The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2074: Sipinling Emperor

Chapter 2074 Four Spirits Emperor

"Let's go, second brother!"

Xu Feng said to Nangong, two people from the five people, toward the front of the practice room.

The five of them looked at Xu Feng and went to the practice room, and their faces became ugly.

"What do you say? We are not their opponents, but Yan Qingrong and Fan Zhen are not fuel-efficient lamps."

The five people suddenly gathered together and began to negotiate.

"I think this thing is very simple. When we wait for Yan Qingrong and Fan Zhen to come out, tell them that we are not the opponents of Xu Feng."

"So, we can only retreat and let the two enter the cultivation room to practice. Presumably he will not blame us."

"And, we add some vinegar, and by the time the two will certainly not let the Xu Feng."

One of the old-fashioned hair-haired, his eyes were deep and gloomy, and his mouth was slightly raised.

His words rang, and there were two people next to it, and they nodded. "That Xu Feng is so arrogant, it is damn."

"I don't agree!"

At this time, another man, he said: "I feel that I still don't care about this drowning."

When he finished, he actually flowed spiritually and rushed out to the distant crowd.

He felt that if Xu Feng really defeated Yan Qingrong and others, then Xu Feng would let them go for the second time?

Seeing that the person did not participate in this drowning, the old man around him also chose to quit.

"Hey, when Yan Qingrong and Fan Zhen come out, will he let you both?" The man who had just made an idea, he was cold.

"I didn't get the benefits of him either. What if he didn't let us go?"

The six-character emperor who quits, his eyes are unpleasant.

Although Yan Qingrong and Fan Zhen are both repaired by the Six Spirits Emperor, they still cannot make him feel fearful. ,

On the contrary, for Xu Feng, he was slightly heard, such a young genius, can not provoke or not provoke.

The six-character emperor who just ridiculed Xu Feng, who saw Xu Feng enter the practice room, did not come to find him trouble, they all snorted deeply.

He is sweaty all over his head.

The people around him looked at his performance, and they all laughed one by one.

"Remember in the future, don't be a man, or you will end up miserable."

"There are times when the villains are dying."

"You can't talk nonsense."


After Xu Feng picked a training room, the kitten was sitting not far from the cultivation room.

The kitten seems to only need to constantly devour the debris of the field. His cultivation and strength will increase.

Therefore, Xu Feng has never seen this little thing cultivation.

Xu Feng felt the surrounding spirituality of the cultivation room.

His eyes are full of smiles, and he said to himself: "This time it is really making a big profit."

Xu Feng feels that if he can continue to practice in such an environment.

His strength will be greatly improved. He is now the third master of the three spirits, and he has broken through to the four spirits, just around the corner.


Take a deep breath and adjust your status to the best.

He sat on his knees and the fourteen veins of his body spread out.

The fourteen veins in his body seem to be a river of criss-crossing, incomparably horrible.

In the double sea of ​​anger, it is also a spiritual roll.

"Chaos is infinite."

Xu Feng runs "chaos infinitely" and has to say that this method of cultivation.

Although Xu Feng did not know what magical place there was, he knew that this law saved him many times.

After he was running the law at the moment, the spiritual power of the whole body began to flow in a week-long manner.


Xu Feng felt the rich spiritual power around him, and he began to refine and refine those spiritual powers into his body.

The spiritual power became more and more pure, and in his singularity, after the spiritual flow, he integrated his fourteen veins.

"A good spiritual power is worthy of a practice room that has accumulated for thousands of years."

As the cultivation progressed, Xu Feng’s face naturally showed a smile.

He really felt that this cultivation was really fast.


Xu Feng began to absorb the surrounding spiritual power, and the entire cultivation room was formed into a vortex.

The speed and quantity of his refining power can be described as horror.

If he is replaced by the supreme liquid, he is afraid that he has refining hundreds of millions of supreme liquids.

Even beyond.

Yan Qingrong suddenly opened his eyes, and he stared at the surroundings of the practice room, his face became ugly.

"Damn Fan Zhen, what are you doing, the spiritual power of my cultivation room is actually passing away?"

When Yan Qingrong was practicing, he was very satisfied with these spiritual powers at first, and felt that the cultivation could go further.

However, no one knows that the good times are not long. He finds that his rising spiritual power has become extremely difficult, and the speed of cultivation has been greatly reduced.

He is very clear that only he and Fan Zhen are clearly entering the practice room, and he feels the change of spiritual power.

Naturally, it is associated with Fan Zhen’s mischief.

"Hey, Fan Zhen, are you going to be against me?"

Yan Qingrong thinks that Fan Zhen wants to fight against himself, and now the crazy absorption of the surrounding spiritual power.

On the other side, Fan Zhen also opened his eyes, and he felt that the speed of spiritual power was getting faster and faster.

He suddenly became furious and said: "Yan Qingrong, you old bastard, don't you want me to practice?"

Although Fan Zhenyi began to pass the spiritual power, but it is not as serious as it is now. At this moment, he still feels that the spiritual power has become extremely chaotic.

Obviously, Yan Qingrong is engaged in ghosts.

The heart of both people is a fire.

In this way, Fan Zhen and Yan Qingrong, two people compete with each other, constantly interfering with each other's cultivation.

As the initiator of Xu Feng, the atmosphere at the moment became extremely fierce, and he was fourteen spiritual.

The criss-crossing in his body seems to be fourteen spiritual veins, and the spiritual power inside is magnificent.

"Sanpinling Emperor Peak."

With the breath of his breath, Xu Feng’s eyes were full of smiles, and finally broke through to the peak of Sanpinling Emperor.

"This kind of spiritual power seems to be enough for me to break through to the four spirits."

If his cultivation is to break through to the four spirits, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

He now condenses the third-day killing field, plus the four-character emperor, plus his killing fist.

He believes that his combat power will really soar.

Xu Feng didn't think about other things, sitting cross-legged, and continuing to operate "chaotic promise", constantly improving and repairing.

(A lot of people really want to come to QQ to read and read books, so many can stick to it, always let a lot of people can solve the problem of food and clothing, thank you for those silently supporting a lot of brothers and sisters! I wish you good health, good luck!)

(End of this chapter)

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