The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1858: Rectify everything

Chapter 1858 rectifies everything


Xu Feng sighed helplessly.

In those years, Ying’s gimmick followed him, but it was really hard.

This girl silently followed her and did not ask herself how good she was.

As long as she can be with her, she will be very happy.

However, except for Xu Feng’s days in Tianchi City.

Since Xu Feng left Tianchi City, the years that Yinger has been with him have rarely been more than a month.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng clenched his fists and said: "Strength, my strength is not enough... If my strength is strong enough, I don't need to worry so much."

"Be strong, I have to be strong and strong, to be able to truly protect the people around me." Xu Feng's face with a firm color.

Even if he was busy all day during the day, Xu Feng was still working hard and he did not dare to have any fallacies.


Early the next morning.

Xu Feng called the Qingyi, Snake War and other people early to discuss how to settle so many people from the ancient comet.

Obviously, the city government of Beipcheng can only accommodate one tenth of the people.

After a long discussion, I still didn't get an accurate answer.

"The city owner, the city owner... I have an idea..."

At this time, Zhu Xiao said.

Xu Feng looked at Zhu Xiao and asked: "Do you have any good ideas, may you come and listen?"

This Zhu Xiao is also quite clever.

"You have so many people, it is unrealistic to come to Beipcheng. Then why must you leave Beipcheng?"

"You know, there are a lot of resources in the outer sea. In many islands, there are mineral veins of the Supreme Liquid."

"At that time, the team of nearly 10,000 people will be divided into some people on each island. They will set up communication signals at sea. They can also echo each other."

When Zhu Xiao’s sentence came out, Xu Feng’s eyes were bright.

He thinks this suggestion is very good.

Especially those who are wild comets are different races.

In this way, each race occupies a small island.

In the vast seas, there will be no strong strong people.

Even if there is a strong person, each island can echo each other and help each other. It must be said that this is a good idea.

"Well, yes, your idea is very good." Xu Feng looked at Zhu Xiao, with a strong smile on his face, saying: "In this case, it is not too late, we are now leaving for the sea, I will arrange The situation of all of them."

Qingyi and others feel that this idea is good, there are many small islands in the sea.

For example, these three races need to find a very large island.

"The city owner, such a large-scale transfer of people, naturally has a problem, that is, a certain number of spirit boats are needed. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to transfer."

Zhu Xiao said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled: "The spirit boat is not a difficult thing."

Xu Feng looked at Zhu Xiao and said: "Where there are shops in Lingbao Pavilion, I need to buy large quantities of materials for making Ling Zhou."

"The city owner, you don't know, this Lingzhou manufacturing is not so simple, it needs to be at least the existence of the seven refiners."

Zhu Xiao thought that Xu Feng thought it was too simple, and he reminded him.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Do not worry, as long as there is material, there will naturally be a spirit boat."

"The city owner, there is a city from our city of Beige, called the Liushui City. There are shops in Lingbao Pavilion. Because of the shops of Lingbao Pavilion, the business environment of Liushuicheng is very good. They are the owners of the city. It is also the existence of a six-character emperor."

Zhu Xiao said.

Xu Feng heard that the heart is shocking.

This spiritual powerhouse of the vast land of China is really innumerable.

The middle-class spirits are in the same place as the Kyushu Seoul.

Now, it is just the city owner of a small city.

"Zhu Xiao, this matter will be handed over to you." Xu Feng looked at Zhu Xiao, he took out a storage ring and handed it to Zhu Xiao.

"There is 50 million of the supreme liquid inside, it should be enough for you to purchase the material for making the spirit boat." Xu Feng said directly.

Zhu Xiao looked at Xu Feng and gave himself so much supreme liquid. His heart was shocked. He was a little surprised: "The city owner, are you not afraid of me to escape?"

"I believe that you will not do such stupid things, and that you are too low to be alone, and the snake warrior will accompany you."

Xu Feng said to the snake fight around him.

The snake war heard the words and nodded. "The city owner is assured that we are guaranteed to complete the task."

"If you don't want to be late, let's go."

Xu Feng said to the snake war and Zhu Xiao.

When Xu Feng was at the Kyushu hegemony, in the ancient battlefield, he received the supreme liquid, and now there are more than 200 million supreme liquids.

However, to run a huge force of operation, such a point of supreme liquid is obviously a drop in the bucket.

The reason why there is no one in Beige City is that there is no resource in the surrounding area.

Resources mean that there are no supreme liquid veins, and there are some strange metal stones.

It is like the ore that makes the material of the Lingzhou.

Xu Feng arranged Zhu Xiao and the snake fight, and the two left.

Xu Feng continued to settle down the entire city government, he is very clear.

It’s not that simple to take charge of a city and take charge of a force.

However, when he was a master of the past, he had a lot of experience in management.

He summoned more than ten people in the city's main government.

He looked at the people in front of him and said: "We need a **** team that is desperately desperate to be in Beige City. The captain of this **** is served by the giant Taishan."

"Thank you for the city!"

Giant Taishan heard that he became the captain of the escort, and his face was full of excitement.

"The city owner, the six-character emperor came to be the captain of the **** team. Is this too big to use?" said the white-haired old man next to him.

The old-fashioned white-haired is the old man who relied on Xu Feng. This person is called Cao Yu, but it is the five-character emperor.

"The **** team I want is a **** that can kill people, but it is not in the North City." Xu Feng looked at Cao Yu and said.

"Cao Wei is the vice captain of the escort, the main task of both of you, then we need a real escort."

"The members of the **** team need to be repaired by the four spirits. You are recruiting in the list of Beige City to see how many people can be recruited."

Xu Feng does not know how many people can be recruited in Beige City.

After all, this Begurd City is really resource-poor and unattractive.

"The city owner, please forgive the old man bluntly, I am afraid that no one can recruit?"

Cao Yu is very aware of the situation in Beipcheng. There are very few people in the four spirits. Those people may not be willing to join the city government.

In their view, there is no benefit to joining the city government.

(End of this chapter)

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