The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1644: Amazing alchemy techniques (23)

Chapter 1644 Diverse Alchemy Techniques (23)

"You have heard that there is no, this refining guild's refining contest, even the refining genius of Shenzhou's vast refining family, Yu can come to participate."

"What, that Yu can also come to participate in the refining contest, isn't he the best of seven products? It's incredible, so it seems that this time the first one is none other than him."

"You don't want to think about it, that is the red spirit, who doesn't want to get it. The reward of this refining contest is that the red sorcerer, this medicinal medicine is a perfection for the soul. Jiadan medicine."

"That is also true. If I am Yu Da, I would rather come to participate. Anyway, when I take the Chitian Soul Dan, I can leave. How happy it is."


Above the huge square, the noisy atmosphere, everyone is talking about it, all discussing who can get the first place in the refining contest.

The reputation of Yu Da is still very big. Xu Feng found that there is a lot of discussion about Yu Da in the crowd. It is really a means to come to Yu Yu.

After Xu Feng went to collect his own token, he came to the place where everyone in the refining contest was located. He looked at it roughly, at least a few hundred people.

He found a cold and piercing look towards himself. It was just before that he had a relationship with himself.

This guy stared at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, I will let you know that you are not worthy of Xue, Xue, she is my person, I will let you know how stupid you are with me. select."

Yu can have a cold smile on his face.

Many refiners are looking at Xu Feng. They are all curious and say: "Which is this young man who has not yet participated in the refining contest, he even offended Yu."

"I'm afraid you still don't know. This young man is called Xu Feng. He turned out to be a seven-product teacher. I don't even believe that this is true."

"No, it’s just how old he is, it’s the seven-pronged master. It’s incredible. Is his talent so high?”

Some people have some curiosity about Xu Feng. They must know that Xu Feng is enrolling in the seven-product lacquering division, and that he will refine the medicinal herbs.

"I think this kid is coming to the public. His control methods and flames are very good, but alchemy and fire control are not the same concept."

Someone looked at Xu Feng and said this.

Xu Feng did not care about the words of the people around him.

About an hour passed, an old man appeared in the refining guild square, and many people's eyes looked at the old man, with awe in their looks.

Xu Feng looked at the robes of the refiners dressed in the other side. The golden badge, he said: "It’s really not easy. Is this the eight-pronged master?"

"He is the president of the refining guild, and it is said that Huo is blaming. It seems that the refining contest is about to begin." Someone looked at Huo’s grotesque, and some looked forward to it.

"It is said that Huo Lao blame is holding the purpose of this refining contest and wants to recruit pro-disciples. If anyone can become his disciple, it will become a fact that it is almost certain."

Huo’s old-fashioned eyes are solemn, and his look sweeps through the crowds and says: “You, I represent the refining guild, welcome you to participate in the refining contest.”

"I hope that everyone will abide by the rules of the refining contest, do not falsify, or you will be severely punished. This refinery contest, the first round, is divided into different grades, refining the remedy."

"Of course, the refining medicinal herbs and herbs are all prepared by us. When you refine, you can use your own alchemy furnace."

"But you can't use your own medicine. You can pick all the herbs we have prepared and finally compare the quality of the refining."

"The so-called, there is no incentive, there is no motivation. Therefore, this refining medicinal medicine, if the quality can rank in the top 100 people, you can enter the refining tower for seven days."

"After seven days, all of you have come out of the refining tower. The second stage of the competition is to understand the understanding of the drug and the means of refining the drug."

"At that time, I will continue to announce the rules of the second phase. The next round of the refining contest will begin soon." Huo old blame said here.

With a smile on his face, he looked at everyone and said: "Please ask different grades of refiners to go to different levels. As we announce the beginning of alchemy, you can refine. Remember, refining the medicinal herbs. Time is limited. Exceeding time means elimination."


The figures of the roads are moving towards the surroundings, and they go to different places.

Xu Feng also stood in the place where the seven products were refined. He found that there were only eighteen people in the seven products.

The seven best products refining divisions are even less pitiful. There are only five people in the district.

The seven products of the middle product refiner and the seven products of the lower product division, the number of both are similar, dense.

"That kid is really not self-sufficient. How could he be a seven-productor? When he will refine the medicinal herbs, everything will be revealed." Someone looked at Xu Feng, with a mocking voice.

"The ones that are placed in front of you are the medicinal materials for refining Tianxiangdan, and the refining of the seven-medicine medicinal Tianxiangdan can test the level of fire control."

"It is also possible to test the control of medicinal herbs. This day, Xiangdan seems to be very common, but there are countless refining methods, and the refining remedies are completely different."

"So, there are a lot of herbs, you need to consider how you can refine the high quality Tianxiang Dan. Next, I announced that alchemy began."

The person who announced this time is not an old man.

As the president of the refining guild, he just sat down and began to watch.

"Tian Xiang Dan?"

Xu Feng’s mouth is slightly raised. This day, Xiangdan can be said to be the most common Qipin medicinal medicine. This kind of medicinal medicine can calm down. The medicinal herbs are very common, and almost all seven cultivators will refine.

However, the effects and quality of the refining medicinal herbs are all different.

“Really, refining Tianxiang Dan is the best way to assess.”

Xu Feng's heart is also clear, Tianxiang Dan has varied, and the refining seems to be very complicated, but it is also very simple, so it can play a very good role.


Seeing that many people couldn't wait to go to get the herbs, Xu Feng did not hurry to go up, his eyes glanced over the herbs.

"You look at that kid, it really can be loaded! Forced, he is so calm, is to tell others, he is already well-informed?"

Some people look at Xu Feng not in a hurry, it seems that he is already winning the prize for refining Tianxiang Dan.

(End of this chapter)

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