The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1879: Join forces to kill Teng Zicheng

Chapter 1879 joins in killing Teng Zicheng

"Good horrible soul power."

Teng Zicheng asked himself to be a well-informed person.

Yes, he has never seen a young man who has eighty-fifth-order soul power at such age.

He is very clear, if such a soul force, if it becomes a refiner, how many eight-minded teachers should break the head and accept it as a disciple.

As the blue wing killed the six spirits, he also spurted out a blood, his face became extremely pale.

"Green Wing, you hurry to adjust your interest."

Xu Feng took out some medicinal herbs and handed them to the Qingyi.

Although Xu Feng's medicinal effect is very good, the green wing's injury is not light.

It is unlikely that you want to recover in a short time.

After repairing to reach the spirit of the Emperor, even if there are eight products, it is unlikely that the injury will be recovered in an instant.

What's more, even if it is the strong spirit of the Emperor, it is simply impossible. It is almost impossible to take the eight-piece Zundan casually.


Qingyi is very clear, and now only Teng Zicheng is alone.

The other party is the Sixth Spirit Emperor's peak, and the Snake War and Chen Jiwen both shot at the same time.

Maybe I can't beat Teng Zicheng.

However, it is not a simple matter that Teng Zicheng wants to defeat them easily.

After the blue wing was sitting cross-legged, he began taking the medicinal herbs to recover the wound.

Xu Feng stood there, he watched the snake battle and Chen Jiwen battle Teng Zicheng.

It is worthy of being the strongman of the Sixth Spirit Emperor.

Snake Wars and Chen Jiwen are both in the Six Spirits Emperor, which is a relatively powerful existence.

At this moment, Teng Zicheng took an enemy two, but did not fall into the wind.

Xu Feng watched the battle stalemate, his mouth slightly raised, his heart said: "This six-character emperor peak, let him fall here today."

Xu Feng stood by and there was no action.

Teng Zicheng has also been wary of Xu Feng's soul secret technique, but he is very clear about the soul power of the other eighty-fifth order.

Even if he wants to resist the soul of the other side, it is also very difficult. The only thing he can do now is to bury the dike.

Xu Feng did not display the secret of the soul, his body seems to stand in place.

No one seems to find that the void around his body is slightly distorted.

The most important thing is that in the palm of his hand, a trace of flame, constantly moving toward the void, constantly infiltrated.

"To deal with such a strong person, I don’t know how much effect will it be after the blockade of the heavens and the earth?"

That's right, Xu Feng is constantly infiltrating into the world, and he now has three kinds of heaven and earth.

They are Violet secluded, fallen heart disease, and infinite flame. If these three kinds of heaven and earth are well utilized, his strength must be earth-shaking.

As time goes by slowly.

Teng Zicheng’s battle with two people has also entered a stage of white-hot.

The air has become extraordinarily depressed, and many people feel the dull atmosphere.

The snakes and other people’s faces are also changing. They are all secretly sinking and said: “Damn, how do I feel so stuffy?”

The opposite of Chen Jiwen is also full of sweat, he feels that when he and Teng Zicheng fight, it seems to be in the furnace.

However, they found that the opposite of Teng Zicheng's face at the moment, he also felt extremely hot.

Teng Zicheng’s eyes are all blood red, and it looks extremely horrible. "Damn, what the **** is going on?"

Teng Zicheng is very clear that he and the opposite person are all repaired by the Six Spirits Emperor. Don't say sweat, even if it is under the scorching sun, it may not be able to shed a drop of sweat for three days.

However, he saw it very clearly.

Opposite Chen Jiwen and the snake battle, the clothes of both of them were soaked.

Obviously, it is also a sultry temperature, and it is extremely embarrassing.

Xu Feng’s face did not change at all. He stood in the same place and seemed to be calm.

When Teng Zicheng's eyes swept through Xu Feng, he found that Xu Feng's face did not change anything, which means that the heat was directed at the three of them.

"Damn, is this the ghost of this kid, what is he going to do?" Teng Zicheng's heart is somewhat amazed.

"No, it’s a quick fix."

Between the hands of Teng Zicheng, the gust of wind began to roar, and what he gathered was the field of the third heaven.

The gust of wind swept through, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking, and the void of the sky was constantly shaking.

The spiritual power in him is like the madness of the rivers and rivers, and the violent winds blow.

The void seems to have been torn into countless pieces, and the hot breath has become even more terrifying.

"Take the wind and break the sky."

Teng Zicheng screamed, and the wind on his body was like a wave. When his hands danced, it suddenly turned into a storm.

Within a few feet of his body, the space was whistling, and his attack became incomparably violent.

The fierce waves rushed out to the opposite snake battle and Chen Jiwen.

Both faces are dignified.

The spiritual power in them is like running water, and it is also swept out.

I dare not have any intentions, so the battle of the peak, a little careless is death.

As Teng Zicheng exhibited the wind and waves, the whole battle began to change.

The snake war and Chen Jiwen were gradually suppressed.

Seeing this scene, Xu Feng’s body finally moved. He spoke up: “Try to attack him with all his strength, I will help you.”

Xu Feng’s voice rang again, and the people around him were bursting with hair.

It is difficult for Xu Feng to think that Teng Zicheng can still be the last time, attacked by his soul secret technique?

"Ha ha ha... a big boy, do you think I will be attacked by your soul?"

Teng Zicheng heard the words, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"I am sorry, I have never said, I want to use the mystery of the soul?"

In an instant when Xu Feng’s hands danced, a group of hot flames burst out. The most important thing is that the flame can melt even the void.

"Heaven and earth fire!"

Teng Zicheng saw a lot of knowledge, and when he saw the flame, he immediately made a cry.

The rest of the people are also full of shock, Xu Feng actually has a world of fire.

"Degraded heart disease."

This fallen heart inflammation is a kind of flame that is specially made to plung into the illusion. In the flame of Xu Feng at this moment, there is the infinite flame and the fallen heart inflammation.

He wants Teng Zicheng to be unable to concentrate on fighting and being harassed by the degrading heart.

From time to time, he fell into the illusion of degrading heart and how to fight.


Teng Zicheng screamed and his eyes were red.

In the moment of his distraction, the chest was attacked by the opposite snake, and the palm of his hand hit it, and his body flew out.

"I want to escape, don't let him run."

Xu Feng roared, and the endless flame instantly wrapped the whole sky. The flame made Teng Zicheng unable to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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