The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2188: Killing Su Yunping

Chapter 2188 Killing Su Yunping

After Xu Feng and Zhang Wei reached a cooperation.

Zhang Wei took Xu Feng to the depths of the killing.

Zhang Wei's eyes swept over the kittens on Xu Feng's shoulders, and the look from time to time was a touch of surprise.

After a short time, the two came to the depths of the killing.

Xu Feng found that the depth of the killings, the environment has become even worse.

When the wind whispers, the killing is particularly depressed.

"Xu Feng brothers, just in front."

In a short time, Zhang Wei took Xu Feng to a flat place where an old man was sitting and his face was wrinkled.

When he saw Zhang Wei and Xu Feng coming, he opened his eyes and couldn't help but see Xu Feng's eyes.

Immediately, the look is contemptuous.

Xu Feng found that the other side had only one arm, and said: "I must be the one-armed claw."

He knows that this person is the master of the Seven Spirits Emperor, and it is normal to not see him as the Six Spirits Emperor.

Xu Feng does not care about the attitude of the other side.

Not long after, two figures appeared not far away.

They are two middle-aged men, and their hair is white. It can be seen that the age is not small.

When the two saw Zhang Wei, one of the men with a sharp-nosed monkey, he looked at Xu Feng, could not help but smile: "Ha ha ha, Zhang Wei, the partner you found, turned out to be a hairy boy of Liu Pinling You are amazing."

Hearing the other party's ridicule, Zhang Wei said: "Su Yunping, what kind of helper I am looking for, it seems that you don't need to comment on it."

"You are right, it really has nothing to do with me. Since your people have already arrived, can we open the treasure?"

Su Yunping's gaze fell on the one-armed claws of his feet. His voice sounded and he obviously looked down on Xu Feng.

The one-armed claw stood up and said: "Yes, if everyone is there, then we are ready to go."


Suddenly, under the leadership of one-armed claws, four people followed the other side and went deeper into the killing.

Su Yunping looked at Xu Feng. He lowered his voice and said: "Kid, don't lick this drowning, hurry, or you will die very badly."

Su Yunping’s voice sounded, and Xu Feng’s eyes were all condensed.

However, Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised.

"I will kill you for the first time."

Xu Feng’s voice seemed calm, but several people were a glimpse.

"Ha ha ha... I am waiting for you to kill me first."

Su Yunping is also a glimpse, and immediately laughed.

Finally, five people came to a low place.

It seems to be completely covered up by the blood-red killing momentum, and the wind whizzes past.

The one-armed claw was the first to take out a blood-red piece of debris, and he put it in the void not far away.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed. He really didn’t think that the place of this treasure was so strange.

Then, Su Yunping and Zhang Wei, both took out their fragments and put them in that place.

In the end, Zhang Wei’s hand is also a piece of the same piece, so that the four pieces seem to be there.

The valleys that were originally covered by the killing atmosphere seemed to have become wind and clouds, and the most important thing was the appearance of a long channel of blood red.


I haven't waited for everyone to react, and the one-armed claw has already rushed out toward it.

The people of Su Yun are also not to be outdone.

Anyone who is afraid that the other party will arrive first will really take away the treasures. Then he is really a basket of water.

Xu Feng was not too eager, when he walked inside.

Zhang Wei is somewhat unseen.

"Xu Feng brothers, we are faster."

Xu Feng heard Zhang Wei urged him to speed up.

The two followed the three in front.

Who knows, as the blood-red road suddenly changes, it turns out to be a blood-red blood sea.

There was no hesitation in the one-armed claws. He rushed out into the **** sea, and the speed was still very fast, and the spirit of his body was stirring.

Su Yunping and Zhu Xingzhi both marched side by side, and in the blood-red blood sea, the blood flow is constantly flowing.

At this time, the opposite side of the **** sea suddenly appeared innumerable passages, as if it were a maze.


One-armed claws did not expect such a place, and now they can only bite their teeth and walk toward the channel they feel.

Su Yunping and Zhu Xingzhi both looked at each other and the two men went towards the two passages toward different passages.

Zhang Wei looked at Xu Feng. He was a little surprised. "Xu Feng brothers, you are careful, I will take a step first."

Zhang Wei also chose a channel to quickly enter it.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten above his shoulder and asked: "Kit, do you think it is better to choose which channel table?"

The kitten tilted his head, and immediately he extended his claws and pointed at the passage on the far side. He said, "Brother, I feel that the passage has a breath."

"Oh... then let's choose that channel."

As Xu Feng entered the passage, he found that the passage was really bottomless, as if it were a bottomless pit.

"Well? Is there a light coming from?"

I don't know how long it took in the past. Xu Feng found a faint light coming in front of him. His face was full of joy.

As Xu Feng suddenly broke into the place where the light came, he saw a hall, like a palace.

"Well? Someone?"

Xu Feng’s eyes suddenly looked at the past, only to see a place not far away, where Su Yunping appeared.

When Su Yunping looked at Xu Feng, he suddenly smiled and said: "The kid is really breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort."

"It seems that today, you are going to die here."

Su Yunping cracked his lips, and both eyes were cold and killing. The power of the seven spirits of the body broke out.

The wind blew around Su Yunping's body, and his clothes squeaked like a hot flame burning.

“The third realm of the peak of the fire?”

Xu Feng's eyes are slightly concealed, and the heart is a bit strange.

Su Yunping said: "Death."

After that, suddenly, both hands turned into two swords, and above the sword, it seems that the flame is burning.


The spiritual flow on the two swords seems to be magnificent.

Xu Feng's face is calm and incomparable.

"People kill."

Killing the fists and showing them, the golden light on the body shocked the world.

The punch of the punched out, the eight-star glove is also a dark glow.


Together with the collision of the two attacks, the air waves spread out to the surroundings.

Su Yunping was so surprised that he thought he could kill Xu Feng with one stroke.

I know, Xu Feng’s strength is so powerful.

His face was a little dignified and said: "You have some means, I also said that Zhang Wei is an idiot, how to invite you."

"is it?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised and the spiritual power began to flow.

(Everyone gives me a face, okay, I help people push books, you have also used to support, others think that the people who chase my books are all there, there are woods that are hard to force? "Wan Yu Long Shen" Wan Tian Long Shen" "Wan Yu Long Shen")

(End of this chapter)

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