The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1865: Mysterious vortex

Chapter 1865 Mysterious Swirl

"Zhao Long, Li Li, Long Long, then I will give you three people the first task."

"This sea area removes your three major islands and other small islands."

"For three days, you will give me this sea area."

"This sea area will be the site of our North City, and anyone who works on this sea area needs to be approved by our North City."

Xu Feng looked at Zhao Long and other three people opposite.

His voice is beyond doubt.

All three are a glimpse, knowing that this sea area has always been, although there is no jurisdiction.

However, the default is a semi-monthly site.

"Citylord, is it not appropriate for us to act on such a large scale?"

Zhao Long took the lead in looking at Xu Feng, he asked directly.

At that time, if it is a strong person who provokes a half-monthly sect, it will not be worth the candle.

Xu Feng shook his head directly and said: "Are you worried about recruiting half a month?"

All three are directly silent, apparently the default.

"Do not worry, the half-moon sect did not dare to take a large-scale shot on our North City."

"As far as I know, among the four major forces in the Western District, if the half-moon sects are out of the nest, I am afraid that the other three major forces will take advantage of the fishermen."

"The half-moon patriarch is not a fool. He and us are fighting for a broken net, and there is no benefit to him."

"And, in this sea area, they have no real control in the half-monthly sect. Now we are occupied by us, and it is only a little overwhelming."

Xu Feng’s analysis is well organized and looks very rational.

A few people looked at each other. They didn't understand why Xu Feng, who looks so young, was so strong in controlling the situation.

"You only have three days, when I am waiting for you in the unintentional island." Xu Feng directly issued a death order to the three.

"This is ten Ling Zhou, you three people."

When Xu Feng took out ten ships, Zhao Long and other three were shocked.

They seem to understand that Xu Feng was prepared.

"We will take a step forward and wait for your good news in Wuxin Island."

Xu Feng said to Zhao Long and others, he took the old patriarch, and the people who followed him, all went back to the unintentional island.

Look at the back of Xu Feng and others.

Zhao Long, Li Li, Long Long, all looked at each other.

"Zhao Long, can you know the details of this city owner?"

Li Li looked at Xu Feng and left, and immediately asked.

It is absolutely unusual to be able to follow the existence of the peak of the Six Pinling Emperor.

Zhao Long couldn't help but shook his head and said: "I don't know what he is coming to, just knowing that this person is not easy?"

"I feel that he is coming to the unified Western District?"

Long Long, who has not spoken, he is silent.

This opening suddenly made several people scared.

What kind of joke?

It is a difficult matter to unify the Western District. It is simply chaotic to know the western region of the vast territory of China.

On the surface, the four forces have absolute control.

However, there is a mixture of fish and dragons in the dark.

Even if it is the four major forces, they dare not sway in the Western District.

"Forget it, we still don't discuss it. Anyway, we have already taken the poison of others." Zhao Long sighed in one breath.

"Two, I am here to enshrine that I think that the seven products are on the trainer, but I can let him check it out. What poison are we taking?"

Long Long’s eyes have a hint of blackmail.

His words rang, Zhao Long and Li Li were both surprises.

"Dragon brother, it seems that your means is brilliant. If you can resolve the poison properties, I would like to thank you." Zhao Long said.

"I am also reporting with you."

Li Li also said next to him.

"Two, please!"

Longlong took the two and went to a place on the island where the environment was quiet.

"Master Liu, Longlong has something to ask for."

Long Long came outside the quiet yard, and he respectfully said.

"Long Island Lord, please come in."

As the three entered the yard, sitting inside a white-haired old man, his eyes looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him, it seems that only the drug.

"Master Liu, the three of us took the poison given by others. Do you see if there is any way to detoxify?" Long Long said to the old man.

The old man turned his head and he came to Longlong’s body.

The soul power of the body emerged and began to explore the situation of Longlong's body. His brows were screwed up.

Longlong is full of sweat.

"Are you sure you are taking poison?"

The old man looked at Long Long, and his eyes asked with doubts.

"It is indeed a poison!"

Long Long said firmly.

He naturally did not expect that Xu Feng gave them no poison at all, but a kind of medicine that is good for health.

Xu Feng said that it is a poison, mainly to contain a few people.

“Why can't I find out?”

Master Liu frowned and said.

"Master Liu, this is the other remedy that the person gave us. You can see who the medicinal medicine should be."

Zhao Long had obtained a medicinal herb from Xu Feng before.

He handed it to the opposite Master Liu at the moment.

When Master Liu saw the medicinal herbs in an instant, his eyes were filled with madness.

"how is this possible……"

"No... impossible..."

“How can it be of such high quality?”

Master Liu’s appearance is crazy.

He looked at Zhao Long and said: "The person who gave you the medicine, where is it now?"

Zhao Long did not understand why Master Liu was so excited. He said: "Master Liu, he has already left."

"It's no wonder that the old man can't detect the ingredients of poison. Such a brilliant refiner, I am afraid that it is at least the level of eight grades."

Master Liu said.

Zhao Long and other three people next to him are stunned.

The three did not expect that even the eight products of the top grades can be used to drive Xu Feng.

"Go, hurry to get the job done."

The three men rushed out to the outside of the yard.

They are feared at the moment, and they are able to drive the eight products to respect the teacher. This status and identity cannot be found in the entire Western District.


Xu Feng took the old patriarch and others and marched toward the unintentional island.

As Xu Feng came to the unintentional island, the elders looked at Xu Feng anxiously.

"You are finally back."

The voice of the elders is a little short.

Xu Feng frowned and said: "The elders, what happened?"

"The city owner, the sea behind our unintentional island, there is a huge whirlpool. I want to be close, but I am caught in it by the horrible attraction."

"Now, that huge vortex is still spreading."

The voice of the elders was a little worried, saying: "According to this trend of proliferation, we are unintentional islands, I am afraid that it will not be long before, and will be swallowed up by the whirlpool."

"Go, let's go see."

Xu Feng spoke to the elders and went out behind the unintentional island.

(End of this chapter)

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