The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2081: Cannibal tree is afraid of fire (five)

Chapter 2081 Cannibal Tree Fear of Fire (Five)

Seeing that Jin Wennan and others have fled, many people have secretly admired Xu Feng.

"This Xu Feng is not simple, but I can see it so softly at a young age. He is a combination of vertical and horizontal. It is very powerful."

An old man of the Six Spirits Emperor, deep in his eyes, looked at Xu Feng with awe.

After all, it’s so easy, and in a few words, it scares Jin Wennan.

Suffice to say that this Xu Feng is not only a martial arts talent, but also an IQ.

The old demon eyes narrowed up and he looked at Xu Feng.

"Hello, I used this to shock Jin Wennan and made Jin Wennan think that I am working with you. Isn't that good?"

The other people in the black blood sect are also looking at Xu Feng with a bad face.

There is no doubt that Xu Feng has set an enemy for them.

Xu Feng heard the words, a faint smile: "Why didn't you explain why?"

The old-fashioned demon is very clear. The situation just now, even if he explained his words, it has no effect at all.

After all, Jin Wennan is also afraid that if they really unite, then it is not to let him be in a dangerous situation.

This is completely forced by Xu Feng to take advantage of it.

"Kid, you are playing with fire and self-immolation."

Beside the old demon, the existence of a peak of the Six Pinling Emperor, inside his eyes, with a cold killing.

The old-fashioned demon puts his hand and says: "Forget it, anyway, we and Jin Wennan are also very uncomfortable, just be a help for this kid."

The words of the old-fashioned demon are ringing, and those of the black-blooded are all strange.

When did the two-winged old demon talk so well?

Even the shadowless thief around Xu Feng, and Chen Jiwen are surprised.

When is the two-winged old demon so understanding.

Xia Zhen stood not far away. He spoke to the people around him: "Everyone is careful, this forest is very dangerous."

Immediately, Xia Zhen glanced at Xu Feng, and finally glanced at the two-winged old demon, and took the person of the Rising Sun Gate and walked toward the forest.


The same picture, the same towering tree.

The old demon and other people looked at Jin Wennan and they all entered it. He also said: "Everyone is careful, go."

After that, he walked with the black blood sect towards the forest.

The shadowless **** peeked at Xu Feng and said: "The sovereign, we... let's go."

Xu Feng heard the words and said: "Without the shadow of the thief, have you met other people who entered the ruins of the ruins?"

The shadowless **** sneaked into words and said: "I have seen a snake fight."

However, when the shadowless thief said it, his eyes were full of fear and fear.


Xu Feng found that the shadowless thief was not right, and he asked.

"I know the snake fight, he doesn't know me, and I find him violent and violent, and that momentum is terrible."

"I thought I was hallucinating and I was wrong. I made sure that it was a snake fight. But he was a little weird."

The shadowless **** said, but it seems to have a lingering fear.

Xu Feng nodded and seemed to have no concerns.


Four people suddenly walked toward the forest.

As their feet fell on the ground, they felt the towering trees around them, constantly spinning around.

"Be careful."

Xu Feng looked at the towering trees around him. He felt as though he had a pair of eyes in the dark, staring at himself.

Other people outside are also coming in towards the forest.

"Ah! Save me!"

Just as Xu Feng and other four people walked away, not far from a miserable voice came, everyone saw only one head rolling down on the ground.

There, the vines of the towering trees, even a martial art, swallowed the birth, leaving only the head to roll down.

Chen Jiwen, next to Xu Feng, was shocked. "These towering trees will actually eat people. Is this too horrible?"

Shadowless eyes are dignified. "These towering trees should be cannibal trees. We must be careful."

In this forest, many warriors have entered it, and everyone is walking carefully ahead.


From time to time, the breeze blew through, and the faces of countless people trembled with the wind, and both feet trembled.


Just as they walked for a while, the towering trees around them suddenly became extremely violent.

Numerous vines stretched out instantly, turning into swords, and coming through the holes of the crowd.

"Get out!"

There are a lot of warriors around, all of them have a lot of spiritual flow, crazy to fight against those vines, the wind whistling.

From time to time, there was a miserable snoring.

"Be careful!"

Xu Feng felt the change of the surrounding towering trees, and immediately sighed, and the spiritual power of his body flowed.

The body is sheltered, and a vine that is worn by the hole is caught by the dead, and the vine is broken.

The shadowless thief is also a surging force, cutting off one of the vines.

The movement of Nangong Temple is also very fast.

All four people destroyed the vines and continued to move forward quickly.


Walking and walking, a miserable snoring came, Xu Feng's eyes were all condensed, only to see Chen Jiwen's footsteps slowed down.

It was entangled in the death of a towering tree, and his eyes were desperate.

And that towering tree, constantly making a squeaky voice.

"The Sovereign... Go away!"

The shadowless **** looked at the towering trees and caught up with it. There was a fear in his eyes, and he said to Xu Feng.

At this moment, he still cares about Chen Jiwen’s life and death.


Xu Feng’s voice was firm, and even the spiritual power of his body surged. The space field broke out directly, and he disappeared in place.

Those vines want to wrap around Xu Feng, but they are all escaping from the space of Xu Feng's space, and there are more and more towering trees around.


The shadowless thief did not expect that Xu Feng would go to rescue Chen Jiwen despite his own danger.

While his heart is ashamed, he also secretly fears Xu Feng. He said: "Following this youth is really the most correct thing in my life."

Nan Gong's face has become extremely ugly, and there are more and more towering trees around him. He wants to support Xu Feng, but it is impossible.

"The Sovereign... Be careful..."

Shadowless thief screamed at Xu Feng in front.


Chen Jiwen looked at Xu Feng, who appeared suddenly in front of him. In his old eyes, he almost didn't have old tears.

Xu Feng cut off those vines and said: "Now is not moving, hurry to resist the surrounding vines."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and Chen Jiwen’s spiritual power was insanely rushing, desperately attacking those piranha trees.

However, the cannibal tree has become more and more, surrounded by both of them.

(A lot of feelings are very aggressive. Recently, no one voted every day, no need to vote, don’t have to pay for it, keep reading... haha... It seems that I have to wait for a big move, directly to a few hundred chapters. Big explosion...)

(End of this chapter)

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