

“At the same time, those who have obtained the first place in the assessment can get three free opportunities to enter the wind and thunder.”

The words of Hua Dechang sounded and the scene was boiling.

Many people look at Xu Feng with envy.

Xu Feng is somewhat aggressive, and he does not know what the wind and thunder is.

Hua Dechang immediately said: "Get the top 50 people, you go back to where you lived before."

"When tomorrow morning, there will be elders taking you to the outer door of Baiyang Island and then becoming a foreign disciple."

"I am here to wish you all the best, and you can make a big splash in Baiyang Island in the future. You can become a man of the wind."

After Hua Dechang finished, he put the list of rankings in his hand directly to the elders around him and posted them to the side.

I know that I am getting the first place.

Xu Feng did not crowd with the crowd to see the place, he turned to go to the room where he lived before.

He found that his cultivation was in the realm of the Emperor Fengfeng, and there seemed to be some looseness.

He couldn't wait to return to where he lived, without any hesitation, sitting cross-legged and starting to practice.

The sixteen spirits of the body are constantly permeating, and the spiritual power is constantly flowing in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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