The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1635: It’s just for me (fourteen)

Chapter 1635 is simply for me (fourteenth)

"Save me... save me..."

The old man looked at Xu Feng, like watching a life-saving straw.

Xu Feng did not blindly start to save him, but said: "Predecessors, your cultivation and strength, are not what I can contend with, the so-called anti-human heart is indispensable."

"I can save you, but then you need to sign a soul contract with me, and then in the ancient city of Kyushu, I need you to do something for me."

"You robbery by fire?"

The old man heard Xu Feng’s words. He still didn’t understand what Xu Feng meant. He suddenly looked at Xu Feng with his face full of anger. He was covered in those dark chains, and he kept shaking and making a squeaky voice.

"Predecessors, if you are still so excited, then I can only take a step first, I don't want to end up like you." Said, Xu Feng, actually turned to leave.

"Don't stop..."

The old man saw Xu Feng really want to turn around, suddenly appeared on the face of helplessness, he looked at Xu Feng, said: "Can ... can, as long as you saved me, you can sign a soul contract with me."

"Oh, this is right. Although the predecessors are strong spirits, sometimes you have to know the current affairs. Is it right?" Xu Feng’s mouth was raised.

The old man's blood-stained cheeks, constantly shaking.

"Predecessors, don't resist, I will sign the soul contract first."

Saying, above Xu Feng's palm, a very complicated imprint is condensed, which is the soul contract.

You must know that Xu Feng’s body of the seven killing spirits at this moment is also the soul contract signed in this way.

"The treacherous boy."

The seven killing spirits felt the breath of the old man outside, and he could not help but scream.

Xu Feng pretended not to hear the words of the Seven Killing Emperor, what kind of jokes, such a strong Emperor, Xu Feng, who was a little careless to die, he could not make fun of his life.


The old man felt that Xu Feng had signed the soul contract. His old eyes were full of anger. He did not expect himself to be free and comfortable for so many years. Now he was signed by a hairy boy.

However, is there any way to do this?

People are under the dwarf and have to bow their heads.

Xu Feng reached out and tried to pinch the dark chain.

"Kid, your repair is impossible to pinch this chain. This chain is the abyss cold iron. It is specially forbidden to be a strong man. You are now going there, pulling those chains out, I bring those irons. Chain, let's get out of here first." The old man looked at Xu Feng but pinched the chain, he reminded Xu Feng.

"Well?" Xu Feng frowned. When his palm touched the chains, he felt as though he was frozen all over the body. It was really scary.

"Kid, don't continue to waste time, hurry..." The old man is anxious. If those people come back, they can't run without running.

Xu Feng looked at the old man and said: "It's just a broken iron chain. I still don't believe that I can't help. Then don't be surprised, don't scream!"

In the palm of Xu Feng's hand, a burst of hot light emerged, and the red flame of the fire burned, causing the dark chain to be directly blown.

The old man's eyes wide open, he stared at the flame between Xu Feng's palms, his voice was shaking, said: "How is it possible? How can you refine the world?"

"This is the flame of the ranks of one hundred and seven?"


The chains of the abyss and cold irons condensed with the infinite flames, and suddenly burst into a creaking sound, and they were scattered all over the place.

The bones of the old man were bound by the iron chain. At this moment, he bit his teeth, and the chains were taken out, and the blood continued to flow.

"These remedies you take first, have a great effect on your injury." Xu Feng took out some medicinal herbs and handed it to the old man, who had wide eyes.

"Nine-five percent of the quality of healing Dan?"

The old man’s eyes are stunned. He really doesn’t understand how the 26-year-old boy in front of him did this.

Those medicinal herbs are not refining by ordinary cultivators. His eyes fall on Xu Feng, making Xu Feng somewhat unnatural.

"Why, is there any flower on my face?"

Xu Feng looked at the old man opposite and said directly.

"Kid, what is your identity, even useful for heaven and earth, and such high-quality medicinal herbs?" The old man looked at Xu Feng with amazement.

"Don't think too much, my identity is very simple." Xu Feng shook his head and looked at the old man. He said: "You must take the medicinal herbs and we will have the opportunity to leave safely."

"This group of dark temples! Broken, even hit the idea to the old man, and later I met the people in the dark hall, I met one to kill one..."

When the old man swallowed down the medicinal herbs, an angry flame broke out in his eyes. The breath on his body began to pervade as the effects of the medicinal herbs turned.

"A strong and powerful momentum, this time it seems to be a treasure, haha!" Xu Feng felt the breath of the old man, with a smile inside.

He did not show his joy on his face. For him, there is no doubt that this spirited strong man should follow the class. He will be safer in the old city of Kyushu.

"Predecessors, are you a four-character emperor?"

Xu Feng looked at the old man and asked.

The old man squinted and said: "Kid, although you signed a soul contract with me, you saved me, but I can help you. But if you let me violate the principle, I can't do it."

"Predecessors can rest assured that my person is very just, and my enemies are also the dark temple."

Xu Feng looked at the old man and said it straightforwardly.

"Kid, do you have a hatred with the Dark Temple?"

The old man was surprised with both eyes, looking at Xu Feng in front of him, he was thinking inside, on the southern continent, which forces dare to fight against the dark temple?

However, if he wanted to think about it, he still didn't think about it.

"Predecessors, you just said that those treasure maps are conspiracy, what does it mean?" Xu Feng looked at the old man, but he felt the blood smell underneath was very strong.

"The group of the dark temples, they are using the attracted warriors, strengthen the killing power, use the blood to the blood sacrifice! Their main purpose is said to help the dark temple hall, a genius disciple, to suffocate."

When the old man’s words are said here, his voice is extremely low.

Xu Feng’s face has also become ugly, which is simply a maddening thing.

“Heavy suffocation?”

Xu Feng’s face was curious. He looked at the old man and said: “Predecessors, isn’t that the use of those suffocating ones to practice killing and killing?”

Thinking of this, Xu Feng’s face is full of excitement.

If his killing can be further, then the killing of the heart is perfect, then his killing heart can completely counter the real field.

(End of this chapter)

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