The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1677: Four people die (below)

Chapter 1677, four people die (below)

I don't know why, Liu Hao and so on did not dare to look at Xu Feng's eyes. The eyes seemed to be from the messengers of hell, full of killing atmosphere.


The people watching the game, at the moment, the evaluation of Xu Feng in the heart, there are only two words.

However, they have to say that Xu Feng’s choice is the best way.

Now, Xu Feng is fighting the injured situation and killing one person.

"Xu Feng, I can guarantee that you will die very badly next!"

Liu Hao's face was gloomy. He didn't expect his four-and-a-half-step spirit to besiege Xu Feng. It was a shameful thing.

Now, it is a shame and shame to kill one person by Xu Feng.

"Who is dead in the end, maybe not yet known?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were filled with the killing of Sen Ran. He directly swallowed a few medicinal herbs again, and his injuries recovered a lot.

You must know that Xu Feng's refining medicinal herbs are all 95% of the quality of the medicinal herbs, almost the moment of swallowing, it will produce good results.

"When you shoot, when all four of you are dead, I hope that you will not regret to provoke me Xu Feng." Xu Feng's voice sounded.

The spiritual power of the body flowed again, the double angry sea and the twelve spiritual veins fluctuated at the same time, and the **** red wind began to blow from Xu Feng's body.

Seven gravity road heart!

Ten killings!

With the impact of two kinds of madness, the whole earth is constantly shaking, and the golden light of Xu Feng is becoming more fierce.

"Damn, this kid has just suffered so many attacks from the three of us, how is it so strong?" Liu Hao's heart is full of anger and surprise.

Of course, Liu Hao does not know that Xu Feng’s body of spiritual respect is in perfect harmony. With the constant quenching of the body, he is getting closer and closer to the body of the Emperor.

Their attack may be replaced by other people, and they are really beaten and killed.

However, Xu Feng is different.

The defense ability of his body is not covered.

Spiritual power flows like a raging river.

"People kill!"

Xu Feng took the lead, and the blood-red fist broke out completely. The violent violent wave of violent shocks opened, and his body speed increased to the extreme.

Under the influence of the seven-gravity heart, the speed of the three people on the opposite side has become much slower.

As a result, Xu Feng’s attack has become very strong.


Xu Feng came to go freely. The opposite of Liu Hao and other three people completely took Xu Feng without any means.

However, it is impossible for Xu Feng to kill them.

"Xu Feng is really strong. Just after a strong killing of one person, now the three-and-a-half-step spirits of the battle, they are evenly matched." The onlookers of a nine-character spirit can not help but say.

"This Xu Feng is really a metamorphosis, such a strong talent, do not know how his parents were born?" Some people even think that Xu Feng's parents are too powerful.

"You don't even think about it. When Xu Pang came from a more remote place, he swept the genius of the whole land of China. It is said that even Jiannanchun, who was known as the most powerful genius of the Dark Hall, was swept directly by Xu Feng. ""

"If it wasn't for the dark temple, Jiannanchun would die in Xu Pang's hands."

"Nangong Xue is the heir to the future of the Nangong family. Both of them are enchanting, and the son born is more enchanting."


Of course, Xu Feng did not know that the horrible strength he showed led the people around him to start discussing genetics. What kind of parents can give birth to such a son.


The battle continues, and the spiritual power of Xu Feng seems to be continuous. It seems that he does not know the fatigue, and his combat experience is richer.

The three people, in total, did not take any advantage in front of Xu Feng. The three of them also continued to carry out the battle, and their hearts were shocked.

"Insist on, I don't believe this kid. He just broke through to Ba Pinling, how long can his spiritual strength last?"

Liu Hao felt that the two people around him felt a little tired, and his eyes suddenly burst into a crazy killing, saying: "Xu Feng, I am going to kill you!"

"Suddenly, the spring breeze comes!"

Liu Hao did not hesitate, and the violent spiritual power broke out from his body. He showed his strongest inheritance.

Suddenly, the spring breeze comes, and thousands of trees and pears bloom!

The endless snow flies up and the snow continually condenses, forming a horrible light. The snow is in the air and built into a snow-white bridge.

The bridge slowly moved like this and wrapped it up towards Xu Feng.

"Ground killing!"

Xu Feng felt the power of the powerful spiritual skills. He did not dare to have any hesitation. He displayed the second form of killing the boxing, shaking the ground and breaking the ground.

a punch!

The bridge that snows up without hesitation, the collision of the cockroaches together.


The long bridge with the snowflake condensed, the cracks in the road continued to appear, and the void was torn apart. Xu Feng spurted out the whole blood.

He only felt that the internal organs were injured, but the bridge of the snowflake condensed with his body, and it was scattered and scattered.


Seeing that the three men attacked again, Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised. He had been shaking with three people for so long. His purpose was to make the three people feel scarce.

"The must-have fantasy!"

As the eighty-order soul power of his body broke out, his eyes exploded with the mysterious light. The opposite of Liu Hao and other three people suddenly became confused.


In an instant, Xu Feng stepped out of the fist, the blood-red light above the fist, and smashed out, and he punched one of the half-steps of the Emperor's head.

"What happened, I didn't read it wrong. How did the three people stand and let Xu Feng fight?" The onlookers did not find any clues. They all had big eyes.

After a fist smashed one person, Xu Feng's body suddenly swept out. He pinched the neck of the nearest half-step Emperor, and suddenly disappeared.

"Soul Secret? How can you be a mystery?"

Liu Hao’s eyes were suddenly shrinking. He knew very well that the illusion that they had just caught was Xu Feng’s soul secret technique.

"Ah! Don't kill me... don't kill me..."

The half-step Emperor who was stunned by Xu Feng’s neck, his eyes were horrified.

"I said that all four of you will die, you will die!"

Said, Xu Feng slammed, and the neck of the half-step Lingdi was pinched off.

The half-step of the Emperor’s eyes was annoyed with regrets.

He did not expect that he was killed by an eight-pronged spirit.

"Now, do you still think I should regret it?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded as if to break the tranquility of this world.

The onlookers have long been stunned and stunned.

(Six more sent, various requests!)

(End of this chapter)

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