The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1439: Absolutely strong (five)

Chapter 1439 is absolutely strong (five)

"For example, Ji Li, who are now six people, if they want to make a map of the Death Star, they should give them a reward for the liquid."

"Of course, our usual distribution of supreme liquid, because there are not many supreme liquids, we will leave it for the time being. But everyone can rest assured that there is soup from my Xu Feng, and you will have your meal."

Saying, Xu Feng did not even hesitate, he handed all the supreme liquids to the fee.

In Dongyue Mountain Villa, many people know the character of Fei Neng. Most of the disciples believe him. They all look at Xu Feng with admiration.

"I said that Xu Feng's younger character is generous. He is the star master and is absolutely fair and just to all of us." Yuan Teng knows Xu Feng's character.

He knows that Xu Feng is willing to stand up for everyone when he is hunting in the cold, and he is not only a selfish person.

"Xu Feng, brother, we will follow you later!"

"Yes, following Master Xu Feng, we must work hard in the battle of the Seven Stars."

"We all work hard to cultivate and strive to get rid of this last identity."


There is no doubt that Xu Feng’s move has won the support of most people.

After all, many people know in their hearts that if they are allocated according to their strength, those supreme liquids, where they get their own enjoyment.

At this time, Xu Feng’s eyes fell on the faces of more than ten people who were not far away. Those who looked at Xu Feng’s eyes, they did not know what Xu Feng was doing.

Xu Feng said with a smile: "You, I know that you are all from the subordinates of Dongyue Mountain Villa. You want to hold the group and you are forgiven."

"However, my Xu Feng is not someone else. I don't allow any problems with my team. Since you come with my Dongyue Mountain Villa, I am responsible to you."

"Now, I will give you two choices, the first choice. Later you are a member of the Death Star of Dongyue Mountain Villa. The second choice, you can leave the Death Star now, I don't limit where you go."

"You can rest assured that no matter how you choose, you will represent the Death Star. I will never go back to Dongyue Mountain Villa to find the troubles behind you."

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, the eyes of more than a dozen people were shocked. Before they came, they really agreed to do this together, so as not to be bullied.

After all, before they came to participate in the Battle of the Seven Stars, but there have been experiences of being bullied. They clearly have the Eight Spirits respected, but they have received very few Supreme Liquids.

"Star Master, we follow you, and later are members of the Death Star." Someone looked at Xu Feng and felt that Xu Feng was not like Chen Fu and others, and he immediately expressed his position.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people chose to join.

However, in this way, some people are not happy.

That is Chen Fu and other people. They used to participate in the Battle of Seven Stars. The most noble liquid produced by this spring is that they took the lead and divided most of them.

Then, take out a small part to distribute to everyone. Now these supreme liquids are all collected by Xu Feng alone, and they can be handed over to the fee. Can they be happy?

"Hey, Xu Feng, what you said now is a grandiose, I think you want to swallow these supreme liquids alone?" Chen Fu looked at Xu Feng, his face was not awkward.

Several people around him suddenly came forward and said: "Xu Feng, surrender the supreme liquid that belongs to our name, we are now leaving the dead star."

"Yes, we don't fight with you, we get our supreme liquid, we will leave now." Someone pointed to Xu Feng's angry way.

"Hey, what are you doing? Rebel?"

The strong breath of Jiang Liuer broke out, and his eyes stared at the people with anger.

However, Xu Feng waved his hand at Jiang Liuer. He looked at the few people and smiled and said: "Is it the supreme liquid in your name? Is the supreme liquid of this spring yours?"

"Are you all blind? Didn't you hear what I said, according to work? These supreme liquids don't belong to you, they don't belong to me, they belong to the dead stars of all our Dongyue villas."

"From the time you came to the Death Star, you want to find trouble three times and five times. Do you really think that Xu Feng does not dare to kill you?" Inside Xu Feng's eyes, there was a cold killing.

The killing of his face emerged, and everyone standing next to Xu Feng felt a burst of chills.

"Xu Feng, do you really think that we are afraid of you? We are old brothers, but his strength is much stronger than you. He is the first person to call us Dongyue Villa."

At this time, Di Maoyan came out. He looked at everyone and said directly: "You must not be confused by the surface of Xu Feng. This person is very mean and shameless."

"Everyone knows, I am with him to join the Dongyue Mountain Villa. I know him better than you."

"Otherwise, why don't I want to be with him?"

Di Maoyan said that he was generous.

When he knew that his words had just been finished, the cold killing of Xu Feng’s body emerged, and his body disappeared in the same place, and he saw a word in his mouth.


His speed turned out to be so fast. When Di Maoyan reacted and wanted to retreat, he found that his neck seemed to be caught by the clip.

"Shu Xu...the peak...What are you doing? You want to kill the same door?"

Di Maoyan wanted to struggle, but did not expect Xu Feng's strength to become so horrible, he did not even react to the reaction.

"What do I have to do? Since you have tried to provoke me three times and five times, then don't blame me, you don't forget, I am the star of this dead star."

After Xu Feng’s words were finished, he did not wait for Di Maoyan to ask for help from Xu Wei and others.

With a bang, Xu Feng directly twisted Di Maoyan's neck directly, and Di Maoyan's eyes were unwilling, so he fell slowly on the ground.

Xu Feng’s expressionlessly extracts Di Maoyan’s Taoist fragments, and he throws the heart fragments to the far-reaching energy. “The big manager, this piece of heart is handed over to you, when someone needs it, Can be given directly."


Seeing that Xu Feng actually killed Di Maoyan at such a speed, many people secretly took a breath of cold, but the seven-pronged spirits were repaired, and even the reaction time was not, they were killed by Xu Feng.

Chen Fu’s heart is shocked and his heart said: “Damn, this Xu Feng’s cultivation and strength has actually improved. How is this possible?”

Chen Fu looked at Xu Feng. He said with anger: "Xu Feng, what do you want to do? I am one of the deputy stars. Can you not even want us to kill?"

Xu Wei stood not far away, he also slightly squinted his eyes, he knows that Xu Feng is killing chickens and monkeys, but there is no doubt that Xu Feng has achieved this effect.

(End of this chapter)

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