The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1834: You two together

Chapter 1834, you two together

"You are mine in the morning and evening, I don't need any other men at all."

The snake jade eyes stared at Xu Feng with a very interested smile on his face.

Xu Feng felt that he was all goose bumps. He looked at the snake jade on the opposite side and said: "I am too lazy to entangle with you."

"Snow Sakura, let's lose."

Xu Feng patted the shoulders of Snow Sakura to show encouragement.

Snow Sakura bit his teeth and said: "Snake jade, one day, I will defeat you."

"On your own, you still need a man to stand up and support you." Snake Jade said mercilessly.

"There is the ability, you also find a man to support you, no one wants." Xu Feng is a glimpse, the battle between women, is really silent.

Snow Sakura was able to say such words, let Xu Feng secretly shake his head.

Snake jade heard the words, his face suddenly burst into a burst of white.

She is indeed not very popular in the wild, and although she looks very beautiful, no man likes her.

Mainly, her character is too sinister.

Once, someone pursued her and pursued it. She violently killed the other party directly.

You talk about such a woman who dares to pursue?

After the loss of Snow Sakura, it means that Snow Sakura can only stop at the seventh place. She also knows her strength and does not continue to fight with others.

"Xu Feng, you killed our three-legged snakes, and I will avenge them today." Snake Yunfei stood on the ring, he looked at Xu Feng and said.

Many people have heard the words, they are all surprised, who is the courage of this snake Yunfei who dared to challenge Xu Feng?

However, the next moment, many people are wide-eyed, the original repair of the snake Yunfei, has broken through to the second spirit of the emperor.

Many people were shocked. I didn't expect the snake cloud to make such a big progress. From the promotion of a spirit to the second spirit, it is not a breakthrough.

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng looked at the snake flying on the ring, and he stepped onto the ring.

Snake Yunfei eyes looked at Xu Feng gloomyly and said: "Xu Feng, next, I will let you know that there is nothing good to end with our three-legged snakes."

"is it?"

Xu Feng smiled undecidedly.

He waved his hand at the snake cloud and said: "If you are alone, it is really unlikely that it is my opponent. Anyway, your three-legged snakes come one by one. It is really troublesome."

Xu Feng’s words rang and many people were shocked.

They don't understand, what is Xu Feng doing?

Immediately after the next moment, Xu Feng looked at the snake jade not far from the ring, and said: "You two people together, lest I fight one by one, it is a waste of time, and it is very troublesome."


Xu Feng’s voice fell, and the scene was full of squeaky sounds.

"I didn't get it wrong, this Xu Feng will not be crazy."

"He is a master of the spirit of the emperor, while fighting two two spirits, is this impatient?"

"This Xu Feng is really arrogant and somewhat arrogant. Is it difficult for him to think that he is a Chinese cabbage? Is it Chinese cabbage?"


Many people’s voices are questioned.

The talent of Xu Feng before is really good.

However, the arrogant character that is now manifested makes them feel irrational, but this is a painful price.

"Hey, this Xu Feng really doesn't know how to be tall and thick. Does he really think that our three-legged snakes are bullied?" The snake's face was a bit gloomy.

Xu Feng directly challenged the snake cloud and the snake jade, which is simply playing the face of their three-legged snakes.

The snake's mouth twitched slightly and said: "Since Xu Feng wants to teach you the strength of both, let him see, lest he have the strength to speak big."

The words of the snake battle sounded, and the snake jade snorted coldly, and immediately set foot on the ring.

"Xu Feng, you shouldn't be so arrogant."

Snake jade grabbed the whip inside her hand, and her whip radiated the chilly light, and the dark light made people feel guilty.

"I don't think this is arrogance."

Xu Feng was calm and calm. He looked at the snake jade and the snake cloud flying opposite. He said: "The behavior of your three-legged snakes is a bit sinister and sinister. I am very uncomfortable."

"Oh, big words."

The snake jade grabbed the whip inside the hand, and the chilly field of the body emerged directly. The cold and biting cold wind blew out toward the surroundings.

Many people feel that the skin of the body is above the skin of the goose bumps, and the chilly and chilly feelings of the bursts make them involuntarily retreat.

The chilly field of the snake cloud is also very powerful. Both people are in the cold field. Standing on the platform is like being in the ice bank.


"Xu Feng, although I appreciate you very much, but if you humiliate our three-legged snakes, you should pay a painful price."

After the snake jade finished, the whip in her hand suddenly became extremely fierce, and the sound of the moment slammed, carrying the sound of the empty, and falling down.

"People kill."

However, Xu Feng did not have any fear at all. The golden light on his body rose to the sky, and the horrible momentum gave a feeling of majesty.


His fists were lifted up and directly swept straight toward the opposite whip of the snake jade, and the golden light suddenly tore the space.

The endless waves of tumbling rolled up, forming a fist shadow of the road, the shadow of the boundless fist, and the impact of the smashing.


The whip and the fist smashed together, the chilly breath, invading Xu Feng's arms and body.

It seems that I want to freeze Xu Feng's body directly and rush to his blood.

If you switch to other warriors, I am afraid that you will vomit blood directly.

Unfortunately, what Xu Feng is most afraid of is the chilly and cold things. In his body, there are now three kinds of heaven and earth.

Those chilly breaths were instantly rushed away by the hot air waves. His body did not have any discomfort, and the field of killings broke out.

Suddenly, the blood-red fist swept straight out and became extremely fierce.


Snake Jade did not expect that Xu Feng would easily get rid of his own attack, and seeing that the punch had already hit her body, her face changed greatly.

"Snake jade, I will help you."

The snake cloud stared at the snake jade and fell into the wind. He suddenly took a shot toward Xu Feng’s fist. The chilly field above his body began to float above his fist.


Xu Feng's figure exudes a golden light, the blood-red breath becomes extremely fierce, and the attack becomes extremely powerful.

The fist shadow of that road, constantly tumbling up and down, is completely an enemy, not falling into the slightest downwind.

Looking at this scene, many people who were not optimistic about Xu Feng were stunned at the moment.

Is this really a good spirit, should you have the strength?

(End of this chapter)

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