The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1844: The role of the heart of the soul

Chapter 1844 The role of the heart of the soul

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Xu Feng felt the pressure of the soul in all directions and constantly oppressed his body.

However, his soul has just been squeezed by the incomparable pain.

Then, the heart of his soul suddenly radiated a burst of light, flowing constantly in his body.

"I don't think that the soul of the soul actually has such a role?" Even Xu Feng is a glimpse, he really did not think of the heart of the soul, and this role.

"If I don't have the heart of the soul, I am afraid that my end will be very miserable." Xu Feng felt the pressure of the surrounding soul, his face changed slightly.


"Hahaha... Do you want him to save you?"

In the depths of the western part of the wild comet, there is a dark glow, and the dark eyes seem to be able to penetrate everything in the night.

"Do you think I need him to save me? After so many years, you are just taking control of my remnant, what is it to be proud of?"

The voice is majestic and with overbearing.

"I really regretted that, I didn't kill you right away, I will let you take everything away."

"But, you take away everything from me, and I will never let you complete. Your remnant, as long as I am suppressed by one day, you will never be able to break through higher realms, hahaha!"

The cold voice was emanating, and his eyes were shining with a radiant glow. "If I took him, I don't know if you will vomit blood?"

"Or, will you be mad at it?"

"I advise you not to do such stupid things, otherwise I don't mind coming back from the outside and completely killing you."

The overbearing voice rang again.

The two voices are very different, but they all come from the same place, where the dark eyes glow.

"I feel that his talent is very good. If I win him, I will definitely be able to go further." The gloomy voice sounded.

"you dare!"

The overbearing voice is directly threatened by anger.

"What do I dare? If you didn't take away everything, can you have the achievements of the present? And you want to come back, do you think it is so easy to come back? Hehe..." The laughter makes people feel creepy.

"I advise you not to move him, otherwise I will let you try what is better than death?" The overbearing voice became awkward.

The murderous intentions in the sound made the eyes float slightly.

However, the cold and old voice did not seem to care. "You don't need to threaten me. I will die sooner or later. If you succeed in it, I may have a chance. You said that if he knew, he The father wants his body and wants to win him. What would he think?"

"Hello, you are poisonous!"

The voice of the overbearing road is stern, almost stunned.

He is very clear that although he left here more than ten years ago, his sorrow and sorrow, and this great devil, have been thoroughly integrated.

The remnant soul is not enough to fight this big devil. Once Xu Feng is really taken away, it will be a loss.

"How can you not hurt him?"

The voice of the overbearing road seems to be a little weak.

"How?" The old, gloomy voice smiled. "Don't you know my goal? I was trapped here for tens of thousands of years. I want to leave, I want to go back to that piece." I want to be a real powerhouse between the world I am familiar with."

"Why are you so persistent in the change of the sea?" The voice of the overbearing voice with emotion: "You should know that my achievements here are constantly improving, and I will become more brilliant than you."

"You are a despicable villain. If you didn't save me, you would have died." The old, cold voice was hateful.

"Oh... you saved me for your own lust, but not for me?" The overbearing voice sounded, saying: "You are trying to train me, then let me be your beggar, you want to I am a chess piece. Why do I let you do it?"

"Do not worry, your son's talent seems to be better than you, haha!" The cold and old voice, the laughter that exudes, seems to make Xu Feng tremble.

"You... dare to hurt him... I will make you die very badly..." The overbearing sound sounded, and the eyes gave off a ghostly glow.

"Give me a roll."

The old voice was angry, and suddenly another figure was completely suppressed.


Xu Feng certainly didn't know everything that happened in the depths of the ancient comet. He just walked in it and looked at the ground. There were a lot of bones.

Those sensational bones scattered on the ground, with the moment Xu Feng walked, the white bones turned into countless powders.

"The western part of this wild comet is really very strange." Xu Feng found that the first is the inexplicable horror of the horror.

Then, these are the bones of the forest, as if his movement caused the air to flow, and the white bones became shattered.

However, he did not stop moving forward, and the pressure he felt in his soul seemed to become more and more intense.

Even if he had the pressure of the soul to continually ease, he felt a little hard and sweated on his forehead.

"It is no wonder that those who entered the western part of the wild comet could not leave alive." Xu Feng seems to understand why those people are going to die inside.

Such a terrible soul pressure, we must know that Xu Feng’s current soul power has reached the point of 82.

What's more, he still has the heart of the soul, and he seems to be unable to do anything.

Those who entered this place are strong among the three major races, but their soul power is not as good as Xu Feng compared with Xu Feng.

Moreover, they can't have the treasure of the soul like the heart of the soul, can resist the soul, the violent incomparable pressure.

"Go ahead, I feel not far from the goal."

The kitten on the shoulder of Xu Feng, this time seems a little uncomfortable.

He was lying in the arms of Xu Feng, and his eyes twitched and turned, showing some fear.

The kitten that is not afraid of fear is afraid to know.

"Brother, I feel this place, so weird."

The kitten curled up in the arms of Xu Feng, he said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng gently touched the kitten's head and said: "Nothing, as long as we withstand such pressure, our souls can change."


The kitten bites his teeth and is still holding on.

Xu Feng spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and his face was somewhat white.


The heart of the soul, the madness of the light, the constant flow.

(End of this chapter)

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