The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1449: Nether sect

Chapter 1449 The Nether of the Nether

"Several people, you know that I am looking for you, why is it?"

Above Saturn, the light and momentum of this star are very low. Of course, this star can be said to be very hard, but the strength of the Nether is not much better than that of Dongyue Mountain. They have no choice.

Of course they are even more reluctant to pick the dead star.

Many resources above the Death Star are much more than Saturn, but the Death Star can be dangerous.

Of course, Saturn also has a benefit, that is, the defense of this star is very strong.

When they first came to Saturn, they would adapt to the gravity of Saturn, but they continued to be familiar with it in such an environment and constantly tempered.

The sacred sect is the star of Saturn, Zheng Xiaokai.

He has already made the Lord of the Nether Star three times, and his cultivation has also broken through to the peak of the eight spirits, nearly ten years.

"Sister Zheng, what do you have, just say it right, it is hard to be above our Saturn, what huge chances are there?"

An eight-pronged youth looked at Zheng Xiaokai. He knew that Zheng Xiaokai had finished the star of this year, and the next star owner was him.

Zheng Xiaokai looked at the man and immediately looked at the people in front of him. He said, "I want to shoot the Death Star? I don't know what you mean?"

Zheng Xiaokai is very clear that they have been in the battle for the Seven Stars for so many years. They don’t want to go on like this.

This time, it is also the qualification of his last star owner, he wants to make some vigorous things.

However, he found that when he wants to shoot other stars, the only chance to win is Dongyue Mountain Villa, which is the shot of the Death Star.

"Sister Zheng, the dead star is not simple. Do you think we can really defeat the Death Star?" Someone looked at Zheng Xiaokai, and Dongyue Mountain Villa was not good.

Zheng Xiaokai smiled and said: "You don't know, the disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa have always been selfish and they can't unite together."

"As long as we have all the members of Saturn out, giving the Death Star a surprise attack, I believe it will definitely cause a devastating blow to the Death Star."

"Of course, we don't need to fight with them. If we take some of the supreme liquid, we can leave the Death Star directly and return to Saturn."

"After all, we need to do what we can, and our sorcerer wants to occupy two stars, that is, self-destruction."

Zheng Xiaokai’s plan seems to be very comprehensive.

Saturn's supreme liquid is much more than the dead star, but for so many of them, such a little supreme liquid is simply not enough to satisfy.

Zheng Xiaokai is very clear, that is, the Battle of the Seven Stars. If you can take the people to the opposite star and defeat the opponent, then there will be a situation of gas transfer.

Why are pylores getting stronger and stronger these years?

To a large extent, the pylorus is in a huge position in the Seven Stars. Every time the pylorus kills at least two stars, there will be some secrets and even some magical mysteries. These are the real hopes of the pyloric disciples. Obtained, otherwise grab those supreme liquids, who is willing to take risks?

"We only need to defeat the Death Star. Those who occupy the Death Star are not us. Our goal is to race against time and get the most benefit before anyone else can do it for us."

Zheng Xiaokai looked at the crowd and said: "If you all agree to follow me to the death star, then we must start early."

"Of course, if everyone is not willing to take risks, then we are here waiting to be cleaned up by other forces."

The scene fell silent, Zheng Xiaokai did not urge.

About half an hour later, a young man with eight peaks looked at Zheng Xiaokai and said: "Zheng Xiaokai, since you are the star owner, you decide to shoot the dead star, then you can."

"Yes, we also need to fight. We don't want to continue to decline like this. Seeing that the pyloric gets so much benefit every time."

"Get it."

Zheng Xiaokai looked at everyone's agreement, and he suddenly arranged it, leaving a quarter of the man's hand above Saturn, responsible for guarding everything about Saturn.

The rest of the people followed him and went to the Death Star to attack. As long as they plundered the Death Star's Supreme Liquid, they could leave without a fight.

I have to say that Zheng Xiaokai's plan is really perfect.

Unfortunately, he did not know that this year's Death Star is not the former Death Star, and the star Xu Feng is not the former star owner.


"The deputy star owner, the star retreat has been three days, there will be nothing?" Jiang Liuer, an eight-pronged spirit asked.

Jiang Liuer looked at the eight-pronged spirit and smiled and said: "Reassure, that metamorphosis can't have anything. You all have to play a very strong spirit. You control the killings, it is about the safety of our entire Death Star. Absolutely No problems can arise, or the consequences can be disastrous."

"To know the boulder we set up on both sides of the Grand Canyon, as long as the other side perceives it, it is very difficult to choose one by one to pass slowly. We want to use the huge stone to kill each other."

The eight-pronged spirit patted the chest and said: "The deputy star master, you can rest assured that our eight people are now more and more eager to kill the squad."

At the same time, the eight-pronged spirit is somewhat curious: "The deputy star master, what do you say is the star owner? His talent is so terrible, will it be arranged?"

"I recently heard some younger brothers discussing them. They think that Xu Feng is not our boundless star. He may come from Seoul, Kyushu, or from the center of the southern continent."

Jiang Liuer’s words are also somewhat strange.

He really didn't know where Xu Feng came from. He said directly: "I don't know where Xu Feng comes from? As long as he can take us and win the first place in the Battle of Seven Stars, it is really an incredible thing. ""


Outside the Death Star Grand Canyon.

Zheng Xiaokai, with the people of the Nether, appeared in the Death Star.

"Zheng Xiaokai, don't you come innocent?"

In front of the many disciples of the Nether, this young man is not someone else. He is the one who wants to act alone, and he does not know how he contacted the Nether.

"Xu Xiaoxiong, I am really deeply saddened to know your experience. Since you want me to help you teach them lessons, I will certainly come."

Zheng Xiaokai looked at Xu Wei, and there was a sigh of relief in his eyes.

Yes, the reason why he dared to attack the Death Star this time was to receive a letter from Xu Wei.

Originally, Xu Wei wanted to unite with Zheng Xiaokai. He felt that he did not get the supreme liquid and he was very dissatisfied.

"Zheng Xiaokai, you must not care. As far as I know, the pyloric affiliated forces three days ago, led by Li Wei, but the whole army was annihilated."

Xu Wei said to Zheng Xiaokai, Zheng Xiaokai is full of surprises.

He is very clear that many of the forces attached to the pyloric are also strong together.

(End of this chapter)

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