The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2030: The title of the emperor appeared

Chapter 2030 Chapter No.

"The ruins of the ruins of the ruins have finally been opened."

Many people hold their breath, and countless people are looking forward to it.

Many people are staring at the places in the distant ruins of the ruins, they are waiting, what are the conditions for entering the ruins of the ruins.

"Hey, isn't this the Promise of the Promise?" On the opposite side of the ruins of the Sanhua ruins, it is a mountain that looks beautiful.

There, there is an old man sitting in front of him, a wooden table in front of him, and a pot of tea, the smell of the mountains.

If Xu Feng saw this old man, he would be shocked to say nothing, just because the old man was the old man he had met selling tea.

What appears to him now is the existence of a middle-aged Confucian student. He actually calls the other party "the Promise of the Promise."

You must know that in the vast territory of China, you can be directly called the Emperor, that is the existence of the title Lingdi.

Even if it is, the general high-ranking Emperor of the Emperor does not directly call the other emperor, just because only the title of the Emperor has a title.

"Who is my way, it turns out to be you, how are you interested, come to our remote West District?" The Wuji Lingdi poured tea from his own self, as if he knew the old man, he would definitely sit down.

"Haha... I have to go out and move around from time to time."

The middle-aged Confucian student, wearing his white robe, was sitting opposite the Promise, and he was welcome, and raised a cup of tea.


He took a deep breath and was intoxicated in his eyes. He said: "The tea of ​​the Promise Emperor is really worthy of the name."

"Oh..." Middle-aged Confucian scholars swallowed the cup of tea, and they were all intoxicated. "Good tea, good tea!"

"Since you feel good, you can drink a little more." Wuji Lingdi also raised a cup of tea and slowly tasted tea.

"The Promise of the Promise, dare to ask, can you know, the purpose of my trip?" The middle-aged Confucian scholar, seems to be unable to withstand, asked the Promise.

The Promise of the Promise, the old scorpion, lifted up and looked at the distant place, where the site of the sacred sect was.

"I don't know!"

The Promise of the Promise directly spit out two words, which made the middle-aged Confucian scholar, some awkward smiles, said: "The Promise of the Promise, you should know that the opening of the ruins of the ruins is actually a change in the pattern of the southern continent. ”

"We are in China's vast land, there will be some changes, and the source of the change is the site of this ruling."

"You and I understand that if anyone can get the Aegean grass, it must be the real existence of this change."

"If it is, the sacred heavenly grass falls into the hand of the dark temple..." When the middle-aged Confucian scholar said it, the cheeks of the Promise of the Promise had changed slightly, but did not speak.

He still looks at the place where the ruins of the ruins are located. His old eyes seem to have some kind of expectation.

"Your creation college, the genius and the strong sent out this time are not in the minority. Is it still a competition for the dark temple?"

The voice of the Promise is very calm.

The middle-aged Confucian face changed slightly. He did not expect that many people from his creation school were actually known by the Promise.

"The Promise of the Promise, you think, who will benefit from this ruins of the ruins?" Middle-aged Confucian scholars squinted.

The Promise Emperor shook his head and said: "The sacred heavenly grass is a sacred treasure of heaven and earth. If you want to acquire the celestial grass, unless it is a genius, otherwise it will go to join in the fun."

"Of course, those high-ranking spiritual emperors who made the sects of the same year, after their death, many people's treasures and inheritance are also among them."



With a slamming sound, it seems that there is a crack between the heavens and the earth in the entire western region.

However, outside the site of the ruins of the ruins, it seems to be a quaint gate.

When the door opened, the surrounding void contained a burst of strong fluctuations.


At this time, an old man of the Seven Spirits Emperor, he rushed out toward the door, but suddenly flew out by the impact, a blood spouted out.

"Damn, can the high-ranking Emperor really not enter it?" The old man’s eyes were not reconciled, and he knew that the ruins were in front of him.

There are countless treasures hidden inside, even if it is the title of the Emperor will be heart-warming, not to mention that he is only a high-level spirit of the emperor.


Another figure was shocked and flew out.

"Don't do useless work. Outside the ruins of the ruins, there are rules that are comfortable, and high-ranking spirits can't enter."

At this time, a little old voice rang out over the ruins of the ruins of the ruins, and many people were full of stunned faces.

"The title is powerful!"

"Heaven, there is a strong name for the Emperor of the Emperor."

"It seems that even if it is the strong name of the Emperor, it is also extremely curious about the ruins of the ruins."

"You said, the one who was only reminded of the title of the powerful Emperor, who is it?"

The appearance of the title Lingdi directly caused a violent sensation.

Many people whispered and started to talk.

After all, the strong of the title Lingdi is a rare sight.


As those high-ranking spirits know that they cannot enter, many of them are rushing out toward the gates of the ruins of the ruins.


The bursts of spiritual power fluctuated violently, creating the gates of the ruins of the ruins, where the whirlpools were spinning and the wind whistling.

The figure of the road disappeared outside the site of the ruins of the ruins. Many people were afraid that they would be late, and the treasures inside would be taken away.

Xu Feng stood there, wearing a cloak, without any confusion, but looking at those who entered it, is also extremely shocking.

He has calculated, I am afraid that at least a few thousand people have entered the ruins of the ruins of the ruins. Most of these people are Liupinling Emperor, and a small number of Wupinling Emperors.

Moreover, some young people are not very old, and the atmosphere is equally terrifying.

It seems that in this ruins of the ruins, it is bound to be a battle.


Xu Feng looked at the past, he found dozens of figures, turned out to be oriental zirconium, as well as Oriental Lingyue and others.

In the end, Xu Feng’s gaze twitched slightly. He found himself standing beside the Oriental Lingyue. It was a handsome man with a long-sighted look.

"Who is this person, how is it so close to Lingyue?" Xu Feng's face changed slightly, and his inner inexplicable feeling was uncomfortable.

Perhaps the man around the East Lingyue made her be careful, she turned her head and smiled at the man.

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, some inexplicable sorrow and grief, said: “Does Ling Yue really think that I don’t like her?”

"Hey, don't let me meet you, or I will inevitably blow your head." Xu Feng looked at the young man, who remembered his face and died in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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