The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1824: Giant tyrant

Chapter 1824 Giants

"Who is that young man? How have you never seen it before?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and asked with incomprehensibility.

"It's really a strange face. I don't know if he is picking up a scorpion, is it really real?"

With such a big movement in the city, many people will come to see the excitement in the natural city.

On the top of the ancient comet, almost all the geniuses of the top 50 of the list are known.

However, they looked at Xu Feng, they were all a slap in the face.

"I have never seen it."

Someone looked at Xu Feng, with curiosity.

"However, listening to the words of the snake red sky, that person can kill his brother, that is not easy."

"The snake is also a spiritual emperor, and it is also the top 20 in the list of the ancients. It can kill the snakes, but I am afraid that the strength is not weak."

"It seems that the Snowy Silver Fox also has a good genius. Looking at him, it looks very young."

The snake is full of strange faces, and he remembers that there is never a person like Xu Feng.

He stared at the snow sakura with his eyes open and said: "Snow Sakura, if you want to reject my intentions in this way, you don't have to."

"I want to know now, you Snow Silver Fox, who killed my brother, I will avenge my brother."

Snake Red Sky stared at Snow Sakura, and he felt that Xu Feng could not kill his brother.

Snow Sakura's beautiful face, watching the snake red sky, said: "Your brother wants to take me away, shouldn't he be killed?"

The snake red sky heard the words, suddenly angry, "I have only one younger brother, my parents have left me, and now my brother is also away from me, no matter who kills my brother, I must personally He avenged."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite snake red sky and said: "Your brother is really killing me, but here is the ancient city. Can you do it to me?"

"Is it also qualified to kill my brother?"

Snake Red Day obviously does not believe, he thinks Xu Feng is a scapegoat for the Snowy Silver Fox.

"Since you said that you can kill my brother, let me see your capital?"


After the snake red sky was finished, the chilly field of the body suddenly filled out, and it was so cold and chilly that it suddenly spurred out toward Xu Feng.

"Although I will not violate the rules in the ancient comet, but I use the field to kill you, it is easy." The face of the snake red day with disdain.


Xu Feng blocked the snow sakura behind him.

Suddenly, he looked at the chilly field that came like a screaming wind.

The **** red killing field on his body broke out directly, and he did not dare to have any care.

The strength of this snake red sky is indeed very strong.

It is only the refinement of the Emperor of the Second Emperor, which has already condensed the chilly field of the first peak of the heavens, and the coldness seems to tear the void.

Just as the snake red day thought that it was easy to kill Xu Feng, he watched the blood red light on Xu Feng and broke out at the same time.


The momentum of the two fields, the constant collision in the space, the sounds of the embarrassing, the whistling of the wind.

"This young man is really very strong. I feel very good in his field of killing." Someone felt the killing power of Xu Feng and made a surprised voice.


Snake Red Sky was even more surprised. He felt his body and Xu Feng, and he quit.

He originally thought that he could easily kill his opponent, but he did not expect the opponent's killing field to be completely weaker than himself.

"When did the Snowy Silver Fox come out like this?" The snake red eyes were a bit strange, and he stared at Xu Feng opposite.

Xu Feng also stepped back. His field of killing and the chilly field of the snake red sky seemed to be evenly matched. It seems that no one can take advantage of it.

"It seems that you are just that."

Xu Feng stared at the opposite snake red sky and said calmly.

The snake red bite his lip and stare at Xu Feng. "You really have a bit of tolerance. No wonder it can kill my brother."

"But if we are fighting in life and death, you will die. I am the second emperor, and you are only a spiritual emperor."

"is it?"

Xu Feng said undecidedly.

The snake red stared coldly at Xu Feng, saying: "In a few days, the battle for the ancient list will begin. At that time, I will let you know, what is called life is not as good as death."

"let's go!"

It is impossible for the snake red sky to fight against the ancient star and Xu Feng. He dare not violate the rules of the ancient city.

Seeing that his field could not suppress Xu Feng, the purpose of his coming to the Snow and Silver Fox family was complete and he left.

However, when he left, watching Xu Feng’s eyes was to kill people.

what! what!

The people of the Snowy Silver Fox family watched the snake red sky and voluntarily screamed.

"Go, let's go around the ancient city."

Snow Sakura looked at the snake red sky and retreated, but also in a good mood.


Xu Feng and Xue Ying, two people joined hands and walked toward the ancient city.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and licked his mouth. He said, "Brother, you haven't liked people since you have Sakura Sister."

"How do you say that?"

Xu Feng asked the kitten.

"Sleep at night, you don't want me to be with you."

The kitten said very poorly.

Xu Feng is a bit embarrassed, snow sakura is even more blushing.

"Sure enough, two people have adultery, hehe!"

Cold or not, there was a snowy voice behind him.

She looked at the snow sakura with a teasing on her face and said: "Snow Sakura, I don't think you really gave yourself to him?"

"I want you to control! I am willing!" Snow Sakura said to Xue Qiao.

"Cut, men are like this, eating in the pot and looking at the bowl, he will come to my bowl sooner or later." Xue Qiao said with a charming face.

Xu Feng’s heart is a helpless smile, this snow is really everywhere.


"Giggle... Giant tyrants, are you really weak?"

A crisp and unbelievable voice came, it was a beautiful woman.

If she didn't look at the moment, not far from her, the oppression of her field, her body became trembling, and her mouth was full of blood.

Absolutely no one would think that the owner of this voice is such a woman.

"Snake jade!"

Snow Sakura looked at the beautiful woman, she looked a bit fascinating.

Her eyes are still small, but they match her cheeks perfectly.

The devil's body is not lost to Xue Qiao around Xu Feng.

"Giant tyrants, as long as you give me a kneel down, I will let you go."

The snake jade face is still a naive smile.


The body of the giant tyrant is almost three meters high. Above the huge block, there is a golden light, which is extremely magnificent.

(End of this chapter)

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