The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1681: Six-fold space heart (four more)

Chapter 1681, Sixth Space, Heart (four more)

Xu Feng is still refining the medicinal herbs and recovering the injury.

As his injury was completely restored, his face was cold and killing.

"Dong Lai Peng, the next is your death."

Xu Feng walked, but the sound of the seven killing spirits in his body sounded.

"Kids, this small space, may increase your perception of space, you can comprehend to try." Seven killing spirits reminded Xu Feng.

He now knows that Xu Feng not only has a killing heart, but also a gravity heart. More importantly, he also has a space heart and a blood of space.

Such a small space that is independently developed, which itself contains the atmosphere of space.

"Oh, it’s not as good as I am in this small space, refining what I got at the Death Star, what are the natural spaces?"

Xu Feng heard the words, and the heart suddenly changed his mind.

You know, the thirteen pieces he got on the Death Star, the natural space is crystallized, he has not been refining, just to prepare for the unexpected.

Now, entering this ancient battlefield, all sides are enemies, refining the natural heart of the crystal, just to make a huge improvement in their own strength.

Xu Feng has always thought of the people who are going to do it.

He is not in a hurry to leave this small space, to kill the East Lai Peng outside.

Instead, choose to sit down with your knees.

The moment he sat down, the five-fold space of his body filled the heart, and above his body, the blood of the rich space continued to surge.

"Desperate space 诀" is running, and the voice of whistling comes from Xu Feng's body. The blood of his body's space is like a viscous liquid.

The breath of space spread from Xu Feng's body, his eyes became empty, and he felt the atmosphere of the surrounding void, so kind, so familiar.

At the same time, Xu Feng’s heart at the moment seems to be completely quiet. He only feels the whole world, and there is only the boundless void.

Even the scream of Dong Lai Peng outside has disappeared from his ear.

However, in such silence, the blood of Xu Feng's space is running more quickly, and under the sacred space, it becomes even more strange.

Around his body, the atmosphere of the five-fold space is filled with breath.

With the floating of the space and the blood of the space, the entire small space began to tremble slightly, as if the power from the boundless void space gathered toward Xu Feng's body.

However, this power is the power of the space that Xu Feng needs.

Xu Feng gradually immersed in such a wonderful sentiment. He did not know that his body was already blending with the void around his body.

The power of the space that gathered in his body, he did not have any feelings, just felt that he was in a very wonderful state, the space constantly fluctuated and became more and more powerful.

About half an hour past.

If Xu Feng's body is around, if he looks carefully, he really blends in with the void.

Moreover, what is even more horrifying is that the entire narrow space is the atmosphere from the boundless space. The power is very weird, but it can constantly enhance Xu Feng's spatial heart.

Those forces, along with the operation of the "Destiny Space", began to integrate into his body, and the atmosphere of his space became more and more powerful.


The blood of Xu Feng’s body has become an incomparable horror, like a surging tide.

The original quiet void began to tremble constantly.

What is even more terrifying is that the atmosphere of Xu Feng’s space is really scary, but after all, it has not broken through to the six-dimensional space.

"Start to refine the natural space and crystallize."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of surprises. He knows very well that under the temperament of such a space, his refining and naturalization of the natural space will become extremely smooth.


The "Destiny Space" is still running, and the natural space that appears in his hand crystallizes, so it is constantly absorbed by his body.

The power of a purely spatial space, constantly crystallization from the heart, rushed toward Xu Feng's body and blended into his heart.

In this way, Xu Feng used the space of the destiny to continually absorb the natural crystal of the refining and refining, and the smell of his body became more powerful.

He did not know how long it took.

It seems that time has passed quickly, and the air of his heart has become more powerful, only because the light of the sixth space has begun to emerge.

Xu Feng refining the crystallization of nine natural spaces, and the space in his body finally broke through to the sixth weight, accompanied by his breakthrough to the sixth.

What he felt was the feeling of being in the void. He looked at the narrow void in front of him, as if the void had turned into an elf, and he was constantly beating.

"Curious feeling, I feel that I seem to be in this void at the moment, I am the master in the void." Xu Feng felt the breath of space, his face with a strong smile.


The blood of space is still tumbling madly. It is in accordance with the operation of the destiny space. The richness of the blood of his space has already horrified to the extreme.

"Weird, I should be the third to face the ninety-nine days of robbery. Why didn't you feel it?" Xu Feng did not feel the breath of the robbery.

"Since it is not necessary to face the looting immediately, then I simply crystallize the remaining space and directly refine it. It is also a sigh of relief."

The most important thing is that Xu Feng is still hearing the insults of Dong Lai Peng outside. He has a cold smile on his face and said: "I will let you sing for a moment, waiting for the remnants of the refining of the four hearts. Is your death."

Xu Feng is going to kill this East Lai Peng.

This Dong Lai Peng took the risk of being a man, and almost made Xu Feng have to display three changes in the spirit of burning, in order to escape, such a despicable villain, Xu Feng is very uncomfortable.

"What the **** is going on, where is Xu Feng in the end, how has it passed so long, or is there any volatility?"

Dong Lai Peng’s face was ugly, and he had passed the day and night. He did not leave for a while, but Xu Feng still did not appear.

This made Dong Lai Peng's look hesitated. He secretly said: "Is Xu Feng already fleeing here, but how did he do it?"

Dong Laipeng is very clear that in the body of Xu Feng, the spiritual power consumption is very serious, and it is completely the end of power.

Of course, he can't let Xu Feng survive safely.

"Is it the time when the kid tears the void, but instead encounters the hurricane of space and thoroughly crushes him in the void, it is a pity that he cannot use his head to win the prize."

"Oh, I don't believe that this kid doesn't eat, I will continue to spend with him for up to three days. If he doesn't come out, I will leave."

Although Dong Laipeng is very keen to kill Xu Feng to receive the reward.

However, even Xu Feng could not find it at the moment. How to kill Xu Feng?

Time passed quickly.

Dong Lai Peng really did not leave.

(End of this chapter)

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