The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1827: Two sweeps

Chapter 1827 sweeping twice

The fighting is still unfinished!

"Well, he is called Xu Feng."

Jueba said to several giant Yi people around him.

All four people looked at Xu Feng with curiosity.

They all know that after the giant tyrants got Xu Feng’s instructions, the strength of returning to the family increased greatly and became extremely powerful.

Although they are not as powerful as the giants, they know that if they can get pointers, they will inevitably increase their strength.

Xu Feng naturally can see the intentions of the four giant Yi people, and smiled: "You can rest assured that I will teach you when the battle for the ancient list is over."

"Ah! Really?"

The youths of the four giants are extremely excited.

Xu Feng nodded. He felt that the people of the Giant Dai people were very loyal and helping them was just a little effort.

"There are a hundred of you left, and then start two or two battles, by drawing lots." The patriarch of the Qingyi Dragons said: "However, each of you needs to fight two battles and win two battles. Only then can enter the first fifty."


The patriarch of the three-legged snakes began to draw lots.

The opponent of Xu Feng’s draw is a young man with a half-step spirit.

"Hello, my name is Xin Li'an."

The young man looked at Xu Feng opposite and said with a smile.

"Get it done."

Xu Feng is now having no interest in playing with the half-step spirit.

In his view, only his field of killings needs to break out, and the half-step Lingdi on the opposite side will be directly defeated by his suppression.

Of course, he did not do this. After all, the Emperor of the Emperor cultivated the field to oppress others. That is what other people do, not the style of his Xu Feng.

Seeing that Xin Li'an hit a punch.


At the same time, Xu Feng waved out with a fist. In the moment when the two fists collided together, the eyes of Xin Li'an were painful.

The whole person only felt that the enormous strength of Xu Feng’s fist broke out and his body retreated.

Xin Li'an's face became incomparably ugly. He looked at Xu Feng standing opposite. He said: "When is the Snowy Fox family, such a strong young man emerges."

"I surrender!"

Xin Li'an's words rang, and suddenly attracted a lot of sensation.

The other duel around is still going on.

"Why did Xin Li'an admit defeat so quickly? It seems that even Xu Feng's cultivation is not tempted?"

Some people are very puzzled to see Xin Li'an, but his own heart is very clear. The confrontation of the punch just now, if it is not Xu Feng's mercy, he will definitely be seriously injured.

Xin Lian said to Xu Feng: "Thank you for your mercy!"

After that, he left the ring directly.

The warrior opposite the snake red sky has been quickly killed by him, and blood is stained in front of him.

The snake red sky snorted coldly and said: "It seems that it will be very acting, so I will admit defeat so quickly, and I will admit defeat if I punch."

Snake Red Day thinks that Xin Li'an is playing with Xu Feng, otherwise how could he voluntarily admit defeat.

"Oh! Idiot!"

I know, first of all, a cold smile, then spit out two words, the opposite of the snake red face is full of embarrassment.

"Which is this Xu Feng, dare to insult the snakes and red days, is he tired of living?" Many people are full of mistakes.

Snake Red Sky is the entire ancient comet, second only to the existence of Qing Yixiao.

Not far away, the first green of the oldest list is laughing.

He also won quickly, but he did not kill his opponent.

The first round of fighting was going on very quickly.

Snow Sakura is now being repaired as a breakthrough to the spirit of the Emperor, and her strength is greatly increased, she also easily defeated the opponent.

He won the top 50 places in the list, which is almost a fact.

Xue Qiao's luck seems to be good too, she uses the charm of the technique to defeat the opponent.

The giant tyrants punched the opponent out.

The second round of the draw is then started.

This time, Xu Feng’s opponent is a half-step Emperor’s peak.

Before this young man, he won the first battle.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and said: "I know that your strength is very strong, but you want to defeat me easily, obviously it is impossible."

"You don't have to continue to talk nonsense, let's go."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite youth. He did not entangle with the other side in words, but directly spoke.

The young man who was half-step of the Emperor’s peak was obviously angered by Xu Feng’s actions.

He suddenly rushed out madly, his hands turned into claws, as if torn the void.

The sharp claws came from the attack of Xu Feng’s chest.

"court death!"

The young man who was half-step of the Emperor’s peak did not expect Xu Feng to ignore him.

Sharp claws hit the moment in front of Xu Feng.


I saw that Xu Feng’s fist was also awkward. He only felt his claws and bent straight down.

The sound of screaming broke out continuously, and his body continued to quit, and his eyes were all terrified.

He used to ridicule Xin Li'an directly to admit defeat. He now understands why the other side wants to directly admit defeat. Such a powerful force does not belong to the giant hegemony.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite half of the spirit of the Emperor Fengfeng youth, asked.

The young man's face became cloudy and he was biting his teeth. He said: "Is it possible to eat as a face? If he is seriously injured, it will be miserable."

"You don't need to continue fighting, I admit defeat."

The young man took a step straight and walked down the ring.

"You are really a stockpile, just a fight, you will lose?"

Someone looked at the youth and yelled directly.

I know that the young man stared at the man with anger and replied: "You are amazing, you have the ability to fight and fight with him. Can I try to pick up the goods?"

"I'm sure he punched you directly."

Many people don't understand, is Xu Feng's strength really so strong?

The patriarch of the Qingyi Dragons looked at the elders and said: "The elders, you snow silver foxes, when did such a young genius appear, we don't know?"

The elders’ old faces are smiling and said: “You are very busy, how can you pay attention to our snow and silver foxes?”

The faces of the elders are satisfied smiles.

They have been snow and silver foxes for many years and have not been so proud.


The patriarch of the three-legged snakes snorted coldly, and of course he also saw it. The two confessed people did not deliberately admit defeat.

Rather, the power of Xu Feng fighting with them is really terrifying. It is just a simple punch that makes the two people unable to resist.

They do not admit defeat, and continue to fight with Xu Feng, I am afraid it will become a waste.

He is very clear that Xu Feng killed two snakes and snakes, which are all a spirit.

This Xu Feng is not simple.

(There is another doubt in the book review area. When you look closely at the time, it is not that all three ways are perfect, and you can break through the cultivation. The killing of the heart has been completed, the field of killing has also been condensed, and it is natural to break through to the emperor. I don’t know how so many people question this. Then the space heart and the gravity heart will also be successfully completed, condensing the real space field and the gravity field. By that time, Xu Feng’s strength has It is almost the middle and upper class of the southern continent, and it is also the time to dominate the world! Thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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